Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Dunmanway


(Pop 1,619.)


Post, moneyorder and telegraph office

Postmaster-John Wagner

Stamp distributor-John Atkins

Telegraphist-Miss A O'Farrell


Conveyances--Dunmanway a staion Cork, Bandon & South Coast ry;

four trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster-Joshua Keyms


Parliamentary div South Cork

County Electoral div Dunmanway



(See also Special List.)

Chairman Council--Timy Corcoran JP,MCC

Vice-Chairman-W O'Connell

Chairman Guardians-Rd Donovan

Clerk-Florence J Crowley

Master House-Timothy Burke

Medical officer-Dr J J O'Callaghan

Rate Collectors- Patrick Riordan Coolmountain, and C Riordan Inchincurka


Electoral divs. Dunmanway, Aulagh, Coolmountain, Garrown and Milane


Dispensary and Registration District of Dunmanway

Medical officer and Registrar-Dr T J O'Donovan, J P



Petty Sessions held each alternate Friday . Quar Sess dints of Bandon and Bantry

Clk Petty Sess-Alfred N Atkins



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector-P Sheahan

Head Constable-C W Wilson

Constabulary station- Sergeant J Cuddan



Hughes Robert.

H C O'Callaghan



Crowley F .J, Dunmanway



Atkins A N, C P S

Wagner John, The Square



Munster and Leinster Bank ltd- Manager, Henry Popham ; accountants, William McSweeney ; J PCoffey

Bank of Ireland - Agent, C C Reardon



Ch Ireland (Fanlobbus) - Rev Arthur Wilson, BA, rector ; Rev O Madden, BA, curate

R Catholic - Rev Thomas J  Maguer, P P ; Revs W Murphy, Daniel Cummins, curates ; Rev Danl O'Shea, chaplain

Methodist-Rev John Sanderson



Sisters of St Vincent de Paul -Superioress, Sr Louise Plunkett ; chaplain, Rev Daniel O'Shea



Christian Brothers - Rev Bro Vincent, superior

St Vincents Boarding and High School Technical Instruction - Sisters of St Vincent de Paul


National-head teachers

Dunmanway(model)-W Morrison ; Miss Edith Bailey

St Marys Girls and Infants-Sisters of St Vincent de Paul

Dunmanway PLC –Miss Danovan

Ahakeera-Thomas McCarthy, M Buckley

Behagh-D McCarthy

Coolkelure (St. Edmunds)- William Pattison

Clashnacrona - Miss; Deans

Inch-Miss Coakley


Fairs and Markets-Last Wednesday each month(cattle); last Tuesday each month (pigs). Horse Fair last Wednesday in March ; last Wednesday in Sept.

Market day Tuesday

Ballyboy, 5 Aug (horses)



