Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Cullen


Millstreet. (Pop 120)


Post and money order office ;Knocknagree , m nearest telegraph office

Postmistress-Mrs K A Hickey


Conveyances- Millstreet (Tralee and Killarney br G S &1V ry) nearest station


Parliamentary div North Cork

County Electoral divs Banteer and Baherboy


Rural District Council Millstreet

Elect divs Cullen, Derragh, Keale


Dispensary and Reg dist of Cullen

Medical officer-Dr M McCarthy

Relieving officer-D D Murphy


Petty Sessions dist of Knocknagree

Constabulary district of Kanturk ;district of Cullen

Act-Sergeant w. Cahill


National School-head teachers

Cullen-J Kiely ; Miss H M Cronin



Casey W C, J P, CO C Ardnageeha house

Fitzgerald DanI,DC,Ardnageeha

Hickey J J,1 P, D c, Lisnaboy

Holchiapollo Madame, tourists resort, Duarrigle castle

Kiely J M, The Cottage

McCarthy M M, M D, Mount Prospect

O'Keeffe, T L, D C, Knocknageeha

O'Sullivan John E, D C, Meenagloghrane

O'Sullivan Mortimer, D C, Meenagloghrane



Shine John, manager


Car Owners.

McSweeney Corns

Riordan J


Shopkeepers, etc.

Corbett Daniel, contractor,.Knocknageeha

Cronin Nlrs Daniel, vint, groc

Gully Mrs M, vintner

Dennehy M, shopkeeper

Goulding Corns, vint, grocer

Hickey Andw, smith, Lisnaboy

Hickey Denis A, grocer

Hickey bliss H, vintner, grocer

Hickey Mrs K A, shopkeeper

Hickey Mrs W D, vint, grocer

Hickey Patk J, smith, Knockduft

Linehan Denis, general mercht, Derragh

McSweeney C, Knocknageeha

Murley Daniel,, carpenter and contractor, Lslehane

Murley Lawrence, carpenter and contractor, Coalpits

Naughton Mrs, grocer, Knocknashannagh,

O'Connor Daniel, inspector of labourers' cottages

O'Connor Hugh, mason and contractor

O'Sullivan bliss Mary, grocer

Riordan J, shopkeeper

Riordan Timothy, general mcht

Sweeney P, contractor

Vaughan Timothy, shopkeeper




Electoral div. Cullen (Cullen dist).

Clifford Denis, Meenagloghrane

Duggan, Denis, Lisnaboy

Hickey Denis D, Ahane

Hickey Timy C, Gortnaereha

Hickey Timothy J, Lisnaboy

Hockey Denis T, Gortnacreha

McSweeney Mrs Ii, Glantanemore

Mulcahy T, Ahane upper

Murphy John D, Lisnaboy

Murphy M, Knocknashannagh

Murphy Patrick, Lisnaboy

O'Keeffe Daniel, Gortnacreha

O'Keeffe Jeremiah, Muilaghroe

O'Keeffe John, Ahane upper

O'Leary Mrs M, Cullen

O'Mahony John, Glountane

O'Sullivan Alex, Two Gneeves

O'Sullivan Mortimer, D C,Meenagoherane

Singleton Jeremiah, Cullen

Tarrant Mrs, Ahane


Electoral div . Derragh.

Bradley Danl, Knockagarrane

Casey Michael, Knocknageeha

Hickey John, Kockagarrane

Hickey John, Knackagarrane

McSweeney DS, Knocknageeha

McSweeney Miss H, Derragh house

O'Connell Jerh, Lissaniska

O'Keeffe T D, Knocknageeha

O'Riordan Daniel, Lislehane

Walsh James, Knocknageeha

Walsh, John, Knocknageeha

Electoral div. Keale

Cronin Mrs J, Ploverfield

Leader Mrs, Lisnashershane

Lucey D, Lisnashershane