Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Carrigrohane



Ballincollig 2 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmistress - Miss M E Buckley


Conveyances - Carrigrohane and Leemount stations Cork & Muskerry ry ; seven trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster - Daniel Buckley


Parliamentary borough of Cork

County Electoral div Ballincollig


Rural District Council Cork

Elect. Divs. Ballincollig and Carrigrohanebeg


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballincollig


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Ballincollig .

In charge of Bannowbridge stn- Sergt Deeney


National School-head teachers

Kerry Pike - Lce O'F'laherty; Mrs O'Flaherty



Aldworth Mrs Robert St Leger, Carrigrohane lodge

Barnes E W, Leemount

Bass F Hodder, Rockrohan

Boyd Capt R, R F A, Carrigrohane house

Bray James, Rosanna

Dunscombe G W, B A, J P, Mountdesert

Dunscombe Mrs, Mountdesert

Fitzpatrick Robert, Ardnalee

Gibbings Rev Edward,MA, rect

Hartley Col, Mount Desert

Horse H, Carrigrohane castle

Kelly T, land stwrd, Gawsworth

Murray Capt Adam, Dock lodge

Linehan The Misses, Arbutuscottage

Logan George, Ballinora

O'Callaghan J, Carrigrohane cot

O'Connor John, Castlefrem

O'Neill Corns, C P S, Mill view

Parker Miss H E, Carrigrohane lodge

Pike Ebenezer, J r, Ki.lcrenagh-

Pratt Austen C C, Beechmount

Pratt Henry, J P, Gawsworth

Pratt Robert, jun, Beechmont

Rohu F R, Millboro

Shorten Joseph, Templehill

Simpson John, land steward, Kilcrenagh

Studd Capt M A, RFA, Hillfarm

Thompson James, Junction hse

Wood Richard, Kitsboro


Shopkeepers, etc:

Hennessy Patk, prov dealer

Kennedy Mrs H, vint, Kerry Pike

Long Margaret, Leemount Cafe

Mahony D &Sons, harnessmkrs

Moxley R, vint, Carrigrohane

Murphy Kate, Raheen cottage




Electoral div. Ballincollig.

Callaghan James, Carrigrohane

Campana J, Kerry pike

Connell Corns, Carrigrohane

Foley Dellis, Carrigrohane

Hegarty John, Leemount

Henchy John, Hill farm

Leary Michael, Kerry Pike

Murphy J D, Carrigrohane

Murphy Patrick, Rockfarm

Murphy Thomas, Carrigrohane

Murphy Timothy, Leemount

O'Callaghan C, Carrigrohane

Richardson G, Clashmartin

Richardson Michael W, Churchview, Carrigrohane

Ryan William, D C, Templehill

Shorten Joseph, Templehill

Walsh James, Kerry Pike

Wise James, Carrigrohane



Electoral div. Carrigrohanebeg.

Ahern Mchl, Mce, Dromasmole

Donovan Danl, Coolatanavalley

Dwyer Patrick, Coolatubrid

Horgan Mrs M A, Inchigaggin

McAuliffe J, Coolatanavaliey

Murphy D J, Coolatanavalley

O'Keeffe Ml, Coolatanavalley

Scanlan John, Woodside