Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Dripsey



Coachford 2 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmaster-Mortimer Kelleher


Conveyances-Dripsey (1 mL) or Kilmurry (1-1/2 m.) stations (Cork and Muskerry ry), five trains to and four trom Cork daily

Stationmaster Dripsey-Jeremiah Long

Stationmaster Kilmnrry—Patrick Herlihy


Parliamentary div Mid Cork

County Electoral div Blarney


Rural District Council Cork ;

Electoral div  Dripsey


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Dripsey

Med officer and Registrar-Dr Jeremiah Ryan, Cloghroe, Inniscarra


Petty Sessions district of Coachford

Constabulary districtof Ballincollig.

In charge of Dripsey station- Sergeant C Bateman


National School-head teachers

Dripsey-Michael B Murphy, Miss Hanna Allen



Bowen-Colthurst Mrs R W T, Dripsey castle

Bowen-Colthurst Robt, Dripsey castle

Callaghan James, Cronody

Creed Mrs A, Broomhill

Cronin William, mngr woolen mills

Fitzgibbon E, Derreen

Fitzgibbon Thomas Wood, J P, Innislinga abbey

Forde Thomas

Gardner John

Godfrey A C, M D, Broomhill

Murphy Patrick, Shandy hail

Murphy P, jun

Twomey J W, sec woollen mills


Woollen Mills.

Dripsey Woollen Mills ltd-A O'Shatighnessy ; Wm Cronin, manager ; J W Twomey, sec


Brownstone Quarry.

Regan Rrs, Lismahane

Ring James



Corkerry Mrs M, Upper Dripsey

Griffin Mrs, vintner

Murphy Johannah, shopkeeper

Murphy Mrs, vintner

Sisk Mrs, vintner

Spence Mrs E,vintner,Kilmurry

Williams Mrs ML,groc,woollen warehouse, etc, Dripsey lower




Electoral div. Aglish.

Callaghan James, Cronody

Callaghan Jeremiah, Cronody

Lehane Mrs K, Cronody

Mahony James (sand pit ownerand fisheries), Cronody

Twomey Cornelius, Cronody



Batten Mrs, Knockane

Berry Thomas, Agharinagh

Buckley L, Magooly

Byrnes Tohn, D c, Magooly

Corcoran Patrick, Magooly

Kelleher Timothy, Ivy cottage

Lee David, Fargus

McCarthy Mrs D, Knockane

McCarthy Patrick, Magooly

McCarthy Thomas, Knockane

Millard D, Magooly

Murphy Mrs Anne, Agharinagh

Murphy William, Agharinagh

Ring James, Magooly

Ring Margaret, Magooly

Ryan John T, Agharinagh

Ryan Patrick, Agharinagh