Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Clonakilty


(pop 2196,)

(Urban District Council.)

Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmaster - M S Bruton


Conveyances-Clonakilty a station,

Clonakilty branch Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry ; four trains to and three from Cork daily

Stationmaster -W Walley


Parliamentary div South Cork

County Electoral div Clonakilty



(See Special List.)

Chairman Council - MI F Scully, JP

Vice-Chairman - Patrick McCarthy

Chairman Guardians - John Donovan

Clerk - William Henry Spiller

Assist Clerk - P Byrnes

Master - Cornelius Nyhane


Dispensary and Registration district of Clonakilty - Med officer and Regr -W Bennett, MD



(See Special List.)

Chairman - T J Canty, J P, M C C

Clerk - John Donovan



Petty Sessions held each alternate Thursday.
Quar Sess dist of Bandon

Clerk Petty Sess - R C Lendrum

Civil bill officers – John Chiddick, Roger Topper and Thos Nagle



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector - John Rowan

Bead Constable - M Kenny

Constabulary station - Sergeants P Hussey, M Forrest, E Bolger .



Officer - F R McKenna



Ring Bar Station - Station officer - J Camley

Galley Head Station -Station officer - E C Richards



Spiller William H, clerk union



Lendrum R C, The Retreat

Sounders Robert, Strand Road



Bank lreland-Agent, J T Wheeler, sub-agent, Wm E Osborne

National Bank Ltd Manager W H Fitzmaurice ; accountant, J Cavanagh

Munster and Leinster Bank Ltd-Manager, H .S Lewis ; accountant, D F Lyons



Agricultural Society- Patron- Most Rev Dr Kelly, Lord Bishop of Ross ; president-Reginald Bence Jones, J P, D L ; hon secs - P W

O’Donovan, solr, J C O’Sullivan, sec John Crowley

Industrial Development Association President, R Bence-Jones; D L ; hon sec, Miss E O’Regan, R C Lendrum, J Crowley

Carbery Club Hon sec, T J Canty, J P

Catholic Young. Mens Society- President, Rev J J Sheehy, C C Hon Secretary, Jerome Moloney

Young Mens Christian Association -President, Ven Archdeacon C McFetridge, M A



Ch Ireland (Kilgarriff)-Ven Chas McFetridge, M A, Archdeacon of Ross, rector ; Rev J P Phair, B A, curate

R Catholic-Right Rev Monsignor J O’Leary, PP, V F ; Revs J J Sheehy, J Murray, J Collins, curates

