Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Garinish



Post and telegraph office ; Allihies nearest money order office . Asbestos mines at Blackball head, copper mine: at Barnes Gap, and silver and lead mines at Cahermore

Postmaster-J V Dudley


Conveyances-Bantry (Cork,Bandon and South Coast ry) nearest station, Steamers (Bantry Bay SteamShip Company) ply to Castletownbere ,mail car thence to Garinish


Parliamentary div West Cork

County Electoral div Bere


Rural District Couyacil Castletown

Electoral div . Kilnamanagh.


Dispensary and Registration district of Kilcatherine


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Castletownbere ;- sub-dist of Allihies


Lighthouse on Bull Dock

Chief Lightkeeper- J Lavellle


National School-head teachers

Lehanmore-T O'Sullivan ; Mrs. M A Kenny


Butter market at Lehanemore,.also Dursey Sound, Cloghfune, and Killough on Mondays



Bruce J Annan, M P


Car Owners.

Dennehy M, Cloghfune

Kelly T, Lehanmore

Murphy Patrick, Canalmore

Neill D, Canalmore

O'Shea P, Cloghfune

O'Sullivan E, Killough


Fish Buyers and Curers.

Bremner A (of Wick, Scotland)

Bruce & Co (of Wick, Scotland)

Dudley James, DC, Garinish

Cummins James, Glenerath

Flynn H & Co (of Liverpool)

Kelly Jeremiah, Lehanemore

McAuley Bros (of Glasgow}

Miller M (of Wrck, Scotland)

O'Shea D M, Castletownbere

Petrie C (of Liverpool}

Sullivan Joseph, Canalmore

Sullivan Michael, Billerough

Sullivan Pat, Lehanemore

Tyrrell T, Garinish




Broderick John, Lehanmore

Cnnolly James, Gleraroagh

Connolly John, Ballynacarriga

Dennehy J, Cloghfune

Dennehy P, CIoghfune

Harrigton Timy, Ballynaearriga

Healy Daniel, Dursey Island

Holland Cain, Cloghfune ,

Kelly Cornelius, Lehanrrrore

Leary Daniel, CIoghfune

Leary Michael, Lehanmore

Lowney Denis, Cloghfune

Lowney John, Lehanmore

Lowney Patrick, Lehanmore

Lowney William, Lehanmore

McNally Mrs M, Canalmore

Murphy Mrs M, Canalmore

Murphy James, Knockroe

Murphy Philip, Knockroe

Neill Daniel, Canalmore

O'Shea Michl, Dursey Island

O'Shea Patrick, Cloghfune

O'Sullivan Eug, D C, Killough

Sounders J, Cloghfune

Shea Daniel, Scrivoge

Shea James, Scrivoge

Sullivan Daniel, Scrivoge

Sullivan James, Brackloon

Sullivan Jerh, n e, Brackloon

Sullivan John, Killough

Sullivan M, Lehanmore

Sullivan M, Canalmore

Sullivan Mark, Glanaraugh

Sullivan M E, Killough

Sullivan Michael, Cloghfune

Sullnan Michl, Kilkinnikin

Sullivan Michael (Jerry}, Ballynacarriga

Sullivan Mrs L, Kilkinnikin

Sullivan Patk, Killough

Sullivan Patrick,Ballynacarriga

Sullivan Patrick E, Killough

Sullivan Peter, Dc, Kilkinntkin

Tyrrell Thomas, Garinish

Walsh John, Scrivoge