Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
(Head office, Mallow.)
(Pop 216.)
Post, money order and telegraph office
Postmaster-Nicholas O'Connor
(Fermoy and Lismore br G S & Wry) nearest station
Parliamentary div
Rural District,Council Mallow
Electoral divs.
Clenor and Monanimy
Dispensary and Registraion ldst. of Rahan
Med officer and Registrar-Dr John F O'Connor
Petty Sessions district of Castletownroche
Constabulary district of
In charge of Killavuilen
station-Sergeant Samuel
National Schools-head teachers
Killavullen-Allan Riordan ; Mrs Eliza Riordan
Knockacullata-Jerh Kelleher,jn
Banter Market-Wednesdays, during season
Barry Miss AM,Monanimycastle
Foott George Carleton,JP, Carrigacunna castle
Liston Daniel, hallway house, station master
Reeves Mrs, Castlekevin
Reeves Capt, Castlekevin
Reeves W W L, Castlekevin
Roche Rev H T, C C
Smithwick Rev Lawrence, P P,
Wood Colonel A H, Killura
Wood Miss L C, Kllura
Shopkeepers, etc.
Barrerr James, fishing tackle manufacturer
Buckley Edw, DC ; grocer, vint
Callaghan Cornelius, gardener
Daly Patrick, vintner, grocer
Horgan Miss M, grocer, vintner
Beating Jerh,
grocer, vintner
Lane Miss Maria, draper
Lanc Patrick, vint,
Slumber hill
Magner Mrs, vintner, etc
Magner William, smith-
Mahony Patk,vint,
harness mkr
McCarthy Robert, coal agent
Nagle James, grocer, draper
O'Brien J, grcr, vint, contractor
O'Brien Mchl, vint, Beenaskehy
O'Connell James, groc,
vint, Monanimy
O'Connor Nichls,
grocer, draper
Rea Wm, builder & contractor
Roche Kennedy, grocer, vintner
Russell John, grocer and baker
Walsh William, vintner
White Mrs K,
grocer, draper
Electoral. div, Clenor.
Connolly Mrs J, Ballyveeliek
O’Brien John, Rathnacarton
O'Neill John, Rathnacarton
O'Sullivan Rrehd, Rathnacarton
Sullivan Mrs Mgt, Ballyveelick
Electoral div. Clenor.
Barry Barth R, Ballygarrane
Barry Miss M, Ballygarrane
Barry Thomas, Ballygarrane
Buckley John, Annakisha
Buckley Michael, Annakisha
Buckley Robert, Annakisha
Collins John, Garranachole
Cotter Patrick, Coaldurragha
Donovan Mrs P, Gaeranachoie
Flaherty Jerh, Cooldurragha
Hunter David; Annakisha
Lane Godwin, Grandy
Leahy Andrew, Coolclurragha
Leahy John, Annakisha
McCarthy L, DC, Castlekevin
McGrath Edmond, Ballygown
McGrath Patrick, Ballygown
Murphy Jeremiah, Kiilurzgh
Nragle Patrick, Annakisha
Neill Edward, Killuragh
Neill Patrick, De, Castlekevin
O'Brien William, Garranachole
Roche Thomas, Cooldurragha
Sheehan Michael,Cooldurragha
Watson Timothy, Ballygown
Electoral div. Monanimy.
Barry Mrs M, Ballyduff
Baylor Miss J, Ballygriffrn
Collins William, Monanimy
Curtin Daniel, Ballybavvn
Curtin Patrick, Beennaskehy
Dunlea John., Killissane
Hegarty Patrick, Mountain ldg
Herlihy Denis, Ballymacmoy
Lane Michael, Ballymacmoy
McCarthy Thomas, Glannagaur
Madden Richd, Dc, Monanimy
Magner Edmond, Ballymacmoy
Magner John, Ballfncurrig
Magner John, Carrigacunna
Magner Michael, Ballygriffin
Nagle William, Ballymacmoy
O'Brien P, JP, Co C, DC, Monanimy
O'Connor John, Ballincurrig
O'Regan David, Foxhall
Owens Jeremiah, Monanimy
Roche Edmond, Ballymacmoy
Roche James, Iiiliissane
Roche William, Ballygriffin
Scanlan John, Monanimy
Walsh John, Ballygriffin
Walsh John, Monanimy