Presbyterian-Rev J T Fleming

Methodist-Rev T J Allen



Sisters of Mercy-Rev Mother, Mrs Josephine



Intermediate and University-Principal - P Mulcahy

National-head teachers

Clonakilty No 1 - J Crowley

No 2-J J Forsythe

Clonakilty Infant, Miss B Crowley

Convent No 2-Sisters of Mercy

Knockskagh - J Barry ; Mrs Barry

St Aloysius (Industrial Catholic females)-Sisters of Mercy, managers


Fairs and Markets-First Monday in month. Market day, Friday



Allen Rev T J, Meth minister, Shannon square

Atkins & Co, Main Street

Barnett J, Ring

Barry Michael, Mill Street

Bateman John Henry, Main Street

Bateman John; Main Street

Bateman Miss, Mill Street

Beamish Arthur L, Dunmore House

Beamish George, Beaumont

Beamish James, U D C, Mill Street

Beamish Mrs, Mill Street

Beamish Richard, Cashel

Beamish Thomas, Caherlarhig

Becher Michael Allen R, J P, Ballyduvane house

Bence-Jones Reginald, J P, D D C, Lisselane

Bennett & Co, Shannonvale

Bennett A. W W , L P S I

Bennett Joseph, Shannonvale

Bennett J W, D’C. Western Road

Bennett Mrs, Sovereign Street

Bennett Thos J,DC, Shannonvale

Bennett Wm, M D, The Square

Blewitt John, Sovereign Street

Bruton M S, postmaster

Bryan Mrs, Sovereign Street

Bullen Miss, Mill Street

Burchiil Mrs Susan, Olivers Street

Buttimer R, Sovereign Street

Byrnes P, Jermyn Street

Cahalane James, Boyle Street

Cambridge Robert, Georges Street

Canty T J, J P, CO C, C U D C, The Square

Cavanagh J, acct National bank

Central Meat Co, Sovereign Street

Chiddick Isaac, Chapel Street

Chiddick John, Sovereign Street

Chiddick Mrs W, Sovereign Street

Coghlan Miss, Lamb Street

Collins Rev J,  C C, Desert

Collins j, Tullyneasky

Collins J P, UDC, Main Street

Collins Mary A, Sams cross

Connolly John, Mill Street

Cooke Margaret, Mill Street

Crofts Surg-Major, The Square

Cross Miss, Sovereign Street

Crowley Mrs D, Sovereign Street

Crowley J, N T, Western Road

Crowley Timothy, Mill Street

Cullinane D, U D C, Chapel Street

Cullinane J M,solr, Sovereign Street

Cunningham M, Boyle Street

Daly Denis, Strand Road

Daly P, Mill Street

Deasy and Co ltd, The Square

Deasy Jeremiah, Patrick Street

Donovan Denis Main Street

Donovan D T, Shannonvale

Donovan John, J P, Killeens

Donovan John, town clerk

Donovan John, Sovereign Street

Donovan Mary, Square Street

Donovan Michael, Sovereign Street

Donovan Mrs Cath, Shannon Arms Hotel

Donovan Mrs P, Mill Street

Donovan Timothy, Foxbridge

Driscoll Joseph, Sovereign Street

Driscoll Miss, Sovereign Street

Driscoll Timothy, Chapel Street

Dullea Chas, Sovereign Street

Evans W T, Barrack Street

Fahy J, Sovereign Street

Fenton John, Sovereign Street

Fitzgerald Mrs, Main Street

Fitzmaurice W H, manager National bank

Fitzpatrick Daniel, J P, D C, Tullyneasky

Fitzpatrick John J, J P, U D C, Western villas

Fitzpatrick Patrick, Georges Street

Fitzpatrick RevJas, CC, Ardfield

Flaming Rev J T, Presby min

Foley & Co, Mill Street

Gillman John St Leger, J P, The Retreat

Graves Rev Chas W, B A, rector,Kilnagross

Hadden Edwd, M D, The Square

Hallissy M J, Main Street

Harrington Philip, Sovereign Street

Harte Patrick, Western Road

Harte William, Strand Road

Hayes Daniel, Mill Street

Hayes J & Son, Strand Road

Hayes Jeremiah, Mill Street

Hayes Joseph, Tawnies

Hayes Michael, Strand Road

Hayes Mrs, Georges Street

Hayes Nathaniel, The Miles

Hayes P, Strand Road

Hayes T J, Georges Street

Hegarty Miss, Georges Street

Hegarty Peter, Sovereign Street

Helen Miss L, Sovereign Street

Helen R J, U D C, Western rd

Hennessy Miss N, Main Street

Hill Thos, J P, U D C, Western rd

Hodnett Patk, Georges Street

Holland John, Strand Road

Holland Timothy, Strand Road

Hoskin H, L P S I, Sovereign Street

Hungerford Miss, The Island

Hungerford Mrs, Sunmount

Hurley Charles J, rate collector, Sovereign Street

Hurley D, Strand Road

Hurley James, M D, Ballyduvane

Hurley Jerome ,The Quay

Hurley John , 0livers Street

Hurley Mrs E, Jermyn Street

Irvine Mrs, Grancore

Josephine Mrs, Rev Mother convent mercy

Keany M, head const R I C

Kelly John, Strand Road

Kennedy C T, LL B, solicitor, Sovereign Street

Kennedy Michael D, The Square

Keohane Mary, Sovereign Street

Kingston Barnabas, Beechgrove

Kingston Danl, Barrack Street

Kingston Richd, Springmount

Kingston S, Kilgarriff

