Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Fermoy


(Pop 6,126.)

(Urban District Council.)


Military station, head post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Head office, Patrick st.

Postmaster-Edward Fox

Overseer- J Kelly

Senior Clerk-T Corcoran

Telephonist-Miss E Anderson

Town sub-office-Barrack hill

Postmistress-Miss S Hamilton

Mails despatched for Dublin, England, etc ; week-days 2.50 pm, 8.20 pm ; Sundays  7.20 p m


Conveyances-Fermoy a station G S & W ry, eight trains to and from Cork daily. Mitchelstown and  Fermoy branch G S & W ry five trains daily. Waterford, Lismore & Dungarvan ry, four trains to and from Waterford daily. For England via Rosslare harbour twice dally(morning and evening) .

Stationmaster-Richard Maher


Parliamentary div North East Cork

County Electoral div Fermoy



(.See also Special List)

Chairman Council-T O’Mahony, J P

VicebChairman-Michael Flynn

Chairman Guardns-T O'Mahony, J P

Clerk-Peter O'Neill

Assistant Clerk-Maurice Daly

Master House-Francis M Gormly

Matron - Mother M E FelicitaO'Neill

House Doctor-T P Magner, M B;

Dispensary and Registration dist of Fermoy

Medical officer and Regr-Dr M A O'Brien



(See also Special List) -

Chairman-John Sheehan

Clerk-William Sheehan

Sanitary sub-officer-D O'Callaghan

Engineer-D J Buckley, South mall, Cork

Solicitor-J S Troy

Road steward-J Donegan



Judge-M J Bourke, M A, K C

Hilary and Trinity-Criminal and general

Easter and Michaelmas – Civil bills and compensation for criminal injuries

Crown solicitor-Anthony Carroll



Petty Sessions held each alternate Monday. Quar Sess dists of Midleton and Fermoy

Resident Magistrate--J M Dickson

Clerk PettySess--Christopher Healy



Rice Richard, solicitor



Chris Healy, C P S, Briscoe place

Deputy-T Meares



Excise offrcer-J J Ernis



Baylor Robert S, solicitor, LL a

Rice Thomas

St Leger William F, solicitor-

Tapley Joseph



(See Military, page 136)

Headquarters 16th Inf Brigade-

Brigade-General-Col E C Ingouville Williams, C B, DS O

Brigade Mai-Copt RH Mangles, DSO



1st Bn Leicestershire Regt

1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regt)

Fermoy District and 6th Divisional Royal Engineers

R A M Corps



XXXVIII Brigade, R F A-24th and 34th Batteries .



12th Co Royal Field Engineers-


Military Nursing Sisters-Station hospital

Soldiers Home, Barrack hill - Superintendent, Miss Williamson



(Ses Special Constabulary List)

District Inspector-Victor H Scott

Head Constable-M J Collins

Constabulary station

Sergeants - Saml Caldbeck, Patrick Grace, J R Brady



Courthouse rd-Manor, A E Barnett

Military Works-New Barracks Manager, D W Tooms



Bank of Ireland-Agent, E D Maher ; sub-agent, St G Vernon, cashier, T Robinson

Munster and Leinster Bank ltd- Manager, H C Nash ; accountants- H J Wren, J ,I Delaney, T ODonnell

Provincial Bank ltd – Manager William Sherrard ; accountants, E R Sargint, P F Lynch, F Scott

National Bank ltd- Manager John J Rice ; teller, H Dawning accountant, C J Pelly



Avondhu Club, Patrick st- President, E Kelleher ; vice-presides T Grotty ; treas, iV Sheehan ; hon sec, J Tapley, jun

Commercial Club, Mill road- Pres, E Ryan; sec, J J Pyne ; treas, T Murphy

Fermoy Club-Sec, Major P H Acheson ; steward, Denis Kelly

Fermoy Boat Club-Pres, J Walsh, Hon sees, T Mannix and E J Kelleher

Golf Club-Hon sec, C J Pelly

Fermoy Ladies Club- Queen’s Square . Mrs Acheson, sec

Hockey Club-Pres, R S Baylot, LL D .

Race Club-Sec, R S Baylor, solr

Sports Committee - Pres, John Sheehan ; treas, N Prendergast; hon sec, P Foley

Tennis Club--Hon sec,WFStLeger

Theatres-New Barracks, Recreation Rooms ; Assembly rooms



United Hunt-Master, Major Powell

CCH--NIaster,Capt R Holryod Smyth

Duhallow - Masters, Hunt Committee ; huntsmen, WN Barry and R G Annesley, Esqs.

Galtees-Master, Abel Buckley

Funcheon Vale Harriers-Mster, R G Annesley

Fermoy Harriers-Master, T Rice

Avodhu Harriers--Master C Kirby

Otter Hounds-Master J Lombard



Ch Ireland-Rev Precentor Thomas, CAbbatt, Rural Dean of Castletownroche, BD ,REC ; Rev F G M Kennedy

RCatholic-Rev M M O'Callaghan, ADM ; Revs P Casey and John Noonan, curates ; Rev M Connell, military chaplain

Presbyterian-Rev W T FIack, M A

Methodist-Rev B C Moron



Presentation - Rev Mother, Mrs Benignus Ahern

Loretto - Rev Mother, Mrs Agnt

Little Company of Mary - Rev Mother Felicitas



St Colmans-Patron, Most Rev R Browse; D D, Lord Bishop of Cloyne ; president ; Very Rev Michael Canon Barren, D rx ;dead, Rev J A Cotter, BA ; professors, Revs Daniel O'Leary, Thos Tobin,Jno Cavanagh ; T Roche, MA ; Messrs Ed Fitzgerald, BA ; Cormae O'Kelly MA ; T Bresnaci BA; N P Prendergast ; James Macnamara ; D McKenna, BA, ARC SC, visiting professors, H Houchen (art master), Maurice Mannix(art mastery)  Herr Henrich Tils (music), D Cummins (commercial), and

