Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Copeen




Ballineen 6 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmaster-Florence O'Driscoll


Conveyances - Ballineen (Cork-

Bandon and South Coast ry) nearest



Parliamentary div South Cork

County Electoral divs Dunmanway and Warrenscourt


Rural District Council Dunmanway ;

Electoral divs. Castletown and Kinneigh


Dispensary and Registration dist.of Ballineen


Petty Sessions district of Ballineen

Constabulary district of Dunmanway ; sub-district of Kinneigh


National School-head teachers

Coppeen-Patrick Calvin Miss H White


Butter Market every Mon & Tues


Shopkeepers, etc.


Cross Michael, blacksmith

Crowley Miss M, dressmaker

Crowley T, vintner, grocer

Cullinane Michael, carpenter

Hennessy J, shoemaker

Hourihan J & Sons, masons

Murphy Patk, JP, grocer, butter buyer and general  merchant

Sheehan Dl, groc,  Lissicorrane

Twomey Thos, road contractor




Electoral div. Castletown.

Buckley Patrick, Moneygaff

Buttimer John, Moneygaff west

Cronin Corns, Moneygaff east

Cronin Jerh, :Moneygaff east

Herlihy Tim, Moneygaff east

Hurley Daniel, Moneygaff east

Burley Mrs John, Coppeeli east

Lordan Denis, Coppeen east

Lordan Denis jun, Coppeen east

Murray Timothy, Paddock

Northridge J, Lackanashinnagh

O’Driscoll C,D C Moneygaff west

O'Driscoll F, Moneygaff west

O'Neill Tames, Moneygaff

Shorten J, Moneygaff west

Shorten W J, Moneygaff west

Twomey Denis, Moneygaff west

Wood Rchd, DC,Moneygaff east


Electoral div Kinneigh.

Barren Cornelius, Anaharlick

Casey Thos, Ballyvelone west

Connell Cornelius, Mallow

Council Jeremiah, Mallow

Crowley Denis, Anaharlick

Crowley Jerh, D c, Lissicorrane

Crowley Timothy, Anaharlick

Cullinane John, Mallow

Delany Michael, Lissicorrane

Donovan Cornelius,Ballyvelone west

Duggan Jolln, Anaharlick

Hurley William, Coppeen east

Lynch Richard,Anaharlick

Murphy P Mallow

O'Driscoll Denis,Coppeenwest

O'Driscoll F, D C, Lissicorrane

O'Driscoll Mchl, Coppeen west

O'Driscoll Mrs C, Copeen west

O’Leary Denis, Coppeen west

Swanton Geo, Ballyvelone west

Twomey Jerh, Ballyyelone west

Tyner Jonas, Coppeen wes