Kingston Jerh, Barrack Street

Lane Mrs A, Square Street

Lantalum John, Mill Street

Lendrum R C, CPS, The Retreat

Lewis H S, mngr M & L bank

Longfield Major, Ardfield

Looney J, Strand Street

Lucas Edward, Mill lane

Lyons D T, acct M & L bank

McCarthy Daniel, Strand Road

McCarthy Denis, Strand Road

McCarthy Eugene, Strand Road

McCarthy F, Sovereign Street

McCarthy James, Chapel Street

McCarthy Miss, Sovereign Street

McCarthy Mrs, Sovereign Street

McCarthy Mrs P, Lamb Street

McCarthy P J, solr, Mill Street

McFetridge Wren Charles, M A, Archdeacon of Ross, rector, Kilgarriff

McKenna F R, inland revenue officer, The Square

Magner Wm, Sovereign Street

Mahony Jerome, Georges Street

Maude Henry W, Square

Mennis John, Strand Road

Mills Edward, Strand

Moloney Mrs, Mill Street

Moloney Mrs, Main Street

Moriarty J F, Barrack Street

Moriarty Miss, Barrack Street

Murray Rev John, C C, Strand Road

Nagle Richard, Sovereign Street

Nagle Thomas, Barrack Street

Nugent John, Mill Street

Nyhan Daniel, Sovereign Street

Nyhan J T, Main Street

Nyhane Corns, master workhse

O’Brien C, Main Street

O’Brien & Co, Chapel Street

O’Brien John, Barrack Street

O’Brien Miss H, Mill Street

O’Brien Mrs, Fort Prospect

O’Brien Margt, Sovereign Street

O’Brien Mrs E P, Main Street

O’Brien Stephen, solr, Square and Chapel Street

O’Brien William, Georges Street

O’Clery Lawrence, M D, Main Street

O’Crowley Jas J, architect and engineer, Sovereign Street

O’Donovan P W, solr, Sovereign Street & Weston lodge

O’Driscoll Patrick, Carrigroe

O’Driscoll Patrick, Georges Street

O’Hara John, Main Street

O’Keeffe James, Jermyn Street

O’Leary Annie, Chapel Street

O’Leary Right Rev Monsignor John, P P, V F

O’Leary Thos, Castleview mills

O’Neill Elizabeth, Main Street

O’Neill Felix, Mill Street

O’Neill J J, MRCVS, Sovereign Street

O’Neill Kate, Chapel Street

O’Neill Michael, Sovereign Street

O’Regan C, Barrack Street

O’Regan Miss M, Sovereign Street

O’Regan Mrs, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan D & Sons, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan J C, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan Miss, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan Patrick, Boyle sq

O’Sullivan Wm, Sovereign Street

Osborne W E, sub-agt Bank Ireland

Palmer Michael, Main Street

Payne E, Main Street

Perrott Miss L, Mill Street

Phair Rev J P, B A, curate  C I

Quillnan Mrs M, George Street

Regan John, Mill Street

Ronan Mrs, Mill Street

Rowan John, dist insp R I C

Santry Josephine, Georges Street

Saunders Robert, Strand Road

Shanley Patrick, Georges Street

Sheehan Miss, Mill Street

Sheehy James, N T, Mill Street

Sheehy Rev J J , C C, Square

Sheehy M, Mill Street

Spillane Paul H, Sovereign Street

Spiller J E & Co, Sovereign Street

Spiller S H, Sovereign Street

Spiller Wm Henry, clack union, The Square

Sutton John, Chapel Street

Swanton R, L P S I, Mill Street

Travers Frank V Johnson, J P, Fernhill

Travers Mrs Boyle  Fitz-Henry, The Strand

Welply W E, asst co surveyor, Knocks house

Wheeler J T, agent , Bank Ireland

White J, Lisavaird

White John, Georges Street

White Mrs, Mill Street

Wren Nester, Mill Street

Wright Miss L, Sovereign Street

Wright T W, solr, The Square

Wycherlev  G, Main Street


Solicitors .

Cullinane J M, Sovereign Street

Kennedy C T, LL B, Sovereign Street

McCarthy P J, Mill Street, and Bandon

O’Brien Stephen, Square Street

O’Donovan P W, Sovereign Street

Wright T W, The Square


Physicians and Surgeons.

Bennett J H, The Square

Bennett  William, The Square

Crofts Surg-Major, The Square

Hidden Edward, The Square

O’Clery Lawrence, Main Street



Imperial, Strand rd - J O’Brien

Shannon Arms - Mrs Catherine Donovan



Saunders R, Strand Road



Bateman Miss, Mill Street

Donovan Denis, Mill Street

Fenton John, Sovereign Street

McCarthy Mrs M, Sovereign Street

O’Brien Ellen P, Main Street

O’Regan  Miss M, Sovereign Street



Deasy Patrick, 46 Patrick Street

West Cork Bill Posting Co


Boot and Shoe Warehouses.

Bateman John, Main Street

Connolly J, Mill Street

Donovan Denis, Main Street

Hurley Daniel, Sovereign Street

Moloney Mrs, Main Street


Brewers .

Deasy & Co ltd, The Square



Harte Patrick, Western Road

Sutton John, Chapel Street

White Patrick, Sovereign Street


Butter Merchants.

