Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Kildinan



Glenville nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmaster--Patrick Kennedy


Conveyances-Ballyhooly 6 m . and Fermoy 9 m . (Fermoy and Lismore branch G S & W ry) nearest stations


Parliamentary div North East Cork

County Electoral div Ballyhooly


Rural District Council Fermoy

Elect div Kildinan


Dispensary and Registration district of Rathcormac.


Petty Sessions dist of Rathcormac

Constabulary district of Fermoy


National School – head teachers

Kildinan-Patrick Daly ; Miss O'Mahony

Killuntin-Miss H McCarthy



Kennedy Mrs, Killuntin

Lindsay Capt, Bridestowh house

Northndge Saml, Kildinan hse

Parry Daniel, land steward, Bridestown house


Shopkeepers, etc.

Conroy Thomas, smith

Kennedy Patrick, grocer

Sheehan Mary, vint, Bridestowrn

Sweeny John, blacksmith, Killuntin




Almond Daniel, Bridestown

Buckley Mrs, Killuntin

Cahill John, Lacken north

Cahill Michael, Bridestown

Cotter John, Lackendarra south.

Cronin James, Killuntin

Cronin Margaret, Killuntin

Cronin Patrick, Killuntin

Daly John, Bushy park

Dillworth Jeremiah, Killuntin

Fitzgerald Thomas, Bridestownw

Gowen Michael, Bridestown

Hegarty John, Bridestown

Hegarty T, Lackendarra south

Keating Cornelius, Bridestown

Kennedy Mary, Killuntin

Murphy Daniel, Lacken North

Murphy Matthew, Lacken north

O’Callaghan Wm, Bridestown

Phibbs William, Bridestown

Pigott Maurice, Bridestown

Pigott William, Bridestown

Reillly John, Lacken north

Reilly William, Lacken north

Roche Michael, Bridestown

Twohill James, Bridestown



Barry John, Raheen

Barry Michael, D c, Kildinan

Barry Patrick, Kildinan

Buckley William, Glannagaul

Cahill Denis, Dc, Shanbally

Colbert Patrick, Shanbally

Collins James, Raheen

Collins Thomas, Glannagaul

Condon Cornelius, Glannagaul

Connolly Maurice, Glannagaul

Conroy Jeremiah, Cousane

Cotter Maurice, Glannagaul

Cotter William, Glannagaul

Cronin John, Kildinan

Crowley Timothy, Coolea

Cumin Daniel, Coolea

Daly Michael, Glannagaul

Dawkins John, Cousane

Dorgan Barth, Glannagaul

Dorgan John, Shanavagha

Farrell Michael ; Coolea

Fenton John, Raheen

Foley Edmond, Glannagaul

Foley Thomas, Glannagaul

Higgins James, Raheen

Hoare John, Raheen

Keating William; Glannagaul

Kennedy Batt, Behernagh

Mahony .John, Prap

Murphy Daniel, Coolea

Murphy John, Shanbally

Murphy Patrick, Raheen

Murphy Peter; Prap

Murphy Thomas, Raheen

Nugent Patrick, Coolea

O'Callaghan Daniel (and blacksmith), Raheen

O'Callaghan David, Behernagh

O'Callaghan James, Kildinan

O'Callaghan William, Portduff

O'Keeffe Jeremiah, Glannagaul

PattersonThomas, West Mount

Reardon Denis, Glannagaul

Riordan Patrick, Glannagaul

Tanner Edward, Kildinan

Thompson Wm, Glannagaul

Twohig Cornelius, Raheen

Twomey Denis, Coolea