Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Post, money order, telegraph and telephone
Postmistress-Mrs R
G Templeton
Conveyances- Electric Trams between
Parliamentary Borough of
Rural District Council
Electoral div
Dispensary and Registration dist of
Med officer and Regr-Dr
Assistant Regr-W E
The Douglas Recreation Hall
PettySessions Court each alternate Monday.
Quar Sess dist of
Clerk Petty Sess-W
E Burke
Constabulary district of Cork, south
In charge of
National Schools-head teachers
Douglas-David O'Driscoll
St Luke's-Austin
Ahern James, Lower
Atkinson George, Dispensary
Atkinson Mrs,
Passage road
Barry Michael, Grange road
Barry Miss M, Lower
Bennett Richd,
BerminghamThos,Prospect hse
Brown Miss, assist nat
Bullen John, The Cafe
Burke W E, C E, C P C, Shamrock lawn
Burns James, Upper
Caffery James, constable R I C
Cahill F J, sergt
Coffey Michael, Grange rbad
Cogan Mrs Mary, Lr Douglas
Cogan W, Upper
Coleman John, Ballinrea
Collins Cornelius, Bellvue
Collins James, carpenter
Collins John, J P, Bellvue
Collins Michael,UpperDouglas
Collins William, Grange road
Conron Edmond R,The Grange
Cooper Capt R, Ballinrea
Coughlan J, Donnybrook ter
Crightan Nlrs, Donnybrook
Crowley Miss, dressmaker
Divan Wm, St Patricks
Douglas John, Grange road
Dryden J, Grange road
Daffy, Mrs, nurse
Duggan C,
Duggan Denis, carpntr
& contr
English Mrs, nurse
Falvey Mrs, St Patricks terrace
Farrell John, Donnybrook ter
Farrell Thos, Donnybrook ter
Calvin Mrs, Lower
Greaves J, Factory gate
Hogan Maurice, Upper
Housler A, Grange road
Hurley D J, Moneygurney
Twine Rupert, Grange road
Keneally John, Grange road
Lane Denis, Lower
Lenihan D, Orchard cottage
Linton A, mgr woollen
Longfield H F, Grange
Lombard Michl,Upper
Lynch Tames, M D, Garryduff
MacArthur Donald, J Rosehill
McAuliffe Patrick, Maryboro
McCarthy M, Upper
Wm, P P (Innisfail,
Morris Joseph, sexton St Luke's
Morrogh Francis M D, D C, Mount Grange
Morrogh Patrick, JP,Ballybrack
Murphy J, const R I C, Douglas
Murphy John, tailor, Maryboro
Murphy Wm, tailor, Douglas
Noonan J, Lower
Noonan Patrick, Lr
O'Brien John J, J P, St Patrick's woollen mills
O'Brien Rev C M, C C,
St Mary's presbytery
O'Connell Joseph
O'Driscoll D, nat teacher
O'Driscoll Wm, Upper Douglas
O'Leary Richd, St Patricks ter
O'Shaughnessy Andrew,
O'Sullivan Joseph, Westgrove
Pilkington J, constable R I C
Quick Rev George Pring,
MA, The Rectory
Reardon Michael, Grange road
Reilly Alfred C, J P, The
Reynolds George, Summerlea
Roche Wm, St Patricks
Savage William, painter and decorator, Ballincurrig
Sherrard T H, Maryboro
Simcox J, J P, ALD, Bloomfield
Stoker E, Clifton Grange
Studdert Mrs,
Sutton Sir Abraham, J P, Windsor
Tait M, manager woolen factory, Glen view
Teahan Daniel, west R I C
Trinder M, Passage road
Mrs Twohig M, Passage
Vaughan Charles, carpenter
Walsh Miss, dressmaker
Walsh Patrick, Grange road
Owners .
Leaky J, Passage road
O'Connell A, Donnybrook
O'Driscoll Wm, Lr Douglas
Ahern Mrs
Barry P J
Barry Mrs F
Barry Mrs
Burke Margaret
Coleman John
Downey Mrs
Lane Eleanor
McSweeney D
Moynihan Miss
Nagle Mrs
O'Neill J
O'Regan Mrs
Sheehan Miss
Sullivan Jerk
Barry Mrs F
Barry Patrick J
O'Driscoll Mrs
Russell Mrs E
Woollen Mills
Morrogh Bros ltd, Douglas Woollen
O'Brien Brothers, St Patricks
Woollen Mills
Barry Daniel, Hilltown
Barry R, Monees
Cogan Edward, Ardarrig
Delaney Patk, Castletreasure
Donovan Michael, Ballyorban
Ellis Richard, Moneygurney
Hegarty Denis, Mountlrovel
Hennessy John, Willsfort
Horgan Daniel V,Moneygurney
Hosford Henry, Grange
Hurley D J, Moneygurney
Leahy J, Ballincurrig
McAuliffe Bartlrw, Maryboro
McAuliffe Patrick, Maryboro
Mulcahy James, Castletreasure
Murphy M, Castletreasure
O’Leary Timy, Castletreasure
O'Regan Charles, Grange
O'Sullivan John, Castletreasure
O'Sullivan Jos, Castletreasure
O'Sullivan Ms P, Scart
Richard Miss L, Moneygurney
Ross Samuel, Castletreasure
Sullivan James, Grange
Sullivan Michael, Ballyorban
Sullivan Richard, Castletreasure
Sweetnan Wm, Ballinimlagh
Whitelegge Philip, Monees
Wilson Mrs, Knockmore
Browne Patrick, Ballinvuskig
Carey D, Ballinvuskig
Lavallen Michl, Rathmacullig, Ballygarvan
O'Connor Mrs D, Ballinvuskig
Rice George, Rathmacullig,Ballygarvan
Wilson Mrs, Knockmore
Wolfe James, Rose hill, Castletreasure
Wood George, Ballinvuskig