Fitzpatrick Patrick, Georges Street

Hill Thomas, Mill Road

Hodnett Patrick O’Sullivan J C; Sovereign Street


Cattle Dealers.

Holland John, Strand Road

O’Keeffe James, Jermyn Street



Bennett W, L A H, The Square

Hoskin H, Sovereign Street

O’Clery L, M D, Main Street

Swanton R, LPSI, Mill Street


China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers.

Bryan Mrs, Sovereign Street

Buttimer R, Sovereign Street

Donovan Mrs P, Mill Street

Lantalum John, Mill Street

McCarthy Mrs F, Sovereign Street

O’Brien Margt, Sovereign Street

O’Brien Miss, Mill Street

O’Brien Mrs E P, Main Street

Ronan Mrs, Mill Street


Coach Builders.

Hayes T J, Georges Street

Looney J, Strand Street


Coal Merchants.

Barnett J, Ring

Bennett & Co Shannonvale

Clonakilty Coal Company

Donovan DT, Shannonvale

O’Sullivan J C


Confectioners .

Fenton J, Sovereign Street

Fitzgerald Mrs,  Main Street



Lucas Ed, h-till lane

Quinlan Mrs, Georges Street



Hill Thomas, J P- P Hill, mgr

O’Sullivan J C -J White, mngr



Collins J P, Main Street

Dullea C, Sovereign Street

Foley & Co

Hallissy M J, Main Street

Moloney Mrs J, Georges Street

Nugent John, Mill Street

Nyhan T John, Main Street

O’Brien C, Main Street

O’Hara John, Main Street

O’Regan C, Barrack Street

Payne Mrs, Main Street


Dressmakers and Milliners .

Blewett Mrs, Sovereign Street

Brosnan Mrs, Sovereign Street

Chiddick Mrs W, Sovereign Street

Cross Miss, Sovereign Street

Hennessy Miss N, Main Street

Hurley Mrs E, Jermyn Street

Lane Mrs A, Square Street

O’Regan Mrs, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan Miss, Boyle Street

O’Sullivan Miss, Sovereign Street

Payne Mrs E, Main Street

Sheehan Miss, Mill Street

Walsh Miss, Boyle Street



O’Brien Magt, Sovereign Street


Egg Merchants :

Donovan Mary, Square Street

Driscoll Timothy, Chapel Street

Hill Thomas, Mill Road

Mennis John, Strand Road

O’Brien & Co, Chapel Street



Bateman John H, Main Street

Bennett Mrs, Sovereign Street

Bryan Mrs Sovereign Street

Buckley Timothy, Mill Street

Bullen Miss, Mill Street

Burchill Mrs S, Olivers Street

Chiddick Isaac, Chapel Street

Chiddick John, Sovereign Street

Collins Mary A, Sams cross

Cooke Margaret, Mill Street

Evans W T, Barrack Street

Fenton John, Sovereign Street

Helen Miss L, Sovereign Street

Hayes Michael, Strand Road

Keohane Mary, Sovereign Street

Lantalum John, Mill Street

McCarthy Patrick, Mill Street

Moloney Mrs, Mill Street

Moloney Mrs C, Main Street

Nyhan Daniel, Sovereign Street

O’Brien & Co, Chapel Street

O’Brien Miss H, Mill Street

O’Brien Mrs E P, Main Street

O’Neill Kate, Chapel Street

O’Neill Michael, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan J C, Sovereign Street

Perrott Miss L, Mill Street

Ronan Mrs, Mill Street

Sheehy J, Mill Street

Sheehy Jas, Mill Street

Spiller J E & Co, Sovereign Street

Sullivan P; $ogle Street

Walsh Miss M, Ardfield

Wren Nester, Mill Street



O’Donovan Jerh, Patrick Street

O’Driscoll James, Sovereign Street


Hardware Merchants.

Atkins & Co, Main Street

Bennett Mrs, Sovereign Street

Cahalane James, Boyle Street

Spiller J E & Co, Sovereign Street



Hilser & Sons, Boyle Street

O’Neill Felix, Mill Street

O’Sullivan Wm F, Sovereign Street


Loan Office.

Bateman E D, Mill Street


Merchant Tailors.