Staff-instr Fermoy gymnasium

The Manor School-Head master, R F Russell, s A ; assistant masters, H Hussey, FRCO, BA (OXON) ; Rev J Yorke Batley, MA (CAMB)

University & Civil Service Academy- Wm O'Reilly



School Attendance Committee - chairman, Rev M M O'Gallaghan,ADM, ; attendance officer, T Meares ;secretary, T Sweeney

Christian Brothers-Director,Rev Br E M Delaney

Loretto Convent High School

National-head teachers

Adair-Wm Clarke ; Mrs Clarke

Barrack Hill-James Hackett

Convent-Presentation Nuns

P L U-W J McCarthy ; Sister M Barbara Cummins

Clondulane-James Dempsey ;Miss Higgins

Grange-J Higgins,MrsHiggins


Fairs and Markets-Cattle and sheep first Monday in month ; pig fairs last Monday ; horse fairs 2nd Tuesday Jan, May, August, October.Market day, Saturday.

Clerk- Thomas Kelleher



Abbott Rev Preceotor Thos C, B D, rector

Abbott W M, B A, C E

Acheson Maj P H, Ivelebawn

Agnes RevMother,Loretto conv

Ahern Mrs Benignus,Rev Mother Presentation convent

Ahern J Old Market st

Ahem James, Patrick st

Ahern Michael, Old market

Ahem P, New market place

Ahem Patrick, Bank st

Aird S & A, Barrack hill

Andrews W T, Barrack hill

Arbuthnot Maj A G, com 24th Batt R F A

Bagot Gapt L B, R E

Barber J J, Artillery quay and Francis st

Barnett A E, manager gas works

Barrett J P, Chapel square

Barrett Rev M Canon, D PH,pres St Colmans college

Barrett Terence, Bridge hotel

Barrett K M, Patrick st

Barry Arthur, Cork road

Barry Henry, Church place

Barry J, Coolcorrin

Barry J J, M D, St James place

Barry John & Sons, Patrick st

Barry Michael , King st

Barry Miss,-Cork road

Barry Mrs, Newmarket st

Barty Mrs, Avondhu

Barry William, Cork road

Bartley Richard, King st

Bateman S, Beeehfield

Batley Rev J Yorke, MA, assist mster y chaplin Manor school

Baylor Robert S, LL D, solr, Walkers row

Baylor William, King st

Begley Mrs, Victoria terrace

Bell Lieut-Col F W, Stand hse

Bird Mrs R, Duntahane

Birmingham Mrs J, Duntahane

Birmingham Mary, King st,

Blake Matthew, Patrick st

Bourke Mrs, Ileclash

Braddell Mrs, Modelligo

Bradley R, King St

Brady J R, sergt RIC, Ivy Cot

Bremen T, B A; professor St Colmans college

Broderiek Joseph J, Patrick st

Broderick Patrick, Barrack hill

Browne James,King st

Burgess C, Grubbs quay ,

Burke J, Bank st

Butler Iohn, Albert place

Byrnes Patrick Chapel hill

Bywater J, Factory walk

Cahill P, relieving officer, Dispensary house

Caldbeck Saml, serge R I C

Callaghan John, New market st

Garden Capt, Castlehyde road

Carr Arthur, U D C, Albert place

Carr R, Barrack hill

Carroll Anthy, crown solicatar, Walkers row and Glenavon Rathealy

Carroll Mrs Anne, Abbey st

Carter J, Barrack st

Casey Rev Patk, CC, Presbytery

Casey Thomas P, Patrick st

Cavanagh Rev John, StColmans college

Clancy J, West barrack st

Clancy Mary C, Princes st

Clarke Miss M, St James place

Clarke W & Son ltd-; Patrick st -E Ryan, manager

Clarke Win, Adair sat school

Cleary Patrick, King st

Clifford Michael, OId market

Coakley D C, Aird Cairn

Coakley Jno, Wolfe Tone

Cole W, Queens square

Collins Daniel, Emmet st

Collins M J, head-const R I C

Condos Daniel, Barrack hill

Condos Michael, Emmet st

Condos Patrick, Patrick st

Corban Major-Gen Wm Watts, Bettyville

Corcoran Mrs, King st

Cotter Michael, Cross st

Cotter firs, Queens square

Cotter Rev J, dean St Colmans

Couche Jeffrey C, Francis st

Coughlan Helena, Cork road

Coughlan John, Newmarket st

Coughlan firs, Princes st

Courtney Mrs, Ding st

Cousins J, East barrack st

Creagh Phil W, v s, Corrinville

Creedon David, Tullagrena

Creedon Miss, 1ilalkers row

Creely Eliza; Dings square

Croker Lieut-Col H L, com Ist Bn Leicestershire Regt

Cronin Mrs, Bank st

Crosse Frank, Clondulane

Crosse Robert, Clondulane

Grotty T, Old market st

Crummy Michael, Barrack hill

Culloty J, Patrick st

Cumin Thomas ; Barrack hill

Daly Charles, Parnell terrace

Daly Jeremiah, Barrack hill

Daly Maurice, asst clerk union, Chapel square

Daly Michael; Cork hill terrace

Daly Miss, Francis st

Daly Patrick, Bank st

Daly Philip, Queens square

Daly Thomas, Kings square

Danford Capt B W V, R E

Daniels & Sons, Queens square

Daniels Herbt S,J P,EastGrange

Deane Jasper, Gurrane

Delaney Rev Bro E, director Christian Brothers

Dempsey J, Cork Hill terrace

Dempsey Jas, N T, Clondulane

Dennehy Walter, Walkers row

Dickson J M,. R M, Gurteen

Dilworth T, M D, St James pl

Donegan Jeremiah, Kings sq

Donegan Miss M, King st

Donegan Patrick, Patrick st

Donovan E, King st

Donovan Miss, Old Barrack st

Dooly J J, King st

Downing Bridget,Qld barrackst

