Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Mallow (Pop 72)
Glantane nearest moneyorder
Mallow 4 m. nearest telegraph office
Postmaster-Patrick O'Hanlon
Conveyances Mourneabbey 3 m.
(G S & W ry)
nearest station
Parliamentary div
Rural District Council Mallow
Elect divs. Dromore and Kilshannig,
Dispensary and Registration dist. of Kilshanntg
Med officer and Regr-Dr
Michael Ryan
Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Mallow ;
National Schools-head teachers
Clashbee-CorsO'Drisooll ; Mrs O'Driscoll
Dromore - Timothy Mullane
Mrs Mullane
Glenogue-David Buckley ;
Miss O'Hanlon
BeII Major, Dromaneen
Bolster William land steward Dromore cottage
Foott Mrs, Millfort
Hunt Joseph, Danesfort
Mullane Timothy, Dromore
Newman Capt R Bramston;
Dromore house
Newman J M P, Dromore
Sheehan Rev P, C C
Shinnick Rev B PP Kilcolman
Williamson Misses Dromore
Williamson Mrs, Dromore
Cattle Dealer.
Seaman Patrick, Glannaharee
Horse Dealer.
Dennehy James, Kilcolman
Shopkeeers etc.
Barrow Cornelius vintner
Beahan J Dromore
Dennehy C & Sons,
Drew Cornelius, vint,
Green Mrs S, shopkeeper,
Hyde Miss, shopkpr,
Lehane Stephen, carpenter
Long Denis,shopkeeper, Beefing
O'Callaghan Mrs, district
O'Hanlon, Patk, harness
O'Mullane Jeremiah, shopkpr,Beeing
O'Sullivan Denis, vintner
O’Suilivan D, vintner and coal merchant
Sullivan Mary, shopkeeper
Walsh Michael,shopkpr,Beeing
Riordan Bros, carpenters
Sexton David, shopkeeper
Sexton John, shopkpr,
Sheehan Denis vintner, Beeing
Sullivan Brothers, Blacksmiths
Landholders .
Ahern Thomas, Kilcolman
Ambrose Jeremiah, Kilcolman
Barren James, Boola
Barren John; Pendys
Barren Mrs R, Carrigcleena
Barren P, Knockdrislagh
Barren Patrick, Boola
Barren Patrick, Glashaboy
Bolster James, Newberry
Callaghan Mrs, Kilcolman
Forde John, Ulashaboy
Forde Mrs Hannah, Dromahane
Crean John, Knockdrislagh
Cremin Maurice, Beeing
Cremin Maurice, Glandine
Cremin Thomas, Glandine
Cremin Timothy, Glandine
Dennehy James, Kilcoleman
Dineen David, Dromore
Dineen John, Dromore
Dineen Robert, Dromore
Duggan Daniel, Dromahane
Flemrng John, Carrigcleena
Fleeting Patrick, Nursetow
Flynn Charles, Dromahane
Galvin David, Dromore
Galvin Mrs, Pendys cross
Good James, Dromore
Hanlon John, Glannoge
Hanlon Mrs, Glashaboy
Hanlon Wm J, D c, Glannoge
Flealy Jeremiah, Beenalaght
Healy Jeremiah, Kilpadder
Healy Timothy, Glandine
Hegarty William, Kilcolman
Heggart John, Knocknamona
Horgan Denis, Nursetown
Horgan Denis jun,
Horgan bliss, Bnola
Horgan Timothy, Dromahane
Keeffe Daniel, Dromahane
Kelleher John, Boola
Kelleher William, Nursetownr
Kelly Michael, Carrigcleena
Long Denis, Beeing
Looney Mrs, Beeing
McAuliffe Daniel, Glannoge
McCarthyJohn, Nursetown
Mulcahy D, Nursetown
Mulcahy Michael, Beeing
Mulcahy Patrick, Beeing
Mulcahy Timothy, Beeing,
Murphy Charles, Beeing
Murphy Denis, Beeing
Murphy Edward, Pendys
Murphy John, Beeing
Murphy Maurice A, Seeing
Murphy Maurice W, Glashaboy
Murphy Patrick, Glannoge
Murphy Timothy, Glannoge
O'Callaghan John, Ballysimon
O'Callaghan Timy, Glandine
O'Callagha.n Timy J, Glandine:
O'Connell John, Kilpadder
O'Connor John, Nursetown
O'Connor Michl, Pendys crass
O'Connor Mrs, Kilcolman
O'Connor Mrs M, Glashaboy
O'Hanlon John, Ballysimon
O'Hanlon Wm, D c, Glannoge
O'Keefte Daniel, Dromahane
O'Keeffe John, Knockavaddra
O'Keeffe Michl, Knockavaddra
O'Keeffe Patk, Knockavaddra
O'Leary Cornelius, Glandine
O'Leary John, Beeing
O'Leary John A, Glandine
O'Regan J, Ballysimon
O'Regan Miss, Kilpadder
O'Regan Michael, Kilpadder
O'Riardan Michl, Glannaharee
O'Sullivan Charles, Glashaboy
O'Sullivan Michl, Carrigcleena
O'Sullivan Timothy, Glashaboy
O'Sullivan Timothy, Nursetown,
Regan Mrs, Dromahane
Riordan Michael, Glandine
Riordan Mich1, Knockdrislagh
Riordan Mrs, Glashaboy
Sexton Patrick, Beenalaght
Sexton William, Glashaboy
Shea David,. Beeing east
Shea Michael, Beeing
Shea Timothy, Beefing east.
Sheehan James, Glashaboy
Sheehan John, Kilcolman
Sheehan Miss H, Glashaboy
Sullivan Edward, Glandine
Sullivan Patrick, Glashaboy
Sweeney Eugene,Knockdrislgh
Sweeney John,Knockdrislagh
Sweeny John, Carrigcleena
Twomey Denis, Glandine .
Twomey Timothy, Dromore
Waters Timothy, Glashaboy