Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Charleville


(Pop 1925)


Head post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Postmaster - M Carbery

Mails despatched for Dublin, England, etc, week-days, 3.35, 10 p m ; Cork and South of Ireland, 12.30 a m And 9 am


Conveyances Charleville a station  G S & W ry, and junction Cork and  Limerick Direct ry (station 1-1/4 m. from town) ; eight trains to and six, from Cork daily

Stationmaster - C Harding


Parliamentary div North Cork

County Electoral div Charleville



Chairman - John R Daly, J P

Clerk - P Cronin

Engineer - J W Joyce

Dispensary and Registration dist of Charleville

Med officer and Regr - Dr John Cremin



Petty Sessions held each alternate Monday.

Quar Sess dist of Mallow

Clerk Petty Sess - James Leeney

Civil Bill officer-D McCarthy



(See Special Constabulary List.)

Dist Inspector - O G de C Baldwin

Head Constable - D Brennan

Constabulary station - Sergeant James Purcell



Leeney J, C P S



Bank Ireland - Agent, R Jackson ; sub-agent, R W O'Brien ; cashier, John James

Munster and Leinster Bank ltd - Manager, John R Daly, J P ; accountant, M F McKiernan

National Bank ltd - Manager, D F Carroll ; teller, J M Hassett ; J Fitzgerald, J O'Connor, J Maguire



Commercial Club, Main st.



Ch Ireland (Ballyhea) - Rev R Harvey, MA, rector

R Catholic (Charleville) – Very Rev P J Canon O'Callaghan, P P, V F; Revs D Dineen, D D, and D J Dennehy, curates

R Catholic (Bailyhea) - Rev E Morton, P P ; Rev James Gleasure, C C

R Catholic (Colmansrvell) - Rev J Carroll, C C



Sisters of Mercy - Rev Mother M Augustine



Christian Brothers - Director, Rev Brother C F Lysaght

National - head teachers

Charleville - Timothy Kelly

Convent - Sisters of Mercy

Ballyhea - Thomas Fox ; Misses Hishon

Effin - R Joyce


Fairs and Markets- 10 Jan, 3 Feb, 16 Mar, 14 April, 12 May, 9 June, 6, July, 15 Aug, 12 Sept, 10 Oct, 12 Nov, 5 Dec ; fairs falling on Saturday or Sunday held following Monday; pig fairs previous day. Market days Wednesdays and Saturdays



Augustine Rev Mother, Sisters of Mercy

Baldwin O G de C, dist insp RIC

Binchy Jas, solr, Gortskeagh hse

Bouchier-Hayes H, M D

Brennan J, Main st.

Carbery M, postmaster

Carroll D F,mgr National Bank

Carroll Rev J, CC, Colmanswell

Clanchy J T, VS, Belfort

Cremin John, M D

Cronin John, JP, Dc, Liscullane

Cronin P, clerk rural dist council

Cussen Michael. New line

Daly D, Bailyhubba house

Daly J R, J P,  DC , mngr M &, L bank

Dennehy Rev Denis J, CC

Dineen -Rev D, D D, C C

Ferguson A C, Castleharrison

Fitzgerald T, National bank

Fitzgerald N, Lisnagree,

Gleasure Rev Jas, CC, Ballyhay

Hannigan M J, Sandfield hse

Harding Chas Furlong, J P

Harvey Rev Ralph, MA, rector

Hassett J M, teller Nat bank

Jackson R, agent bank Ireland

James J, cashier bank Ireland

Kenmare, Rt Hon the Earl of Lisnagry

Kennedy J, Convent view

Longford Arthur, J P, Rowls-Broadford .

Leeney James, C P S

Lysaght Rev Bro C F, director

Christian Brothers

McKiernan M F, M & L bank

Maguire J, National bank

Moran J P

Mortell James

Morton Rev E

P P, Ballyhay

O'Brien Patk, J P, Ballingarth

O'Callaghan Very Rev PJ

O'Brien R W, sub-agent Bank Ire

O’Callaghan, Very Rev P J, Canon, PP, VF, Parochial house

O'Connor J, National bank

O'Shaughnessy Mrs, Knights lodge

O'Gorman Mrs, Milltown castle

Rice Richard J, Prohurst

Ryan Edmond, D C

Ryan Patrick, solr, Main st.