Downing H, teller Nat bank

Doyle A W, Mount ain view

Dunlea & Sons, Patrick st

Dunlea Edmond,Old Market pl

Dunlea Edward, Walkers row, Artillery quay and Mill Road

Dunlea Patk & Son, Patrick st

Dunlea Philip, Patrick st

Dunlea William S, J P, Bellevue

Dunne Daniel, King st

Dunne James,, Grubbs quay

Dwane John, Kings square

Eason & Son, Railway station

Eager Mrs M; Queens square

Elliott M, kings square

Ennis J J, excise officer

Farrell William, Patrick st

Fermoy Fish and Poultry store, Barrack.hill

Fitzgerald Ed, BA, professor St Colmans college

Fitzgerald James; Patrick st

Fitzgerald Miss, kings, square

Fizelle E & Co, Patrick st

Flack Rev W T, Me, Presbyterian minister

Flapagan Bros, Patrick st

Flanagan T, king st

Flynn Denis, Patrick st

Flynn Patriclz, Cross st

Foley P, Patrick st

Forrestal J, Imperial hotel, Francis st

Fouhy Jerh, Patrick st

Fox Edward, postmaster

Fox Lieut-Col RF, DSO, RFA, Com 38th Brigade

Freed & Acheson, Hillside ter

Furlong Chas J, J P, Richmond

Furlong & Sons ltd, Fermoy mills

Gallagher Daniel, Pound lane

Griffin Miss Mary, Patrick st

Hackett Jas, Barrack hill nat sch

Hallinan Joseph A, Clondulane

Hallinan & Sons, Clondulane

Hamilton Mrs S, postmistress, Barrack Hill

Hannah Frank, King st

Harty Patrick, King st

Hayes D, Sunmount

Hayes Nlrs David, Queens sq

Healy Christopher, solr, clerk petty sessions, Victoria ter

Healy Miss Margt, Cork road

Heffernan Wm, Patrick st

Hendley Miss, Mountrivers

Gallagher Elizabeth, Patrick st

Gallaher John, Baliyhendon

Gallaher Mrs J, Duntahane

Galligan John, Chapel square

Gates W J, Queens square

Geany Mrs B, Cork road

Geary Miss, Walkers row

Godson J, Cork hill

Gormley Frs NI, master union

Grace Patrick, sergt R I C

Griffin John, Barrack hill

Dickey M, Patrick st

Hickey Thomas. Patrick st

Higgins J, N T, Factory walk

Higgins Mrs A, Patrick st

Higginson Lt-Col C P, D S O, com 1st Bn Shrop Regt

Hill Lt-Col II C de la M, com 1st Bn the Buffs (E Kent Regt}

Hobbs Richard, King st

Hodder Mrs, Victoria terrace

Hogan Mary, Patrick st

Hogan Michael J, Princes st

Hogan Mrs, Princes st

Holmes George, Patrick st

Holmes Miss K, Patrick st

Horgan Mrs M, Shorthall

Hussey H, BA, assistant master Manor School

Howard James, Princes st

Hyde David, King st

Hyland Miss, King st

Hyde Lieut-Col J I Lang, CMG, Com RE

Ingouville-Williams Brig-GenE C, C B, D S O, Com 16th  Inf Brigade

Irwin John, Chapel square

Jeffers James, Parnell terrace

Jeffrey Mrs, Walkers row

Jones John, Princes st

Jordan Mrs J, Cork road

Kearse M J, P L J

Kelleher Mrs J, Creamery road

Kelleher Mrs K, Patrick st

Kelleher Thos, market clerk

Kelleher Mchl, PLG,OId market and Bank st

Kelly D,steward Fermoy club

Kelly John, Parnell terrace

Kennedy Maj R W, Killuntin

Kennedy Rev F G M, curate e

Keyes J, Barrack hill

Kilkeary Thomas, Bank st

Kiniry Martin, Patrick st

Lane John O'C, L P S I

Lane P J, King st

Leaky Daniel, Chapel hill

Leaky Patrick, King st

Lee Richard, Church place

Lennon J J, instr Dept Agric and Tech education

Leonard P, King st

Lindsey Edward, King st

Linehan Mrs, rrT, Clondulane

Lipton Ltd, Patrick st-J Smihth, manager

Lombard James, Artillery quay and Queens square

Lonergan & Co, Patrick st

Longhurst J, Barrack hill

Lucas Frederick, Cregg Qlympry

Lucas Henry, Rathealy

Lynch Michael, King st

Lynch P F, Prov bank

Lyons John, Church hill

Lyons Michael, Cork hill

Lysaght James, Cork road

Lysaght William, King st

McAuliffe Mrs, Barrack hill

McCarthy H, Patrick st

McCarthy M, Barrack hill

McCarthy W J, N T, Workhouse

McConville John, Barrack hill

McConville J, Parnell terrace

McConville Miss, Barrack hill

McCreery Misses, Forglen ter

McDonnell Mrs, King square

McKenna D,B P, prof St Colmans College

McNamara Jas, prof St Colmans College

McSweeney Mrs, King st

Magnier Miss, O'Connell place

Magnier J, Old market

Magnier Nlichl, New market pl

Magnier Thomas Paul, M D, Patrick st

Magnier Wm J, so1r, Patrick st and Duntahane house

Maker R, Railway station house

Maker E D, agent bank of Ireland

Mahony J, rate collr, Princes st

Mangles Brig Maj R H, 16th Inf Brigade, D S O

Mannix Thomas, Old market

Mannix Maurice P, prof St Colmans college

Mansfield P, Cork hill terrace

Marriot Mrs, Barrack hill

Martelli Colonel, Monabeg

Maye W F, C E, Corrin house

Mears Miss, Cork hill

Mears T, house agent, Cork hill

Mills Stephen, King st

Moher Miss, Francis st

Moloney Mrs, Patrick st

Moloney John, Shat hall

Moloney Mrs Mary, King st

Montgomery Dr, Careysville

Manoe Mrs A, Old market st

Moore The Misses, Cork hill terrace

