Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Cloyne


Midleton. (Pop 756)


Cathedral town,telegraph post, money order, and telphone office

Postmistress-Miss Cath Geany


Conveyances-Midleton 5 m. (Cork and Youghal branch G S & W ry), and Aghada pier 4 m. (Cork, Black- rock and Passage ryl nearest stations

Cars meet trains and steamers


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Cloyne


Rural District Council Midleton ;

Electoral divs: Cloyne, Ballintemple and Inch


Dispensary and Registration dist of Cloyne

Med officer and Regr - Dr Daniel J Murphy

Relieving officer-Wm Terry


Registration and .Dispensary district of Aghada


Petty Sessions held each alternate Tuesday.
Quar Sess dist of Midleton

Clerk Petty Sess - J J Roynane

Constabulary district of Midleton

In of charge Cloyne station - Sergeant R G Grace



Ch Ireland (Cloyne Cathedral)--

Very Rev W J Wilson ; M A, Dean

R Catholic-Very Rev John Canon

O'Riordan, PP ; Revs Daniel Foley

and Michael Rea, curates


National Schools-head teachers

Cloyne (Rock street)-Geo Ryan and Mrs Ryan

Cloyne (infant). Rock street- Miss M Suliivan

St Colmans-Miss Anne Young, Church street


Market day-Thursday



Arnott Maj, Ballymaloe cottage

Barry Michael, Spinal cottage

Creed C P, Cloyne house

Crooke-Lativless Sir Warren R, J P, Kilcrone

Dorgan David, N T

Dunne W J

Foley Rev Daniel, C C

Forrest Miss E G, N T

Geany Miss Catherine

Kennefick N, Ballybranagh

Litchfield Wm, Ballymalo hse

Longfield Mountifort John C, J P (Colonel 2nd Life Guards),Castlemary

McGregor Robert

Meredith R F, Barnabrow hse

Murphy Danl J, MD, Tower hse

Murphy Michl, Dc,JP,Demesne

Murray Miss F, N T

O’Riordan Rev John Canon, P P

Rea Rev Michael, C C

Riordan Miss M T, Kilboy hse

Riordan Mrs Elizabeth, Kilboyhse

Rogers Mrs, Commons house

Ryan George, rs T, Rock street

Stacpoole Major G VV J, Ardavilling

Sullivan Miss M, NT

Terry William, relieving officer

Wilson Very Rev W J, M A (dean of Cloyne),the Deanery


Hotels .

Daly John

Dunne Miss K



Daly John

O'Brien Thos



Quirk Michael



Cusack Wm

Rigney John



O'Brien Jerh, Rock street

O'Brien Thos, River street


Car Owners.

Aherne Patrick, Spital street

Cahill Mrs Mary

Cahill Michael, Spital street

Daly John, Chapel street


Cattle Dealers.

Forrest and Sons .


Chimney Cleaner.

Quirk Michael


Coal Merchants:

Cotter Mrs A, senr

Da1y John & Co, Church street



Ballymaloe Dairy-Wm Litchfield, prop

Castlemary Dairy-Longfields, prop



Cuddigan Mrs K
 Daly William

O'Neill Miss



Barry Miss M, Church street

Downing Miss L, Spital street

Kearney Miss Ciss, Chapel st

O’Sullivan Miss M E, Rock st


Emigration Agent .

Daly William



Cotter Mrs C


News Agent

Daly Patrick, Church st

O'Neill Josephine


Tailors and Clothiers

Daly Patrick

Wallace John



Cuddigan Mrs D


Vintners .

Daly John

Dorgan Mrs

Finegan Mary

Lawton Mary

Maher Mrs J

McCarthy Jas

McGregor Robt

Meade Mrs VI

Power Michael



Daly Charles

Daly Miss K

Finegan Mrs

Heron Rachel

Keane Miss M B

Lawton David

McGrath Thos

O'Brien Thos

Quinn Tobias

Rigney Mrs

Walsh Mary J

Walsh William




Electoral div. Ballintemple .

Bernard Denis, Tullagh

Clarke Michael, Churchtown

Connell Thomas, Tullagh

Hennessy T, Churchtown

Higgins Michael, Ballyrobbin

Higgins Mrs, Maytown

Hoare James, Tullagh

Ivers Michael, Churchtown

Kenneally Daniel, Ballylanders

Kennefick John; Ballycatoo

McGrath Michael,Ballintemple

Parker David, Bahyrobin

Smyth John, Tullagh

Terry John ; D C, Ivy cottage, Ballylanders

Terry Joseph, Ballymacotter

Walsh James, D C, Ballyrobin



Electoral div . Ballintemple.

Connors Michael, Sunville

Harty Edmund, Kilmacahill

Harty John, Ballynoe

Hennessy D, Ballycrenane

Hoare Mrs Norah, Kilbarraree

Kearney David, Ballycrenane

McCarthy Wm, Ballycroneen

Morrison Peter, Ballycroneen

Smiddy J W, Ballycrenane

Smith Henry D, Ballyonane

Smyth R, Ballynoe

Wigmore Wm, Ballyregan

Wilmoth M, Kilmacahill


Electoral div. Ballycotten

Barry William, Kilderrig

Hoare Mrs, Kilderrig