Sanders R M D, J P, Sanderspark

Sullivan Godfrey, Maiden hall

Synan, Mrs

Wallis E P, Maryville

Wilson Percival Lea, dist insp RIC



Binchy James

Ryan Patrick, Main st.


Physicians and Surgeons.

Bouchier-Hayes H

Cremin John


Pharmaceutica1 Chemists .

Carroll James

Garty Fred R



Commercial - T Hurley, prop

Imperial-Mrs Madden, prop

Royal, Main st-D Coleman, proprietar



Ballyhay Dairy Co ltd-Cornelius Walsh, sec &

Charleville Co-operative Dairy Co-M De Lacey manager


CleeveBros,Lisgriffin Creamery – M Taylor, manager

Kiimallock Creamery Co-P P Lynn

Shandrum Dairy Co-P Lynch, managing director



Lyons P

Miller & Mannix, Main st.

Sheedy S, Main st.



Cahill Mrs M, Main st.

Duggan D, Main st.

Hurlev M

Leo James, Main st.

McCarthy T R

O'Flaherty E, Broad st.

O'Flaherty J P, Main st.

Sheahan J J, Main st.

Syrian Edmond, Main atreet



McCarthy Daniel


Booksellers and Stationers.

Joyce Robt
O'Gorman Miss

Riordan Mrs T


Boot Warehouses

Parry J -

Crowley Brss

Lynch M F & Main st. Co,

Moran Jeremiah P

O'Connor D H

O'Donnell John J

O'Mahony M J


Brewers Aggents.

O'Connor J R, Main st

Spillane & Co (of Limerick)


Builders and Contractors,

Galwey P & M

Reidy Patrick

Riordan T


Butter Exporters.

Charleville Co-operative Dairy  Co

Shandrum Dairy Co



Gorman P

Hickey James


Cattle Dealers

Fisher Patrick

O'Connor Patrick

O'Connor J & M

O'Shaugnessy William


China and Glass Dealers.

Binchy & Son

Cagney Mrs

Carroll M

Joyce R E

Wilkinson Miss


Coach Builders.

Casey Jeremiah

Coleman Dan

McCarthy Timmy

Ryan Edm

Shanahan Jas


Coal Merchants.

Fitzgerald N

Hurley Michael

Morris Michael



Browne Mrs E

Cagney Mrs

Cronin J

Riordan Mrs T



Sheehan Michael, Main st.


Cycle Agents

Ahearne John

Hurley John F

McCarthy Timothy



Barry J, Main st.

Crowley Bros

Lynch M F & Co, Main st.

Moran Jeremiah, Main st.

O'Connor Mrs, Main st.

O'Donnell John, Main st.

O'Donnell Joseph, Main st.

O'Mahony P Joseph, Main st

Phelan Miss, Chapel st.

Ryan Bros



Hannan Miss, The Terrace

Kelleher MMiss

O'Brim Miss, Main st.

O'Flynn Miss, Main st.

Phelan Miss,Chapel st

Scanlan Miss, Chapel st.


Egg Merchants

Mortell P & Sons


Fancy Warehouses, etc

Browne Mrs, Main st.

Joyce R E, Main st.

Riordan Mrs T J,. Clanchy st.


Feather & Skin Merchant

O'Toole Michael &Sons

Mortell P & Sons

Murphy J & Sons


Flour Merchants.

Cahill Mrs, Main st.

Duggan Daniel, st.

McCarthy T R Main st

Morrissy J, Smiths lane

O'Flaherty E, Broad st.

Syrian Edmond, Main streeg

Walsh Denis, Main st.



(Also Vintners.)

*Ball Henry, Main st.

*Bennett P, Main st.

*Binchy Owen & Son, Main st

*Burke Corns, Main st.

Cagney Ed, Main st.

*Carroll James, Main st

*Carroll Mary, Main st.

*Casey Mary. Main ctrpnt

Creagh J, Main St.

Geary Michael, Main st.

*Henchy Mrs, Broad st.

Hurley M & Sons, Main st.

#Leo James, Main st.

* Lyons Patrick, Main st.

*Madden Mrs, - Main st.

*Miller C Main st.

*Moran Hannah, Main st.

