Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Castletown-Kinneigh




Ballineen 4m nearest money orderand telegraph office

Postmaster - William O'Mahony


Conveyances - Ballineen (Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry) nearest action


Parliamentary div South Cork

County Electoral divs Warrenscourt and Dunmanway


Rural District Council Dunmanway

Electoral divs. Castletown, Kinneigh, and Bengour


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballineen


Petty Sessions district of Ballineen

Constabulary district of Dunmanway.

In charge of Kinneigh station - Sergeant Jas Cudden


National School - head teachers

Castletown - Jerh O’Mahony, Mrs M Galvin



Webster Rev Hedley, B D, rector, Kinneigh glebe



Castletown-Kinneigh Co-operative Creamery - John Crowley - manager


Shopkeepers, etc.

Buttimer Mrs, vint, Bengour wst

Coughlan Richard, carpenter

Crowley John, shopkeeper

Donovan Mrs, shopkeeper

Fehily Daniel, mason

Fehily Francis, mason

Forties Mrs, vintner

Harrington Hanora, vintner

Kelleher Barth, newsagent

Lordan Daniel, tailor

McCarthy John, shopkeeper

McCarthy Margt, shopkeeper

Moore Henry, shopkeeper

O'Callaghan Timthy, carpenter

O'Rourke Daniel, blacksmith

Woods William, shopkeeper




Electoral div . Castletown

Applebe Edward, Castletown and Ardkilleen

Buttimer Wm, Shanaclogh

Chambers James, Ballaghanure

Chinnery Henry, Castletown

Crowley Patrick, Clonomara

Dromey Patrick, Ardkilleen

Duke William, Ardkilleen

Forties John, Sleenoge

Galvin Patrick, NT

Gash Mary, Castletown

Hosford Walter, Castletown

Howe Robert, Ballaghanure

Long James, Ardkilleen

Moore Henry, Castletown

Northridge S, Moneynacroha

O'Mahony Denis, Paddock

O’Mahony John, Clonomara

O'Sullivan Corns, Ardkilleen and Kinneigh

O'Sullivan Mrs, Clonomara

Pyne Jeremiah, Sleenoge

Schofield John, Garland

Shorten John, Moneynacroha

Sullivan john, Garland

Welply John E. Clonomara

Woods Richard, Paddock


Electoral div. Kinneigh

Donoghue John, Gortaleen

Foley Timothy, Ballyveloneeast

Galvin Michael, Gortaleen

Hartnett Mrs, Gortaleen

Horgan John, Kinneigh

Hurley Jeremiah, Kinneigh

Hurley Jeremiah J, Dromfeagh

Hurley John, Buckaree

Hurley Timothy, Cloonareague

Hurley Richard W, Dromfeagh

Hurley William, Buckaree

Hurley William, Cloonareague

Hurley William, Gortaleen

McCarthy Florence, Dromfeagh

McCarthy Timothy,Dromfeagh

Moore Joseph, Ballyvelone east

Murphy Jeremiah, Kinneigh

Murphy- Timothy, Kinneigh

Nyhane John, Kinneigh

Nyhan Timothy, Kinneigh

O'Neill Felix, Ballyvelone


Electoral div. Bengour

Callaghan John, Lissarourke

Crowley Timothy, Farnmareen

Crowley William, Rushfield

Daly John, Lissarourke

Good James, Lissarourke

Harnett Mrs, Belrose

Holland James, Belrose

Holland Mrs J, Belrose

Holland Mrs W, Belrose

Horgan William, Belrose

Hosford John, .Farnnlareen

Hosford William, Belrose

Howe William, Rushfield

Hurley William, Belrose

Lordan Daniel, Lissarourke

O'Sullivan WM, D C, Belrose

Ryan Jeremiah, Belrose

Ryan John, Belrose

Ryan Mrs T, Belrose

Scannell Jeremiah, Lissarourke

Smith Mrs, Rushfield