Deasy Jeremiah, Patrick Street

Hallissy M J, Main Street

Hayes J and Son, Strand Road

McCarthy Denis, Strand Road

O’Shea J

Sullivan D & Sons, Sovereign Street

Sullivan Michael, Mountain



Ahamilla Mills - Bennett, proprietor

Castleview mills- T O’Leary, proprietor

Shannonvale mills –Bennett and Co, proprietors


Mineral Water Manufrs.

Clonakilty Wine, Spirit, and Beer Co



Bullen Miss, Mill Street

McCarthy F, Sovereign Street and Main Street

McCarthy Miss, Sovereign Street

O’Brien Miss H, Mill Street

O’Brien Miss M, Sovereign Street

Saunders Robert, Strand Road


Newspaper Reporters;

Donovan Timothy, Foxbridge

O’Driscoll Patrick, Georges Street


Oil and Coal Merchants

Atkins & Co, Main Street

Bennett Mrs, Sovereign Street

Cahalane James, Boyle Street

Spiller J E &. Co, Sovereign Street



Shine Jerome, Sovereign Street


Refreshment Rooms.

Fitzgerald Mrs, Main Street

Hennessy Mrs M A, Main Street

McCarthy Mrs M, Sovereign Street

Nagle Richard, Sovereign Street

O’Crowley Jas J, Sovereign Street

Rearden Mrs B, 49 Sovereign. Street

White John, Georges Street



Cunningham M, Boyle Street

Donovan John, Sovereign Street

Harte Daniel, Main Street

Harte William, Strand Road

Hurley John, Sovereign Street

Regan John, Mill Street


Saw Mills.

Atkins & Co, Boyle Street

Donovan Michael, Mill Street

Harrington Philip, Sovereign Street

Hegarty Peter, Sovereign Street

Kingston B, Sovereign Street

Magner Wm, Sovereign Street



Central Meat Co, Sovereign Street

Daly P, Mill Street

Donovan Michael, Mill Street

Harrington Philip, Sovereign Street

Hegarty Peter, Sovereign Street

Kingston B, Sovereign Street

Magner Wm, Sovereign Street



Barry Michael, Mill Street

Beamish Mrs, Mill Street

Collins Mary A, Tullyneasky

Coughlan John, Georges Street

Crowley Mrs D, Sovereign Street

Crowley T, Mill Street

Cullinane D, Chapel. Street

Donovan D T, Shannonvale

J Donovan Michael, Sovereign Street

Driscoll Joseph, Sovereign Street

Fahy J, Sovereign Street

Fitzpatrick Patrick, Georges Street

Hayes Michael, Strand Road

Hayes Mrs, George Street

Hayes P, Strand Road

Kingston J, Barrack Street

McCarthy James, Sovereign Street

McCarthy Mrs, Strand read

McCarthy Mrs Patk, Lamb Street

Mahony Jerome, Georges Street

Minihane Danl, Chapel Street

Nyhan Daniel, Sovereign Street

Nyhan John, The Strand

O’Brien Wm, Georges Street

O’Brien Mrs E P, Main Street

O’Leary Annie, Chapel Street

O’Neill Elizabeth, Main Street

O’Neill Michael, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan J C, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan Mrs K, Sovereign Street

O’Sullivan P, Patrick Street and The Quay

Santry Josephine, Georges Street

Shanley Patrick, Georges Street

Sullivan Patrick, Boyle Street

White J, Lisavaird

White Mrs, Mill Street

Wright Miss L, Sovereign Street

Wycherley Geoffrey, Main Street


Wine and Spirit Merchants.

Clonakilty Wine, Spirit, and Beer Co




Electoral div. Clonakilty.

Bateman George, Scartagh

Bennett Thomas, Kilgarriff

Buttimer R, Sovereign Street

Crowley John, Chapel Street

Donovan Andrew, Tawnies upper

Donovan James, Knockskagh

Donovan Kate, Tawnies upper

Donovan Mrs M, Scartagh

Donovan Timy, Knockskagh

Eady S, The Hill

Harrington P, Sovereign Street

Hayes Joseph, Tawnies lower

Hayes Nat, The Miles

Hayes William, Tawnies upper

Healy Daniel, Knockskagh

Helen R J, Western Road

Hill Thomas, Tawnies lower

Hoskin H, The hill

Hurley John, Scartagh

Kingston B, Beechmount

Kingston J, Tawnies upper

Kingston Paul, Garrancore

Kingston Richard; Clogheen

Kingston Samuel, Kilgarriff

Kingston Thomas, Kilgarriff

Kingston Thos J, Knockskagh

McCarthy Jas, DC; Garrancore

McCarthy John, Knockskagh

Meade James, Kilgarriff

Meade James W, Kilgarriff

Murphy P, Reenroe

O’Neill John, Reenroe

O’Sullivan Jerome, Kilgarriff

Ryan Mrs J, Tawnies lower

Electoral div. Kilkerranmore.

