Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Post and telegraph office
; Glanmire nearest money order office .
Postmistress-Miss Mary Ahern
Conveyances—Queenstown Junction a station
Stationmaster- P Bowely
Parliamentary div
Rural District Council
Electoral div Caherlag.
Dispensary and Registration district of Carragnavar south. New Glanmire dispensary open on Mondays and Thursdays from 11 a m to 12-30
p m
Med officer and Regr-Dr
Mich P Dunlea, Riverstown
Rural District Council Midleton
Electoral div Carrigtwohill
Dispensary and
Registration div Midleton No, 2.
Petty Sessions district of Riverstown
Constabulary dist of Queenstown
In charge of New Glanmire
station- Sergeant T Bergin
National School-head teachers
New Glanmire -
Cornelius N Murphy ; Mrs F Moylan
Beamish R H, DL, Ashbourne
Coffey Francis,
Fleming Very Rev T Canon, PP
Doran Brigadier-Gent W R B, C B, D S O, Combermere
McCarthy Rev Timothy, C C
Murphy John, D L, J P, Annamount
Nicholson Capt W,Killahora ldg
Ross Thomas,
Twomey Willam,Killahora
Wakeham Mrs,
Donnelly Thomas, vintner, etc
Keniry Hannah, shopkeeper
Long Danl, smith, Annmount
Leahy W, carpenter, Annmount
Manning Michael, vent, Killaeloyne
Walsh Ellen, vint,
Fenton John,
Gleeson Patrick, Annmount
Gleeson D, The
Murphy Matthew,
Marphy MrsD,
Murphy William, Annmount
O'Connor James, Sunville
Willis William, Sunlodge