*Mortell J, Charleville

*Q'Connor J R, Main st.

*O'Flaherty E, Broad st.

*O'Flaherty John P, Main st

O'Shaughnessy J J

*O'Riordan Mrs, Broad st.

Riordan Mrs T J, Clanchy st.

*Ryan Edmond, Main st.

*Sheehan Mary, Main-st.

*Troy Christopher, Main st.


Hardware Merchants.

Binchy Owen & Son, Smiths lne

Brown Patrick

Galway Bros, Main st.

Hurley M & Sons, Main st.

O'Shea J, Smiths lane

McCarthy Timothy, Main st



Hurley M & Sons, Main st.

Linane Eugene, Main st.

Nagle John, Smiths lane


Insurance Agents:

Carroll D F 

Cronin P

Kennedy J

Leeney James

Miller C J

O'Mahony NI

Moran J P



Brown Mrs E

Moran Jerh P

O'Connor D H

O'Donnell Mrs

Phelan Miss

Sheahan Miss



Charleville mills - Cahill and Morrissy, props



Donegan J, Main st.

Dineen Bros, Broad st.

Gould Michael

Sweeney J, Broad st.


Provision Dealers.

Cagney Mrs, Main st.

Cleary Mrs, Smiths lane

Kelleher D, Main st.

Kennedy M, Main st.

Mortell James, Main st.

Murphy Mrs, Smiths lane

O'Gorman Miss, Main st.

O’Shaughnessy J J

O’Sullivan Thos, Smiths lane

Wilkinson Miss, Main st.



Hayes T

O'Sullivan M

Rea Daniel

Ryan Edward

Shanahan M



Fraher J, Broad st.

Fraher M, Chapel st.

Moran J J, Main st.

Wall F T, Main st.


Timber Merchants.

Binchy & Sons

Galwey Bros

Hurley M & Sons

O'Shea Mrs

Riordan T J



Lyons P

Riordan T J

Madden Mrs

Ryan Edmond

O' Flaherty E & Son ,


Victuallers .

Coghlan Miss

Fisher M, Main st.

Fisher Patrick, Broad st.

O'Connell Patrick J, Main st

O'Sullivan T & Sons, Main st



(Set also Grocers.)

Carroll Main st. Miss,

Dinneen Thos,Broad st.

Fitzgibbon W, Smiths lane

Kelieher D, Main st.

O'Sullivan Thomas, Smithslane

Sheehan Michael, Main st.

Walsh Denis, Main st.




Electoral div. Springfort.

Binchy James, Ballynoran

Brazil Lee, Ballynadrideen

Cagney J Springfort

Casey Thomas, Coolcaum

Clanchy John, Ballynadrideen

Drinan Timy, Ballynadrideen

Flaherty Michael, Ballyroe

Flaherty Michl,jun, Ballynoran

Flynn William, Coolcaum

Foley Mrs, Ballycoskery

Galvin Robert, Ballynadrideen

Herbert Michl, Ballynadrideen

Herlihy James, Ballycoskery

Madigan blichl, Ballynadrideen

Malone Mrce, Ballynadrideen

Morton Denis, Ballycoskery

O'Brien Daniel, Ballycoskery

O'Connor John, Ballyroe

O'Flaherty John J, D c, Ballynoran

Began John, Ballynadrideen

Walsh Maurice, Ballynoran

Walsh Michael, Ballynadrideen



Electoral div. Ardskeagh .

Browne James, Ardskeagh

Groom Bartholomew, Garrane

Doherty James W, Garrane

Fitzgibbon David, Garrane

Fitzgibbon Patrick, Garrane

Foley Thomas, Ballylopen

Meade Mary, Ballylopen

Miller Michael, Ballylopen

Moloney James, Rathglassane

Moloney Michl, Rathglassane

O'Brien Michael, Ardskeagh

Sullivan Patrick, Garrane

Wall Mary, Ballylopen

Walsh Michael, Garrane



Electoral div. Ardskeagh .

