Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Castletownshend


Skibbereen. (Pop 555)


Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmaster - William Ward


Conveyances - Skibbereen 6 m. (the terminus Cork,  Bandon and South Coast ry) nearest station


Parliamentary div. South Cork

County Council div Skibbereen

Rural Distract Council Skibbereen

Electoral div Castlehaven north


Dispensary and Registration dist of Union hall


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Skibbereen
In charge of Castletownshend station - Sergeant William Joyce


Coastguard station, Castletownshend

Station officer-George Ryder


National Schools-head teachers

Castletownshend - Daniel Callaghan, Miss Collins, Miss Ward

Castletownshend (mixed) - Miss E Johnson

Dooneen - William Burchill, Mrs O'Mahony



Aylmer Col E K G, C B, Redhouse

Aylmer G P V, Red house

Barlow Miss, Solla.in

Barton Major, Cuan Brin

Becher Rev Harry, B A, rector Castlehaven

Chavasse Major, Seafield house

Coghill Lady, Farrandeligeen

Coghill Col Kendal J W, C B, J P Cosheen

Coghill Sir Egerton B, Bart, Glenbarrahane

Hennessy Rev P, ADM

Hobson Edward, The Cottage

Hodson Miss Eleanor, M B, The Mall house

Mahony Patrick, retired officer coastguard

Morris Col ; Shanacourt

Mulcahy Thos, asst co surveyor

Ryder Geo, station officer coastguards

Sandys Miss, The Gate House

Somerville Col CT,Drishanelae

Somerville Edith , Drishane house

Somerville Miss, Farrandaw

Spencer Capt P, senior officer coastguards, Malmasion

Townshend C F, The Castle

Townshend Capt ,A F, Tallyho house

Townshend Chas L, The Castle Hotel,



Townshend Arms - T McCarthy


Builders and Carpenters.

Collins John

Driscoll Wm

Hayes John

Mahony H


Car Owners.

Hennessy John

McCarthy J

Hurley Patrick

Neil J



Drishane House Dairy

Burley Michl, Moneyvollahane


Shopkeepers, etc,

Daly Miss, grocer

Donovan W, vintner

Hegarty Miss, vintner

Hourihan D, grocer

Kennedy Cornelius M, vintner

McCarthy Timothy, vintner

Mahony Edward, vintner

O'Mahony Daniel, grocer

O'Mahony Henry, grocer

Whooley Timothy, blacksmith



O'Mahony E & Sons




Electoral div. Castlehaven north .

Beamish Richard, Drishanemore

Browne Henry, Killangal

Browne John, Killangal

Browne Margaret, Killangal

Browne Richd, Moneyvollahane

Buckley Daniel, Gortbrack

Buckley John, Inane

Collins P, D C, Castletownshend

Connelly Barth, Ardgahane

Connelly Patle, D c, Ardgahane

Donovan James, Killangal

Donovan Jerh, D c, Raheen

Donovan John, Glasheenaulin

Dunston M, Moneyvollahane

Goggin M J, Farranconnor

Hurley Mrs, Currabeg

Hegarty Mrs Patk, Fahouxagh

Lambert Morgan. Bawnagollopy

Leary James, Bluid

McCarthy Margt, Lettertinlish

McCarthy Elln,Moneyvollahane

Neill Michael D, Gortbrack

O'Shea John,DC,Drishanemore

O'Sullivan Daniel, Raheen

Sullivan Cornelius, Smithville

Sullivan C, Moneyvollahane

Swanton Miss A, Farranagilla

Townshend L, The Barn

Wholly John J, Lettertinlish