Moore Thos, Old market place

Moran Rev B C, Meth min

Morris Michael, Railway station

Morrison Wm, Factory row

Mulcahy James, Patrick st

Mullane Miss, Walkers row

Mulvhill Mrs, Barrack hill

Murphy Abina, .Artillery quay

Murphy D, King st

Murphy J, Cork hill

Murphy Ml, D c, Boherderroge

Murphy Mrs, The Court house

Murphy Michael, Cork road

Murphy W D, Patrick st

Murray John, King st,

Murray Miss, Church place

Murray Patrick, Kings square

Murray William, King st

Nash H C, roger M & L hank

Noble J S, Queens square

Noonan Rev John, c e

Nutley John, King st

O'Brien Mrs C P, barrack hill

O'Brien J J;'Barraclc st

O'Brien James, Cairn lodge

O'Brien M, Lower Patrick st

O'Brien M A, M D, Coolmore

O'Brien P, Queens square

O'Brien T, Barrack st

O'Byrne Mrs B, King st

O'Byrne George, Cross st

O'Callaghan D, sso, Parnell ter

O'Callaghan J, Artillery quay and Glanworth

O'Callaghan L, New market st

O'Callaghan Rev M M, ADM, College road

O'Callaghan Mrs, Grubbs quay

O'Connell Nlchael, Chapel hill

O'Connell Miss H, Lower Patrick st

O'Connell Rev Maurice, cc

O'Connell Thos, Patrick st

O'Connell W, Patrick st

O'Connor Miss, Royal hotel

O'Connor Richd, UDC,West qy

O'Donnell T, M & L Bank

O'Donoghue B, King st

O'Donoghue W, King st

O'Flanagan Roland, Avondhu

O'Flynn Jereme, Patrick st

O'Gorman D L, CO C, Janeville

O'Keeffe Bernard ; Queens sq

O'Keeffe D, Artillery quay

O'Keeffe D, Cork road

O'Keeffe Dl, OId market place

O'Keeffe Eliza, Patrick st

O'Keeffe John, King- st

O'Keeffe John, Patrick st

O’Keeffe Michl, Old market st

O’Keeffe Miss, OId market st

O'Keeffe Mrs, Old market st

O'heeffe  Mrs Julia, King st

O'Keeffe Mrs, Cork Road

O'Kelly Cormac, M A, prof St Colmans college

O'Leary Jerh, O'Connell place

O'Leary John, Richmond colt

O'Leary Rev Daniel, prof St Colmans college

O'Mahony John, Barrack hill

O'Mahony R, Francis st

O'Nlahony Thomas, King st

O'Mahony Thomas, J P, CO C, C D C, Sunmount

O'Mahony & Co, King st

O'Neill Peter, clerk union, Carrigdhoun

O'Neil1 Mother M Felicita , matron workhouse

O'Rielly W, acad, Walkers row

O'Reilly Nlrs, Abbey st

O'Sullivan Jeremiah, Albert pl

O'Sullivan John, Barrack hill

O'Sullivan John, Jun, Cross st

O'Sullivan Mrs J R, Patrick st

Paltrier NIr, acct M & L bank

Paye Bros, Albert place

Paye John, Church hill

Pelly C J, acct National bank

Power George, King st

Power Michael, U DC, King st

Power Mrs, N T, Clondulane

Prendergast N, P, professor St Colmans college

Punch Edward Philip, M D,Ballyhindon house

Punch J, Ballyhindon house

Pyne Miss, Market place

Quail Charles, Clondulane

Quain Jerh, P L G, Barrack hill

Quain Matthew, UDC, Francis st

Quinlan & Co, Queens square

Quinlan Edmorid J, JP, Queens square

Quinlan Miss, King st

Quirk Mrs B, Patrick st

Rahilly John, Patrick st

Rea Richard, J p, Woodside

Regan Mrs King st

Reilly John, Cork hill terrace

Renison George, Walkers row

Rice George, Walkers row

Rice James, Rathealy cottage

Rice .Jeffrey, Straw hall

Rice John, O1d market st

Rice John J, mgr, Natianal bank

Rice Mrs, Curraghmore house

Rice Richard, Bank st

Rice Richard, sole and coroner, Walkers row ; res Killaly house, Kilworth

Rice Thomas, Patrick st

Rice Thomas, Clondulane house

Robinson T, Bank of Ireland

Roche John, King st

Roche David, Artillery quay

Roche Mrs, St James place

Roche Rev Thos, MA, B SC, St Colmans College

Rose Capt, Duntahane

Russell & Co, Patrick st

Ruissell R F, B A, head master Manor school

Ryan Richard F, Patrick st

Ryan Mrs, Francis st

Ryan Mrs Ellen, Patrick st

Ryan Patrick, Albert place

Sadleir Wm, MD, The Grange

Sargint E R, acct Prov bank

Sargeaunt Major R F, R E, com 12th Field Eng, Kilworth

St Leger William F, solicitor, Patrick st, and The Laurels

Scannell James, Patrick st

Scannell Kate, Patrick st

Scanlon Martin, King st

Scott F, Provincial bank

Sheehy J J, UDC, Barrack hill

Sheehan Elizabeth, King st

Sheehan James, Queens square

Sheehan J, CUDC, Walkers row

Sheehan Michael, Cork road

Sheehan Miss, William st

Sheehan Miss Kate, King st

Sheehan Patrick, Patrick st

Sheehan Patrick, UDC, King st

Sheehan William, town clerk, William st

Sherrard WM, mgr Prov hank

Singer Manufacturing Go ltd, Patrick st

Skey Lt Col F E G, com Royal Engineers

Slattery E, West Barrack st

Slattery J M, Patrick st

Slattery Miss E, King st

Slattery T, King st

Slattery Mrs, King st

Smaul James, King st

Smith J & C, King st

Spillane Charles King st

Spillane John, Bank st

Spillane M, Artillery quay

Spillane Maurice, Coolcarrin and Cork road