Adderley, Miss Fanny

Ashe H H; Ivy cottage

Atkins Alfred N, C P S

Atkins James Edwards, J P, Brookpark

Atkins John, J P, The Cottage

Atkins J H, The Cottage

Atkins T Parker, Overton cottage

Atkins Wm H, D co surveyor

Bailey Mrs, East ville

Beamish John, Milane house

Bernard J, Railway hotel

Bryan Hamilton, Mohona

Bryan J Hamilton, J P, Prospect hill

Clarke Goodhand, Model farm

Clarke John, The Bleach

Clarke Miss Emily, organist

Clarke Thomas, land steward, Coolkelure

Coffey J P, Munster & Leinster bank

Collins James, grocer

Crowley Florence, J P, CO C, Behagullane

Crowley F J, clerk union

Cummins Rev Daniel, C C

Donovan Miss B, Victoria to

Donovan Mrs, Sackville street

Donovan P, law clerk

Donovan Paul, M R C V S

Douglas Mrs, St Edmunds, Coolkelure

Fitzmaurice Francis, solr and land agent

Giliman E S, Coolkelure

Gillman Mrs, W'oodbrook hse

Glllman Thomas, Woodbrook

Hourihan Timothy, accountant

Hughes Kobert, inland revenue officer

Hurley Daniel, Bryans Hotel

Keyms Joshua, Station house

Kingston Samuel, Kilronan

Kingston Wm, Sackville street

Kingston Wm, Civil bill officer

Lewis W J, Currahae house

LUCSS J R, J P, Manor house

McCarthy Mrs C

McCotter Sampson

McSweeney Wm, Accountant Munster and Leinster bank

Madden Rev O, B A, curate C I

Maguer Rev Thomas J, P P

Miller Rev Zebulon Wright, BA, St Edmund's rect,Coolkelure

Morrison W, nat teacher

Murphy Rev W, C C

Murray Timothy, DC, Casltle st

Norwood William, J P, land , agent, Ballyhalwick house

Norwood W S, B A, K C

Nyhan E F, M D, Johnstown

O'Callaghan H C, customs and excise

O'Callaghan Jeremiah J, Mr, Bridgemount

O'Connell Wm, D G, Main st

O'Donovan Richard, DC, Main st

O'Donovan T J, M D, J P

O'Leary J, solicitor,Woodlands

O'Rei11y J, Railway street

O'Reilly J RIC, Bank house

O'Shea Rev Daniel, Chaplain convent

O'Sullivan Patk, D C, Main st

Payne J, R N

Plunkett Rev Sr Louise, sup Sisters of St Vincent de Paul

Popham Henry, J P, manager M &  L bank, Bank house

Powell Daniel, Cloonties house

Powell Jas H, solr, Riversdale

Reardon C C, apt bank Ireland

Sanderson RevJohn, Meth min

Sheahan P, dint insp R I C

Tamplin Robert, Lakeview

Wilson C, head-constable R I C

Wilson Rev Arthur, B A, Fanlobbus rectory

Welply Samuel J, Kilronane

Wylie G B, Victoria terrace

Wylie Mrs, Green view


Solicltors .

Fitzmaurice Francis (Wolfe and Fitzmaurice}

O'Leary J

Powell James H


Physicians and Surgeons.

Nyhan E F

O'Callaghan Jeremiah J .

O'Donovan T J, J P


Chemist and Druggist.

Gray D S, Market square



Bryan's-D Burley, prop

Castle-Mrs Keane, prop

Commercial-J Burke, prop

Railway--Jerk Bernard, prop


West End-D1 Hennessy, prop


Agricultural implement Agents.

Atkins John
 Daly E

Bryan Thos R



Beamish S

Hornibrook E

Lynch Jerh

McCarthy Patk

O'Leary Daniel

O'Sullivan Patk


Billposters .

Downey Dents, West Green

West Cork Billposting Co




Mahony Chas

O'Rourke Martin

Rourke Michl

Sheehy John


Boot and Shoe Makers

Ahern Patrick

Atkins John

Connolly Jas H

Donovan Dents

Hailisy C

Kingston Thos


Builders and Contractors.

Atkins J

Burke Daniel


Butter Merchants

Collins Thomas

Murray Timothy

O'Sullivan Patrick


Cabinet maker.

Sedwards Thomas


Car Owners.

Banks Thos

Bernard Jerh

Burke D J

Coakley C

Hennessy Danl

Hurley Daniel

Murray T



Daly Timothy

Hurley D

Murphy Jerh


Cattle Dealers.

Crowley Jeremiah

Daly M

Landon R, Kilronane

Dullea J

Hurley P


China & Glass Warehouses

Atkins John

Brennan Jas

Burke Jas

Kingston Sam

Kingston Thos

McCarthy Eugene

Ropers Mrs O

Tanner Thos


Coach Builder.

O'NeiIl Thomas


Coal Merchants.

Atkins John

Healy D

O'Sullivan P


McCarthy D

Murphy Peter


Corn Merchants.

Atkins Jahn

Bryan Thos R

O'Sullivan P



Drinagh Dairy Co

Kilronane Dairy Co


Cycle Agents.