Casey James, Cooleen

Daly A, Cooleen

Dooley Patrick, Ballyhay

Hedigan Charles, Cooleen

Jones John, Ballyhay

Kelly Michael, Ballyhay

McAuliffe Mary, Cooleen

Moloney Michael, Cooleen

O'Brien Maurice, Cooleen

Began D, Pruntus

Reidy Denis, Sorrel

Reidy John, Sorrel

Ring John, Pruntus

Riordan Thomas, Pruntus

Sheedy Michael, Sorrel

Electoral div. Charleville

Bennett Michael, Broghillsouth

Buckley Mary, Broghil

Biggane Denis, Broghill north

Corkerry D, Broghill north

Culhane Catherine, Broghill nth

Finn Mrs C, Kiltoohig

Flaherty Jane, Kiltoohig

Jones Thomas, Rathmorgan

Keane Edmond, Rathmorgan

Leary Thomas, Kiltoohig

Lingane Thomas, Rathmorgan

Lyons John, Rathmorgan

Mannix Johanna, Broghill north

Moloney Maurice, Broghill nth

Morton John, Rathmorgan

Murphy Edmond, Rathmorgan

Noonan John B, Broghill north

Rearden Ellen, Rathmorgan

Riordan Edmond, Rathmorgan

Riordan Thomas, Rathmorgan


Electoral div. Springfort.

Buckley Michl, Knockardamrum

O'Flaherty Matthew, Knockardamrum

Riordan Mrs, Knockardamrum

Walsh Cornelius, Castleharrison



Electoral div. Milltown.

Lynch William J, Kiltass



Electoral div. Springfort.

Flaherty Patrick, Castlewrixon

McDermott D, Castlewrixon

McDermott Peter, Castlewrixon

Mahony Patrick, Castlewrixon



Electoral div. Charleville

Ball Henry C, Rathgoggan mid

Bennett P, Rathgoggan middle

Bennett T, Rathgoggan middle

Canty James, Rathgoggan sth

Daly Ambrose, Kathgoggan sth

Fisher Patk, Rathgoggan mid

Fleming Michl , Rathgaggan nth

Kiely Reps of James, Rathgoggan mid

Leo John, Rathgoggan middle

McAuliffe Mary,Rathgoggan sth

McAuliffe Wm, Rathgoggan sth

McCarthy C, Rathgoggan mid

McCarthy Edmnd, Ballysallagh

Maguire John, Rathgoggan nth.

Mahony Margt, Rathgoggan mid

Mannix Timothy, Rathgoggan

O'Connor J, Rathgoggan mid

Ryan Josephine, Rathgoggan

Walsh Ellen, Ballysallagh

White Johanna, Rathgoggannth

Electoral div. MiIltown.

Murphy Jas, Farranshonikeel

Ryan George, Farranshonikeel


Electoral div. Springfort.

Browse James G, Ballypierce

Casey Mary, Garrynagranogue

Flyers John, Ardnageehy

Hawe Matthew, Ardnageehy

O’Brien Timothy, Ardnageehy

O'Kelly John, D C, Ballypierce

Rea Edmond, Ardnageehy

Ryan Patrick, Ardnageehy

Sullivan Wm, Garrynagranogue

Walsh Mrs, Ardnageehy



Electoral div Charleville.

Bennett John, Kippane

Binchey James, Gortokagh

Carroll James, Gortokagh

Carroll Patrick, Ballydaheen

Cronin James, Liseullane

Cronin John, JP,D C, Liseullane

Cussan David, Gortokagh

Daly Mrs A; Liseullane

O'Brien Jeremiah; Kippane

O'Brien Maurice, Liseullane

O'Brien Mrs, Kippane


Electoral div Milltown

Bennett Patrick, Glengarriff

Cagney John, Shandrum

Cagney John, Killaree

Clifford John, Shandrum

Connell William, Glengarriff

Cronin James, Glengarriff

Cullinane Joseph, Killaree

Cussen Mrs, Glengarriff

Daly Jahn, Killaree

Drinan Mrs, Cloghanughera

Drinan Mary, Cloghanughera

Hanrahan Joseph, Glengarriff

McAuliffe John, Shandrum cross

McCarthy Mrs, Shandrum

Moloney John, Shandrum

Moloney Michael, Killaree

Moloney William A, Shandrum

Mortel John, Cloghanughera

Naughton Michael, Shandrum

O'Neill Denis, Shandrum

Ring Michael, Killaree

Sheehan Margaret, Killaree

White Patrick, Cloghanughera