Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Desertserges




Ballineen 4 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmaster - John Smith


Conveyances- Desert 2 m. a station Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry ; four trains to and from Cork daily


Parliamentary div North East Cork.

County Electoral div Timoleague


Rural District Council Bandon ;

Electoral divs. Boulteen and Cashel


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Murragh


Petty .Sessions district of Ballineen

Constabulary district of Dunmanway; sub-district of Ballineen


National Schools-head teachers

Desertserges - Miss E M Jones

Aghyohil - Mr O'Driscoll, Mrs Leahy

Kilcolman - Cornelius Crowley



Bradfield T, Knockmacool hse

Brooks James, Ivy hall

Crowley Cors, Knockmacool

Keohane Daniel, Keel house

Lamb Mrs, Kilcolman park

Longfield Col F, Church hill

Longfield Mrs, Kilcolman

McConnell Rev I H,BA,rectory

Smyth T, M D, Roseville

Sweetnam T H, The Bungalo

Taylor Rev J, C C, Serges cottage, Aghyohil


Shopkeepers, etc.

Callaghan J, Aghyohil

Donegan C, Aghyohil

Began James, Farncross

Slattery John, vin

Slyne W, Farrannasheshery



Cork and Kerry-Maulbrack- David Walsh, manager




Electoral div. Boulteen.

Barrett James, Lisnacunna

Barrett Mrs, Lisnacunna

Bateman Joseph, Maulnarouga

Berry Samuel, Keel

Bryan Daniel, Breaghna

Buttmer A, Farrannasheshery

Buttmer Robert, Boulteen

Buttimer W, Maulbrack

Corey J, Maulnarouga ,

Coffey Denis, D c, Breaghna

Coffey John, Farrannasheshery

Coffey Patrick, Knockmacool

Collins Mrs, Willsgrove

Crowley M, Carrigroe

Cummins Mrs, Aghyohil

Daunt Benjamin, Willsgrove

Donoghue Daniel, Breaghna

Donoghue John, K.ilrush house

Donovan John, Maulbrack

Driscoll John, Breaghna

Dunlea Charles, Maulnarouga

Flynn John, Tullymurrihy

Flynn Patk, coc, Tullymurrihy

Hayes Michael, Willsgrove

Keeffe Daniel, Kilnameela

Kingston William, Ardkitt wst

McCarthy C, Maulnarouga

McCarthy T D, Lisnacunna

McGivern Henry, Lisnacunna

Manning Michael, Ardkitt

Moore Thomas, Boulteen

Nyhan Timothy, Ardkitt

O'Neill Felix, Ardkitt east

Poole John, Maulbrack

Shorten Elen, Farrannasheshery

Shorten, J, Ardkitt

Shorten Robert, Ardkitt

Slyne Denis, Ardkitt

Smyth J, Maulnarouga south

Sullivan J, Farrannasheshery

Sullivan John, Carrigroe

Sullivan W, Carrigroe

Tyner John, Kilnameela

Walsh Daniel, Aghyohil

Walsh Dd, D c, Aghyohilmore

Walsh John, Tullymurrihy

Walsh Mrs Kate, Tullymurrihy

Walsh M, Tullymurrihy


Electoral div . Cashel.

Beamish John, Cashelmore

Bird Edward, Knocknagallagh

Bird John, Knocknagallagh

Buttimer John, Kilcolman

Canniff Daniel, Cappaknockane

Canniff Timy, Cappaknockane

Collins James, Kilcolman

Connell Timothy, Cappa

Crowley Jerh, D c, Cashelmore

Crowley Timy, Knocknagallagh

Dinneen Thos,Knocknagallagh

Donovan John, Cashes

Donovan John, Kilcolman

Driscoll Mr, Cashelmore

Duke Mrs, Cashelbeg

Flynn Richard, Cashelmore

Good Nicholas,Cappaknockane

Good William, Moneens

Halnan Anthony, Cashelbeg

Hickey Margt, Knocknagallagh

Hosford Thomas, Cappa

Joyce James, Cashelbeg

Joyce Henry, Cashelbeg

McCarthy Denis, Kilcolman

Moore Joseph, Mount Beamish

O'Regan Jeremiah, Kilcolman

Reardon Mrs, Cashelmore

Ryan Denis, Knocknagallagh

Shorten Mrs, Cashelbeg

Smyth James, Kilcolman

Sullivan John, Cashelmore

Sullivan John, Kilcolman

Sullivan W, Carrigroe

Walsh Patrick, Kilcolman