Spillane Morgan, Artillery quay

Spillane Michael, Princes st

Stack Miss, William st

Stritch & Sons, Rathealy road

Sullivan William, Cross st

Suttons ltd, Barrack hill

Sweeney Thomas, Patrick st

Swiney Mrs, King st

Tapley James, Cork hill

Tapley John, Patrick st

Tobin John, Patrick st

Tobin Redmond, Corh hill

Tobin RevThomas, St Colman college

Tooms D W, Lower Patrick st

Troy Philip, Patrick st

Troy John S, solr, Walkers rows, res Carrigeen

Troy Wm, JP, King st

Tyler & Co ltd, Queens sq

Vernon St G, Bank of Ireland

Wainewright A R, com 34th Batt RAF

Walker Mrs Arlington, Castlehyde

Walsh Miss L, Patrick st

Walsh Patrick, Old market st and King st

Walsh John, Parnell terrace

Wallis J & Sons, carriers

Watt Mrs, The Manse

Weymouth Lloyd, King st

Williamson Miss;' supt Soldiers home

Wilson Major J R, RFA

Woodrooffe Geo F,MD,Windsor

Wren H G, acct M & L bank

Wynne F, Albert place

Young J, Bank st & Patrick st



Baylor Robt S, LL B Walkersrow

Carroll Anthony, Walkers row

Magnier William J, Patrick st

Rice Richard, Walkers row

St Leger William F, Patrick st

Troy John S, Walkers row


Physicians and Surgeons.

Barry J J, St James place

Dilworth T, St James place

O'Brien M A, Coolmore

Punch Edward Philip, Ballyhindon house

Magnier Thos Paul, Queens sq

Sadleir Wm, The Grange

Woodroffe George F, Windsor


Pharmaceutical Chemists.

Broderick Joseph J, The Medical hall, Patrick st

Fkynn Denis, Patrick st

The Fermoy Pharmacy, Patrick st


Dental Surgeon.

Gates WJ, Queens square


Veterinary Surgeons.

Creagh P W, Cxrubbs quay

O'Suilivan M, Patrick st



Blackwater view-Mrs Prendergast, King st

Bradley R, King st

Imperial Francis .st- J Forrestal

National, Queens square-Mrs Eager Pop

The Bridge, Grubbs quay-T Barrett, prop

The Royal, Queens square - Miss O'Connor, manageress


Land and House Agents.

Freed & Acheson, Hillside ter

Mearns T, Cork hill terrace

St Leger Wm F, Patrick st

Tapley J, Patrick st



Barry J M & Son, Kings square



Ahern James, Patrick st

Bradley S, King st

Dunlea Philip, Patrick st

Dunne Daniel, King st

Leaky Patrick, King st

Q'Brien Michl, Lr Patrick st

O’Keeffe Daniel, Artillery quay and Patrick st

O'Keeffe Mary J, Patrick st

Quain Jeremiah, Barrack hill

Sheehan E1iza, King st

Sheehan James, Querns square

Troy William, King st


Basket Makers.

Byrnes Patrick, Chapel hill

Carter J, Barrack st



Fox John, Princes st


Blacksmiths and Farriers.

Galligan John, Chapel square

Leaky Daniel, Old market

Murray John, King st

Money Patrick and William, Kings square

Smaul James . King st

Welsh Patrick, Old Market st


Boot and Shoe Merchants.

Higgins Mrs D, Patrick st

Molony J, Patrick st

Russell. & Co, Patrick st

Tyler & Co ltd, Queens square


Boot and Shoe Makers

Griffin John, Barrack Hill

Kirby Cornelius, King st

Nutley J, King st

O'Keeffe John, King st

Prendergast James; Store lane

Slattery James, King st


Bottling Stores.

Cotter Mrs John, Newmarket st

Daly Thomas, Queens square

Eager Mrs M, Kings square

Kellaher Timothy, Market st

Lombard James, Artillery qy

McCarthy Mrs A, Patrick st

O'Keeffe John, Patrick st

O'Sullivan David, Grubbs quay


Brewers Agents.

Dunlea E, Artillery quay and Mill rd {Beamish~. Crawford)

Keileher T, Bank st & Artillery quay {J J Murphy & Co)


Builders and Contractors.,

Creedon D, Rathealy road

Hayes Danl, Carrignagroghera

O'Mahony Thomas, Carngnagroghera

Walsh Patrick, King st


Cabinet Maker.

Jones John, Princes st


Carpenters .

Butler John, Albert place

Coakley John

Daly Charles, Parnell terrace

Daly Daniel

Daly Jeremiah, Barrack hill

Daly Michael, Cork hill terrace

Daly Patrick, Bank st .

Lyons Michael, Cork road

Lysaght William, King st

McCarthy William, Barrack hill

O'Keeffe D, Cork road

Sheehan Patrick, Cork hill terrace

Walsh John, Parnell terrace

Walsh Patrick, Old market st


Carriers and Car Owners.

Carr Arthur, Albert place

Collins Daniel, William st

Cumin Thos, Barrack st

Donegan Patrick, Patrick st

Dunlea Edward, Mill road

Kiniry Martin, Patrick st

Lyons John, Church hill

Magnier Thomas, New Market

O'Brien C P, Barrack hill

Sheehy J J, UDC, Barrack hill

Waillis  J & Sons

Wynne F, Albert place


Cattle Dealers.

Barry & Sons, Cork hill

Downey Thomas, Princes st

Ryan Patrick, Albert place



Daniels ~ Sons, Queens square

Fizelle & Co, Patrick st

McCarthy J, Patrick st

Molony John, Patrick st


China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers.

Baylor Peter, King st

Donegan P, Patrick st

Hogan Mrs, Princes st

Scannell James, Patrick st

Sheehan E, king st.

