Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Drimoleague 4 m. nearest money order and
telegraph office
Postmistress - Mrs
Conveyances - Madore
a station; Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry 1 m. from Caheragh ; three trains to and two from Cork daily.
Stationmaster -
Parliamentary div
Rural District Council Skibbereen
Electoral divs Caheragh, Cloghdonnel, and Killeenleagh
Dispensary and Registration dist of
Medical officer and Reg
– Dr Michael Burke, Skibbereen
Petty Sessions districts of Drimoleague and
Constabulary dist of Dunmanway
National Schools - head teachers
Bauravilla - J McCarthy; Mrs
Garrane - Timothy Maguire, Miss McCarthy
Killeenleagh - Corns McCarthy, Mrs
Butter Market-Friday
Ahern Rev Jeremiah, C C
O'Flea Rev Jeremiah, P P
Whitley Rev A J W, BA, rector
Clancy P, vintner, Bauravilla
Goggin William, Killeenleagh
Collins Mrs Hannah, vintner
Hayes Patrick, blacksmith
Hegarty Patrick, genl mercht and butter buyer
Hobbs William, genl merchanf
O'Donovan Michael, vintner
Electoral div. Caheragh
Ahern George, Mullaghmore
Cotter John, Barna
Murphy Patrick, Ballyourane
Daly Mrs J, Clooncugger
Dineen Denis, Barna
Dineen Mrs, Barna
Donovan Corns, Clooncugger
Donovan John, Coolboy
Duggan Timothy, Clooncugger
Keohane Nicholas,Clooncugger
McCarthy J, DC, Ballyourane
Murphy Patrick, Ballyourane
O'Hea J T, DC, Derreenavarrihy
O'Hea Denis, Derreenavarrihy
Sullivan Corns, Clooncugger
Sullivan J, Derreenavarrihy
Sullivan James, Coolboy
Sullivan John, Clooncugger
div. Cloghdonnell.
Caverley Andrew, Cooranuller
Caverley Andrew, Cooranuller
Coakley Denis, Coolbane
Connell Charles, Dromcorragh
Donovan Denis, Lassanaroe
Donovan John, D C, Lassanaroe
Donovan Timothy; Lassanaroe
Donovan Timothy, Rea
Hayes James, Dromcorragh
Hayes John, Dromcorragh
Leaky Mrs J, Dromcorragh
Lonney John, Cooranuller
McCarthy Patrick, Garrane
Minihane Michael, Coolbane
Murphy Denis, Dromcorragh
Murphy Jerh, Dromcorragh
Stout Robert, Coolbane
Sullivan Daniel, Cooranuller
Sullivan Eugene, Rea
Sweeny Miss, Coolbane
div Killeenleagh.
Beamish Alleyn, Coarliss
Collins John, Caheragh
Donovan Denis, Madore
Donovan Patrick, Carrig
Goggin William, Killeenleagh
Hartnedy Timothy, Caheragh
Hegarty Birth, Cioghanc
Hegarty John, Caheragh
Hegarty Mrs Mary, Caheragh
Hegarty Patrick, Caheragh
Hourihan E, Cloghane
Hourihan Mrs, Cloghane
Burley Timothy, Coarliss
Keohane Patrick, Killeenleagh
Kerr William, Lissangle
McCarthy A, Ballagliadown
McCarthy Charles, Caheragh
McCarthy Daniel, Caheragh
McCarthy Jeremiah, D C, Ballaghadown South
McCarthy Patrick, Castle, Clohanebeg
McCarthy William, Caheragh .
Mahony Jeremiah, Caheragh
Mornane Daniel, Cooradowney
O'Sullivan Timothy, Coarliss
O'Sullivan Arthur,Cloghanebeg
Patterson Samuel, Maune
Roberts Mrs T, Lissangle
Shelly D, Lissangle
Shelly John, Madore
Sullivan Charles, Caheragh
Sweetnam Thos, DC, Clohane