Atkins Alfred N

Atkins J H

Bryan G A

O'Neill F



Buttimer James

Crowley D& Co

Crowley Mrs H

Delea Michael

Jagoe William

Keane Mrs

O'Sullivan J

Peyton Frank

Sheehy Jas

Wagner John

Wilson Chas J

Wilson Thos S


Dressmakers,Milleners etc

Adderley F

Collins Mrs J

Crowley & Co

Donovan H

Henncssy Miss

Keane Mrs

Kingston A

Kingston Mrs

O'Donovan H

O'Sullivan K

Sheehy, M A

Dyers Agents.

Hallissy C

Jagoe William

Wagner John

Wilson C J

Egg Merchants.

Coakley Mrs

Kingston Saml

McCarthy Mrs

Meara Richard

O'Sullivan T

White Michael


Electricity Works.

Gillespie A L, prop ; bI Donovan, assistant


Emigration Agents.

Atkins John, Main street

Wagner John, The square


Flour Merchants.

Atkins John

Bryan Thos R

Burke Tames

Connell Wm

Kearney Patl.

O'Sullivan P

Wilson Thos S


Fowl Dealers.

Meara Richd

O'Sullivan P


(*Also Vintners)

AtkinsA N

Atkins John

Brennan James

Bryan Thos R

*Burke DanlJ

Burke James

Collins James

*Crowley Timy

Daly E

Daly M

*Donovan Mrs

*Driscoll C

Fenwick J P

*Calvin Mary

Grattan T

Hayes D

*Healy D

*Hennessy D

*Hurley D

*Kearney P

Kearny Ellen

'Kelly M

Kingston Thos

*McCarthy H

*MCCarthy Jas

*McCarthy P

*Milner M

*Meredith M

Murphy Margt

*O'Connell W

*O'Donovan R

*O'Neill Mrs

Payne Susan

*Riordan Ellen

Rogers Mrs O

*Ross Geores

*Sullivan Patk

Wilson Thos S



Tisdall J, Church street


Insurance Agents

Ashe H H

Atkins A N

Atkins John

"Crowley F J

Delea M


Healy Mrs

McCarthy D

Peyton F T

Popham Henry

Powell Jas II



Atkins John

Bryan Thos R

Daly E


Leather Merchants.

Atkins John

Connolly J H

Tanner Thos



Sisters of St Vincent de Paul

Conservativehall-Mrs Wilson, librarian


Lodging-house keepers

Burke James

Hurley MrsC

MCCarthy Mrs

McCarthy Patk

Meara Richard

O'Brien Nlrs

Marine Store Dealer.

O'Sullivan P


Mills & Factories.

Dunmanway steam sawn mills- John Atkins, prop ; John Bailey, manager

Pearl Valley flax and woolen mills, Timothy Cotter, prop

Scutching mills-T Cotter, prop


News Agents.

Brennan James

Collins James

Healy Mrs


Oil and Colour Merchants

Atkins John

Brennan Jas ,

Bryan Thos R

Daly E


Newspaper Correspondents

Donovan P

Murray M J



Brennan Jarrtes

Brennan Thos

Keane Timy



Hornibrook Edward

Refreshment Rooms,

Anderson Mrs McCarthy Ptk


Saddlers & Harnessmakers.

Bradley Michl

Kingston Paul

O'Donovan Ptk

Young Thomas


Seed & Manure Merchants

Atkins John

Bryan Thos R

Daly E


Shopkeepers, etc.

Dawkins Miss E, Alderbrook

McCarthy D T



Atkins John

Brennan James

Collins James

Daly E

Wagner John


Tailors and Clothiers

Barry Denis

Barry William

Crowley M

Hallahan D

Hallissy Con

Kelly Denis



Atkins John


Timber Merchants .

Atkins John, Cat lane and Railway statian

Jones Mrs, East Green



Driscoll D

Driscoll P



Atkins John

Beamish S

Brennan Jas

Bryan Thos R

Burke James

Collins J

Daly E

Kingston Sam

McCarthy Eug

McCarthy Jas

McCarthy IYIrs

Wilson Thos S



Atkins J

Jones Mrs



Banks Thos

Collins Michl

Hubbert Edwd

Meara Robt


Wine & Spirit Merchant.