Swiney Mrs, King st

Troy Philip, Patrick st


Coach Builders.

Burgess C, Grubbs quay

Struck Bros, Rathealy road

Welsh Patk, Old market place


Coal Merchants.

Dunlea E, Old market place

Ferrnay Gas Company

Morris M, Railway station

O'Keeffe Daniel, Market place

Suttons Limited, Barrackhill

Tooms D W, West quay


Commission Agent.

Troy William, King st



Black J, Barracl~ hill

Bradley S, King st

O'Callaghan Lawrence, 2 and 3 New market st

O'Keeffe Daniel, Patrick st

Royal hotel Co, Queens square

Sheehan P, Patrick st

Sheehan Elizabeth, King st

Sheehan James, Queens square



O'Keeffe Michl, Old market st


Corn Merchants.

Baylor John, Patrick st

Kelleher Timothy, Barrack hill and Market place

O'Brien J, Cairn lodge

O'Callaghan J, Artillery quay


Corn Mills.

Barry & Sons, Patrick st

Dunlea P, Mill road

Furlong John & Sons . Mill road

Hallinan & Sons, Clondulane


Cycle Depots.

Noble J S, Queens square

O'Mahony & Co, King st


Dairies and Creameries.

Barry J, Coolcorrin

Bird R, Duntahane

Coughlan Mrs, Newmarket st

Furlong C J, Richmond

Fermoy Dairy Co – Philip Dunlea, prop

Murphy Michael, Strawhall

O'Gorrnan D L, Janeville

Rahilly John, Patrick st

Rice J, Strawhall



Fizelle E 8r Co, Patrick st

Hayes David, Queens square

Hickey T, Patrick st

Molony John, Patrick st

O'Brien P, Queens square

O'Flynn J, Patrick st

O'Sullivan J R, Patrick st

Quinlan Bros, Queens square

Ryan Ellen Patrick street


Dressmakers and Milliners.

Barry Miss, Cork road

Coleman Mrs, New market

Cotter Miss, William st

Daly Miss, Francis st

Daly Mrs, King st

Griffin Miss Mary, Patrick st -

Hogau Miss, Old market

McDonnell Misses, King st

McLoughlin Miss, King st

McTiernan Miss, Grubbs quay

Moher Miss, Francis st

Moore The Misses, Cork hill ter

Murphy Abina, Artilleryquay

O'Callaghan Mrs, Grubbs quay

O'Connell Miss H, King st

O'Keeffe Miss, Old market pl

O'Keeffe Mrs, Cork road

Quinlan E, Queens square

Sheehan Miss, William st

Sheehan Miss Kate, King st

Slattery Miss, King st

Slattery Mrs, King st

Stack Miss, William st


Dyers Agents .

Griffin Miss M, Patrick st

Hayes David, Queens square {agent McKeehnie, Cork)

Power Geo, King st {agent Dartry dye works, -Dublin)

Power Michael, King sheet

Quinlan Edmond, Queens sqr


Electrical Engineer .

Tooms D W,,Lower Patrick st

O'Shea P, King st


Emigration Agents .

Ahern James, Patrick st

Baylor John, Patrick st

O'Connell W, Patrick st

Ryan R F, Patrick stree4.


Fish Merchants.

Aird S and A, Barrack hill

Power J, Princes st


Fish Dealers.

Aird S & A, Barrack hill

Gallagher Daniel, Cross st

Howard James, Princes st

Longhurst J, Barrack hill

Fishing Tackle Warehouses

Barber J J, Artillery quay

Flanagan Bros, Patrick st

Noble J S, Queens square


Flour and Meal Dealers.

Ahern J, Patrick st

Baylor John, Patrick St

Black J, Barrack hill

Donegan P, Patrick stroet

Dunlea P, Patrick st

Kiniry M, Patrick st

Leaky Daniel, King st

Lyons M, Cork road

O'Keeffe Daniel, Old market sq

O'Keeffe Eliza, Patrick st

Quain Jeremiah, Barrack hill

Ryan Patrick, Barrack hill

Spillane John, Bank st

Troy W, King st


Flour Mills.

Hallinan T & Sons, Clondulane


Forage Merchants.

Baylor John, Patrick st

Kelleher Timothy; Barrack hill


Fruiterers .

Blake Matthew, Patrick st

Cotter Eliza, Queens square ,

Elliott M, Kings square

Lombard James, Queens square and Artillery quay

O'Callaghan Lawrence, 2 and 3 New market st

O'Keeffe Bernard, Queens sq

O'Keeffe Daniel, Patrick st

O'Keeffe Mrs, Queens square

Regan R F, Patrick st


Furnishing Warehouses.

Barry John & Sons, Patrick st

Baylor Peter, King st

Dunlea Patk & Sons, Patrick st



Ahern James, Patrick st .

Blake Matthew, Patrick st

Cotter Mrs, Queens square

Daly Bros, Queens square

Donegan Miss, King st

Eager Mrs, Queens square

Farrell William,, Patrick st

Gallaher Mrs, Duntahane

Geany Mrs, Cork hill

Leaky Patrick, King st

Liptons Ltd, Patrick st

Lombard James, Queens square and Artillery quay

McAuliffe Thos, Barrack hill

McCarthy Mrs A, Patrick st

Mannix Thomas, Old Market pl

Moloney Mrs Mary, King st

Mulcahy James, Patrick st

O'Brien Mrs, Barrack hill

O'Keeffe I;liza, Patrick st

O'Keeffe John, Patrick st

O'Regan Mrs, Kirg st

Prendergast Bridget, King st

Quain J, Barrack hill

Rice D, Patrick st

Rice T Patrick st

Sheehan P, Patrick st

Sheehy J, Barrack hill

Sheehan Miss E, King st

Swiney Mrs, King st



Andrews W J, Barrack hill

Clancy J, West Barrack st

Corcoran Mrs A, King st

Morrissey Thos, Factory row

Smith J & C, King st


Hosiers and Haberdashers

Birmingham Mary, King st

Dooly J J, King st

Griffin Miss, Patrick st

Holmes Miss K, Patrick st

O'Byrne Mrs {trimgs), King st


Income Tax Recovery Agent.

