Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Innishannon


(Pop 257)

Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmistress-Miss S McTighe


Conveyances-Upton 2-1/2 m. (Cork,  Bandon ~ South Coast ry) nearest stn


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral divs Bandon and Kinsale


Rural District Council Bandon

Electoral divs. Innishannon – and Ballymurphy


Dispensary and Registration dist of Innishannon

Med officer and Registrar-Dr H Sweetnam

District Nurse-Mrs Branigan


Rural District Council Kinsale;

Electoral div. Templemichael

Dispensary and Registration Dist of Ballymartle .


Petty Sessions Court-each alternate Tuesday. Quar Sess list of Cork


Constabulary district of Bandon.

In charge of Innlshannon station- Sergeant James Brennan


National Schools-head teachers

Innishannon-Denis McCarthy, Mrs McCarthv.

Innishannon Bridge-R E Moreland


Fairs-29, May, 24  Oct



Caullfield Col F,Innishannon hse

Cole Mrs, Towerview

Conner Col Wm,JP,Downdaniel

Davidson J S, Coolrnoreen

Dennehy Michael, JP, Prospect house

Forrest Rev Andrew, P P

Godley Col F C, MVO, Riverview

Good Thomas Bailey, Coolcullitha house

Herrick Rev Aug Tabuteau, Shippool

O'Hanlon Rev The, M A, rector

Lane George, Dunlcereen

Meade Mrs, Belmont

Meade Miss, Sunninghill

Moreland R h:, Rockvilla

O'Sullivan John, C P S

Peacocke Capt warran Thomas, J P, Skevanish

Reid Alex JJ,BL,JP,Woadview

Roberts A H, Tooreen house

Roberts Benjainin,Tooreen hse

Slorach Mrs, Cor Castle

Stephenson Mrs, Cor castle

Stihivan J Dromkeen

Sweetnam H, MB, B A

Trinder Jaines, Dromkeen house



Russell Mrs, D C


Posting Establishments .

Mawe Mrs

Russell Edwd, DC

O’Brien Michl, D C


Salmon &. Trout Hatchery.

The Munster Trout Farm - F Stenning, manager


Shopkeepers, etc.

Barrett James, vintner

Branigan Mrs, district nurse

Buchanan Henry,emig agnt,etc,

Chambers J, vint, Killaminoge

Dennehy T, tailor

Falvey T, stationer, etc

Forger Mrs, Colliers quay

Horgan The Misses, drapers, newsagents and fish buyers

Mawe Mrs, flour dealer & carrier

Murphy Jeremiah, vintner

Murphy John, grocer

Murphy T, tailor

O'Brien Michael, D C, Vintner

Ollifie Edward, rover & baker

Olliffe T, grcr, hardware mcht

O'Sullivan J, grocer, butter and coal merchant




Electoral div : Innishannon.

Bolster Samuel, Ballylangley

Foley; John, Ballylangley



Electoral div. Innishannon,

Deasy Timothy, Clouracaun

Desmond Humphrey,Skevanish

Donovan Barry, Barna

Donovan Mrs D, Crosses

Falvey Denis, Curranure

Falvey John, Skevanish

Good Michael, Barna

Holland William, Killountane

Kingston Matthew, Curranure

Lucy Edmond, Rathnaruogy

Lynch Patrick, Knockmullane

McCarthy Denis, Farnahoe

McCarthy Thos, Rathnaroughy

Murphy Michael, Coolmoreen

Quin Charles, Skevanish

Quin W J, Skevanish

Regan Denis, Killountane

Smyth Jerome, Dromkeen

Sweetnam J H, Ballycoghlan

Tyner John, Rathnaruogy

Webb George, Killountane

Wolfe James, Clouracaun



Electoral div: Templemichael .

Buckley Timothy, Coolcullitha

Kingston George, Killaminoge

McCarthy D, Clogheenduane

Murphy John, Killaminoge

Murphy Timothy, Killaminoge

O'Keeffe E, Farlistown

Smith Jonas, Clogheenduane