Beamish John, Carhoo

Bennett Thomas, Aghamilla

Connor Kate, Carhoo

Crispie George, Ballyduvane

Donoghue Michael, Aghamilla

Galway William, Carhoo

Hurley Timothy, Aghamilla

Leary Charles, Ballyduvane

Neill John, Ballyduvane

O’Brien Denis, Aghamilla

Sullivan Daniel, Aghamilla


Electoral div. Kilkerranmore.

Applebe Mrs A, Garranagoleen

Brennan Patrick, Creaghmore

Connor John, Creaghmore

Cowhig Timothy, Brittas

Crowley Anne, Creaghmore

Crowley Miss Kate, Creaghbeg

Crowley Timothy, Creaghmore

Cusack Robt, Maulycorcoran

Deasy Patrick, Gortnascarty

Donoghue Geoffrey, Curragh

Donoghue Jeremiah, Curragh

Donovan.Michl, Garranagoleen

Driscoll Denis, Creaghbeg

Hurly Mary A, Gortnagearagh

Long James, Gortnascarty

Long Mary, Brittas

O’Brien Jeremiah J, Creaghbeg

O’Brien Michael, n c, Curragh

O’Connor Daniel, Gortnascarty

O’Connor Jerh, Creaghbeg

O’Keeffe Eugene, Coorleigh

O’Mahony Jerh, Creaghbeg

Regan Daniel, Creaghmore

Regan Jeremiah, Creaghmore

Sexton John, Garranagoleen

Sullivan John, Creaghbeg

Sullivan Patrick, Creaghmore

Sullivan Dl, DC, Garranagoleen

White Mrs, Brittas

Electoral div. Coolcraheen.

Bateman Thomas, Tullyneasky

Collins Mary A, Tullyneasky

Collins John, Tullyneasky west

Collins John, Woodfield

Collins Michael J, Woodfield

Deane Mrs, Woodfield

Donovan Patrick, Woodfield

Fitzpatrick Daniel, D C, J P, Tullyneasky

Healy Michael, Garralacka

Knowles Edward L, Woodfield

McCarthy Jeremiah, Garralacka

McCarthy Berth, Tullyneasky

McCarthy Denis Garralacka

McCarthy William, Garralacka,

O’Brien Daniel, Tullyneasky

O’Brien Patk, Tullyneasky east

O’Hea Michael, Woodfield

O’Mahony Jerh, Tullyneasky

Sheehy Mary, Woodfield

Sullivan Michael, Woodfield


Electoral div. Clonakilty.

Helen Richard, Garraneard

Helen Samuel, Garraneard

Nyhan Daniel, Carriganookery

Electoral div. Kilnagross

Ahern John, Lisselane

Callanan James, Ballymacowen

Callanan Timy, Lackenalooha

Coombes John, Beanhill south

Cronin Cath, Ballymacowen

Donovan Michl, Beanhill north

Dullea Daniel, Ballymacowen

Helen Richd, Dromgarriff West

Kingston Edward, Dromgarriff

Kingston Jerh Paul, Lisselane

Kingston Jerome, Maulnageragh

Kingston John, Lisselane

Kingston Mary A, Madame

Kingston Mrs Cath, Lisselane

Kingston Mrs Lizzie, Lisselane

Kingston Paul, Beanhill

Kingston Richard, Madame

Kingston Saml, Dromgarriff East

Kingston Thos W, Dromgarriff

Nyhan Daniel, Dromgarriff

Twomey Mrs, Ballymacowen



Electoral div. Kilkerranmore.

Cusack Robt, Maulycorcoran

Donovan D, Knockaphonery

Eady B J, Knockaphonery



Electoral div. Clonakilty.

Bateman Mary, Fourcuil

Bennett John, Fourcuil

Brien Timothy, Templebryan

Connolly Denis, Fourcuil

Cross Miss, Templebryan

Donovan D T, Templebryan

Donovan Jerh, Templebryan

Healy James, Templebryan

Kingston Abraham, Fourcuil

Kingston Mrs, Fourcuil

Ryan Timothy, Templebryan

Sullivan Richard, Templebryan North