Sweeney Thomas, Patrick st


Insurance Agents.

Barry J M & Son

Brien Timothy, Chapel square

Crummy Michael, Barrack  Hill

Gormley Frank M, Straw

Murphy P, Cork hill terrace

Reilly John, Cork Mill

Sheehan William, Emmet st

Sweeney Thomas, Patrick st

Walton AL, Church place



Barry J & Sons, Patrick St

Baylor Peter, King st

Dunlea & Sons, Patrick st


Iron Works.

Dunne Jas & Son, Grubbs


Jewellers and Watchmaker

Barber J J, Artillery quay

Cole W, Queens square


Ladies Underclothing and Baby-Linen Warehouse

Dooly J J, King st

Griffin Miss M, Patrick st

Holmes Miss Kate, Patrick

Murphy Abina, Artillery


Leather Merchants.

Magnier Mich1 J, New market st

Tobin John, Patrick st


Loan Offices.

Donegan P, Patrick st

Dunlea William S, Patrick

Gallaher Mrs, Duntahane r


Boarding & Lodging-Keepers.

Begley Mrs, Victoria terace

Clifford Michael, Old market

Cronin Mrs, Bank st

Donohoe Miss, Artillery quay

Dwyer Mrs, Chapel square

Farrell William, Patrick st

Geary Miss, Walkers row

Healy Mrs Margaret, Cork road

Hogan Michl J, New market pl

Jeffrey Mrs, Walkers row

K.ilkeary T, Bank st

O'Connell Miss, King street

McConville John, Barrack

Mullane Miss, Walkers row

Mulville Mrs, Barrack hill

Murray Miss, Church pl

Quinlan Miss, King st

Ryan Mrs, Francis st

Sheedy Mrs, Bank st

Welsh Miss, Patrick st


Marine Store Dealer

Cleary Patrick, King st

Flynn Patrick, Cross st

Mills Stephen, King st


Mineral Water Manufctrs.

Eager William, Kings square

Kelleher T, Old market place


Music Teachers.

Hyland Miss, King st

Murray Miss, Church place

O’Reilly, Mrs, Abbey st

O'Reillys Academy, Walkers row

Quain Mrs, Francis st



Eason and Son, Railway station

Lynch Michael, King st

O'Connell, W, Patrick st


Oil and Colour Stores.

Barry John & Sons, Patrick st

Baylor Peter, King st

Dunlea & Sons, Patrick st

Patrick Troy Philip, st



Fizelle & Co, Patrick st

Hickey Thomas, Patrick st

McCarthy H, Patrick st

Moloney John, Patrick st

O'Brien P, Queens square

O'Sullivan John R, Patrick st

Quinlan E J, Queens square


Painters and Decorators.

Condon M, Princes st

Heffernan D & Sons, King st

Keyes J, Barrack hill

O'Byrne George, Bridewell hill

Paye Bros, Albert place

Swmey William, Chapel hill



Couche Jeffrey C, Vandyke studio, Francis st


Poultry and Game Dealers.

Finn Mrs, Princes st

Lysaght James, Cork road

Sullivan William, Cross st


Plumbers & Gasfitters.

Browne James, King st

Lysaght Thomas, Cork road

O'Mahony John, Barrack hill

Rice George, Walkers row

Weymouth Lloyd, King st


Posting Establishments.

Collins D, Grubbs quay

Cumin Thomas, Barrack hill

Donegan Patrick, Patrick st

Dunlea Edmd, Old market place

Howard James, Princes st

Kiniry M, Patrick st

Lyons John, Barrack hill

Magnier Thomas, Newmarket s

O'Brien C P, Barrack hill

Royal Hotel, Kings square

Sheedy J J, Barrack hill


Press Correspondents.

Barber J J, Artillery quay

Sheehan Wm, Emrnet st


Printers and Stationers.

Lindsey Edward, King st

Lonergan ~ Co, Patrick st

Welsh Brothers, King st


Provision Dealers.

Hogan Marq, Patrick st

Hogan Michael, Newmarket st

Kelleher Mrs K, Patrick st

KilkearyThomas, Bank st

Lipton ltd, Patrick st

Lombard James, Artillery quay

Lyons Michael, Cork road

Rahilly John, Patrick st

Rice J, Old market place

Ruche Bros, Newmarket st

Slattery J M, Patrick st

Wa1sh Miss L, Patrick st


Railway Carrying Agents.

Cart Arthur, Albert place

Cart R, Barrack hill

Wants J & Sons


Refreshment Rooms.

Ahern Mrs; Old market

Clifford Michael, Old market

Cronin Mrs, Bank st

Crowley C, Barrack st

Hogan Michael J, Princes st

Kilkeary Thomas, Bank st

Magnier Mrs T, Old market

Mulville Mrs, Barrack hill

Rice J, New market st

Sheehan P, Patrick st

The King st Restauratnt and Baths-S Bradley, prop

Welsh Miss, Patrick st


Saddlers ands Harness Makers.

Ahern J, Old marleet st

Ahern P, New market st

Flanagan Bros, Patrick st

Rice Richard, Bank st


Seed & Manure Merchants.

Ahern James, Patrick st

Barry John and Sons, Patrick st

Baylor Peter, King st

Dunlea and Sans, Patrick st

O’Keeffe D, Artillery quay

Russell and Co, Patrick st

Tobin John, Patrick st


Sewing Machine Agents.

Singer Manufacturing Co Ltd Patrick st



Crotty T, Old market st

Daniels & Sons, Queens square

Fitzgerald James, Patrick st

Jackson T C, Patrick st

O'Callaghan E, Grubbs quay

Power George, King st

Power Michael, King st

Slattery David, Barrack hill

Slattery Ed, New barrack st

Slattery T, Bank st


Timber Merchants.

