Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Glengarriff




Post, money order and office. Tourist telegraph and health resort

Postmistress-Mrs Harvey


Conveyances-Bantry 11m (Cork andon and South Coast ry) nearest station. Steamer from and to Bantry three services daily during summer months.  Mondays, Thursdays Saturdays during winter months


Motor public service daily during June, July, August, and September, to Killarney, 9-30 a m ; to Macroom, p m, to Bantry, 5-40 Pm


Parliamentary div West Cork

County Electoral div Bantry


Rural District Council Bantry

Electoral div. Kilcaskin


Dispensary and Registration dist of Glengarriff

Med officer and Registrar- Dr MJ McCarthy


Sessions Court Petty of Reenmeen every fourth Wednesday. Quar Sess dirt of Bantry and Skibbereen

Clerk Petty Sessions-George  T Nicholson, Bantry


Agricultural Society-Rev Wm O'Connor, P P, pres ; Rev O Harvey, rector, vice-pres ; Patrick O'Shea, hon sec ; M Harrington, D C, hon treas


Constabulary district of Bantry

In charge of Glengarriff station- Sergeant George N Cooper


National Schools-head teachers

Glengarriff-Patrick O'Shea

Derrycannery - Mrs Lizzie O’Shea

Derrycreigh -C O'Driscall

Youngfield -John J O'Sullivan


Fairs - 1st Monday each month


Butter Market-Thursday-Eggs, Monday



Cummins E, Eccles hotel

Flynn J, solicitor

Flynn Mrs, Roche's hotel

Harvey Rev W Oswald, B A, The Rectory

McCarthy Michael J, M D

O'Connor Rev Wm, P P

Puxley Miss Lavallin, The Castle

White S, J P, Glengarriff castle



The Eccles Glengarriff Hotel Co ltd-E Cummins, manager,

Bridge-Mrs Flynn, prop

Casey's-Mrs Casey, prop

O'Shea's-J O'Shea, prop

Perrin-Wm Sullivan, prop

Poulgorm House-Mrs Harvey proprietress

Roche's Royal-Mrs Flynn,prop

The Glen-Edward O'Sullivan


Home-Spun Weaving Factory

O'Shea Mrs D H, agent


Lace Factory

O'Donnell Miss, manageress


Shopkeepers, etc

Downing Maurice, tailor

Harrington Denis, grocer,vint

Harrington M, grocer, vintner

Harrington Timothy, Vintner

Moriarty John, bootmaker

O'Connell Denis, bootmaker, etc

O'Shea John, vintner, butter buyer, etc

O'Shea John F, vintner, grocer, wine and spirit merchant

O'Shea Mrs John F, dressmakr

O'Shea Mrs K, grocer, draper

O'Sullivan Miss Mary, grocer

Power David, draper



Brian James, Bocarna

Harrington D J, Coorcullane

Harrington John

Harrington John, Lickeen east

Harrington J B, Cappyaughna

Kelly Morty

O'Leary Denis, Gurtroe

O'Leary Denis, Droutnadrown

O'Shea James, - Lickeen west

O'Shea Patrick, Shrone