Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Courtmacsherry


(Pop 330)


Post, money order and telegraph office
Postmistress - Miss O'Brien


Conveyances -Courtmacsherry the terminus Timoleague and Courtmacsherry  Light ry ; two trains to and from Ballinascarty daily

Stationmaster-John O'Brien


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Timoleague


Rural District Council Clonakilty;

Electoral divs. Courtmacsherry and Butlerstown


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Timoleague


Petty Sessions dist of Timoleague

Constabulary district of Clonakilty

In charge of Courtmacsherry station - Sergt Michael Deegan


Coastguard station, Courtmacsherry

Chief officer-Michael Driscoll


National School-head teachers

Courtmacsherry-Geo Allman, Mrs Sheehy

Courtmacsherry No 2 – Mrs Ruddock



Baker George, Woodpoint

Brennan Joseph, East view

Daly Rev E, C C

Donoghue Mrs Captain

Donovan Michael, D C, Ballycullenane

Driscoll Michael, chief officer coastguards

Forde Rev J W, MA, Lisle rectory

Howell F, Ivy cottage

Jeffers J R

Reynolds A

Simpson Robert, The terrace

Travers Col, Kincraigie

Travers Mrs, Bayview



Donovan's - Miss Donovan ,Prop

Esplanade-Jas Brennan, prop

Murphy Miss


Refreshment Rooms.

Donoghue Mrs

Waugh John


Master Mariner.

Murray Joseph


Shipping Agents,

Barry James

O'Rourke Patrick

Ruddock Robert


Coal Merchants.

Clerke & Co Smyth Henry

Deasy Patrick


Shopkeepers, etc.

Collins Michael, tailor

Collins Mrs, vintner

Dempsey Daniel, blacksrrrith

Donovan John senr, grocer

Donovan John junr, shopkpr

Donovan Michael, blacksmith

Donovan Mrs, dressmaker

Fleming Mrs, grocer

Jermyn John, grocer

Love Thomas, baker, etc

O'Brien John, grocer, draper,etc

O'Driscoll Patrick, grocer, etc

Parker Miss M E J, vintner

Regan Mrs Mary, draper, grocer

Ruddock Miss A, shopkeeper

Ruddock Noble, boat builder

Smyth Henry,grocer

Ward William, shopkeeper




Electoral div . Courtmacsherry .

Barry John, Cullenagh

Brickley James, Cullenagh

Collins Mrs Mar'gt, Cullenagh

Deasy Patrick, Cullenagh

Deasy William, Cullenagh

Donovan Denis, Lislee

Donovan Denis, Lisleetemple

Donovan Mrs F, Lisleetemple

Donovan Mrs, Cullenagh

Dullea Charles, Lisleecourt

Dullea Michael, Agha

Finn Jeremiah, Barreragh

Flynn David, Agha

Dough Thomas, Cullenagh

Holland Timothy, Meelmane

Jennings R, D C,Meelmane

London John, Agha

McCarthy Patrick, Agha

Morgan Mrs, Courtmacsherry

Murphy Michael, Lislee

Murphy James, Meelmane ,

Murphy Michael, Broadstrand

Murphy Miss, Ballincurrig

Murphy Mrs Cath, Mee mane

O'Brien John, Barreragh

O'Brien Timothy, Barreragh

Pennon R, Baliycullenane

Sexton Jeremiah, Cullenagh

Sexton Mrs, Cullenagh

Sullivan Jeremiah, Lackarour

Sutton John, Agha

Whelton Patrick, Barreragh

Wolfe John, Cullenagh

Woodbourne Rchd,Broadstrand


Electoral div. Butlerstown .

Beechinor Mrs, Ballynalnona

Cowhig D, Ballyhutch

Deasy Denis, Ballynamona

Deasy John, Ballyhutch

Donovan James, Bailycardeen

Drake Richard, Ballynamona

Driscoll Denis, Bailycardeen

Holland Timy, D c, Tirnanean

Lehane John, Bailycardeen

McCarthy C, Ballyhigeen

Murphy Peter, Ballyhutch

O'Brien. John, D C, Curraheen