Barry J and Sons, Walkers row

Creedon D, Francis st

Hayes Daniel, Barrack hill

Mahony Thos, Barrack hill



Lynch Michael, Bridewell hill

O'Sullivan John sen,Barrack hill

O'Sullivan John jun,Barrack hill



Barrett & Son, Patrick st

Bartley Richard, King st

Clarke W & Son ltd, Patrick st

Corcoran Mrs, King st

Farrell William, Patrick st

Fitzgerald Mrs, Lynch

Kings square

Michael, King st

McDonnell Mrs, King st

Murray W D, Patrick st



Creedon Dents, Francis st

Donegan Patrick, Patrick st

Dunlea Edward, Mill road

Hayes Daniel, Chapel square

Magnier Ml J, New Market

Sheean John, Grubbs quay


Victuallers .

Barry Arthur, Cork road

Casey Thomas P, Patriclc st

Central meat Market, Bank st

Condon Daniel, Barrack hill

Spillane Charles, King st

Spillane Michael, Princes st

Spillane Morgan,Artillery quay

Young J,Bank st & Patrick st



Ahern James, Patrick st

Ahern Patrick, Bank st

Barry William, Cork road

Baylor John, Patrick st

Bowdren David, Patrick st

Burke J J, Bank st

Cotton Mrs Anne, Abbey st

Clancy Mary C; Princes st

Clifford Michael, Old market

Condon Patrick, Patrick stI°eet

Cotter Eliza, Queens square

Cotter Miss, Church place

Coughlan Helena, Cork road

Cousins J, East Barrack st

Creely Eliza, Kings square

Cumin Thomas, Barrack hill

Daly Thomas, Kings square and Queens square

Donegan Miss M, King st

Donovan E King st

Dowling Mrs B, Old barrack st

Dunne Daniel, Ding st

Eager M, Queens square

Farrell `Villiam, Patrick stI°eet

Geany Mrs B, Cork road

Gallaher Elizabeth, Patrick st

Gallagher Mrs, Dumtahane

Harringtor. Miss, King st

Hickey Mrs, Patrick st

Hobbs Richard, King st

Hogan Mary, Patrick st

Hogan Michael J, Princes st

Holohan Bridget, Church place

Kelleher T & Sans, Clondulane

Kelleher Timothy, Artillery qy

Leaky Patrick, King st

Leonard P, King st

Lombard James, Artillery quay and Queens square

McAuliffe Thomas, Barrack hill

McCarthy Mrs, Patrick St

McSweeney Mrs, King st

Mannix Thomas, Old market st

Molony Mrs Mary, King st

Moore Mrs A, Old market st

Mulcahy James, Patrick st

O'Brien Mrs, Barrack hill

O'Brien Michael, Patrick st

O'Connell William, Patrick st

O'Connor Richard, West quay

O'Donoghue W, King st

O'Donovan Miss,Old barrack st

O'Keeffe Mary, Patrick st

O'Keeffe Patrick st John,

O'Keeffe Mrs Jnlia, King st

O'NeilI Denis, King st

Pigott Patrick, Patrick st

Prendergast B, King

Pyne Miss, Market place

Quirk Mrs B, Patrick st

Regan Mrs, King st

Rice David, Patrick st

Rice Thomas, Patrick "st

Roche John, King st

Ryan R F, Patrick st

Scannell Kate, Patrick st

Sheedy John, Bank st

Sheehan Elizabeth, King st

Spillane John, Bank st

Spillane Maurice, Cork road

Tobin John, Patrick st


Woollen Manufacturers.

Quinlan E J, Queens square, and Araglin, Kilworth


Wine and Spirit Merchants,

Barren Terence, Bridge hotel

Bowdren David, Patrick st

Daly Bros, Queens square

Cotter Mrs Eiiza, Queens square

Daly Thomas, Kings square

Eager M, Queens square

Lombard Jas, Queens square anci Artilhry quay

McAuliffe T, Barrack hill

McCarthy Wm, Patrick st

O'Keeffe John, Patrick st

O'Regan D, King st




Electoral div. Coole.

Healy John, Ballynafauna

Healy Martin, Ballinveelig

Jeffrey George, Bawnnaglogh

Lane Michael, Garrynoe

O'Brien Patrick, Curragh

Ryan Igneous, upper Clondulane

Ryan Mrs B, Clondulane north

Ryce Mrs, Curraghmore house

Sheehan Edward, Crough

Waters P, Knockdromaclogh


Electoral div. Fermoy.

Barry Thomas ; Straw hall

Donegan Jerh, Lisnasallagh

Font John, Strav hall

Hallahan J, Carrigatoortane

Hallahan Mrs, Carrigatoortane

Myles John, Carrigabrick

Rice J, Strawhall house

Rice Mrs, .Curraghmore house

Shanahan John, Strawhall



Electoral div .Fermoy.

Barry James, Coolcarron

Baylor George, D C, Duntahane

Bird Richard, Duntahane

Kelleher Michael, Grange

O'Brien Jamey, Cairn lodge

O'Keeffe Mrs, Duntahane

Quoin Jeremiah, The Pike

Rea Richard, J P, Coolcarron

Spillane Maurice, Coolcarron

Welsh Richard, Grange

Walsh Thomas, n c, Grange



Electoral div. Castlehyde.

Barry James, Knockananig

Barry Thomas, Cpolroe

Dunlea Dents; Knockananig

Fouhy J, Garraunigerinagh

Kelleher Michael, Garraunigerinagh

Lane Michael,Garraunigerinagh

Stack Denis, D C, Castlehyde


Electoral div. Killathy.

Noonan John, Cregg north

O'Keeffe James, Cregg north

Roche D jun, Creggolympry sth

Roche Mrs, Cregg south

Shinnick Edmond, Templenoe

Shinnick James, Cregg

Shinnick Michael, Cregg south