Bernard Jerh

O'Donovan R


Wool Merchants.

Copithorne J

Crowley & Co

Crowley Mrs II

Murray Timy




Elect. div. Auttagh

Burke Denis, Inchireagh

Buttimer John, Ahakeera

Buttimer Maurice, Ahakeera

Crowley John, Behagullane

Crowley Timothy, Ardcahan

Daly John, Lisheenleigh

Donovan Jerh, Behagullane

Donovan Michael, Behagullane

Lordan John, D c, Lisheenleigh

O'Neill Mr, Ahakeera

Roche Edward, Coolsnaghtig


Electoral div, Coolmountain

Crowley J, D C, Keelraheen

Hurley Barth, Dromdeegy

Lynch John, Dromdeegy


Electoral div. Dunmanway

Atkins James E, Brookpark

Atkins John, Dunmanway

Atkins T P, Overton cottage

Beamish Thos, Ballyhalwick

Bernard J, Dunmanway

Bradfield James, Dunmanway

Bryan Hamilton Mohona

Bryan Thomas R, Dunmanway

Chambers George, Dromleena

Clarke John, Milleenanannig

Coakley Mrs, Chapel cross

Collins Miss, Milleenanannig

Connell Miss, Kilronane

Connolly J H, Maugh

Cotter Mrs, Pearl valley

Crowley John, Ballyhalwick

Deane Mrs, Mohona

Deane Thomas, Garrybaun

Deane William, Shears

Dineen C, Dunmanway

Donovan Denis,,Dromleena

Dullea E, Milleenanannig

Dullea Jarnes, Millenanannig

Fuller Joseph hI, Dunmanway

Hurley, Jeremiah Kilbarry

Kelly Jeremiah, Shiplough

Kelly John, Shiplough

Kingston John, Dunmanway

Kingston Samuel, Kilronane

Lee Benjamin ; Carrigscully

Lucey D, Hillford

Lynch Daniel, Dunmanway

McCarthy J, Dunmanway

McCarthy Timy, Knockahaduff

Maguire Mrs, Mallabracka

Meara Heny John, Coom

Meara William, Dunmanway

Murphy .M, Dunmanway

O’Connell Wm, Dunmanway

O'Donovan D, Dromleena

O'Sullivan Mortimer, Underhill

Powell Jarnes H, Riverdale

Ross George, Dromleena

Walsh John, Kilbarry


Electoral div. Milans.

Beamish J, Clashnacrona west

Beamish John, Milane house

Beamish S F, Ciashnacrona east

Beamish T J , Clashnacrona west

Chambers Thomas, Pookeen

Clarke Joseph, Inch

Clarke Richard, Inch

Collins john, D C, Inch

Coughlan J, Inch

Crowley Jeremiah, Inch .

Deane B J, Pookeen

Deane Mrs G, Pookeen

Deane Mrs, Maulanimirish

Deane Robert, Maulanimirish

Fuller Thomas, jun, Cloonties

Keane Denis, Pookeen

McCarthy Florence, Garrane

Pattison Richard, Sillahertane

Powell Daniel, Cloonties

Powell John, D c, Cioonties

Ross William, Derryduff

Sullivan Maurice, Milane


Electoral div . Garrown,

Chambers Mrs S, Cullenagh

Chambers John, Dromdrasdih

Chambers Joseph, Cullenagh ,

Corcoran M, Dromdrasdil

Crowley Denis, Annees

Donovan Richard, Dromdrasdi

Donovan T P, Dromdrasdil

Forties George, Cullenagh

Kingston Joseph, Splitrock

Kingston George, Cullenagh

Kingston William, Cullenaghr

Lee Benjamin, Rockgrove

Ross Thomas, Cullenagh

Sullivan Mrs, Farnanes

Tyner Richard, Dromdrasdil