Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Kilworth


 (Pop 401 .)


Post, money order, telegraph, telephone call office and exchange.

Military training camp, 3 m from Kilworth

Postmaster-.Joseph Donaldson


Conveyances-Fermoy 3m (Fermoy and Lismore branch G S & W ry) nearest station,


Parliamentary div North East Cork

County Electoral dm Motchelstown


Rural District Council Fermoy ;

Electoral divs Kilworth, Glanworth east, Castlecooke and Leitrim


Dispensary and Registration district of Kilworth

Med officer and Registrar-Dr David Barry

Assist Registrar-John Heaphy, Main street



Kilworth Camp Post office, money order, and telegraph office (open 1st April to 3oth Sept each year)

Clerk in charge-Geo Green



12th Co Royal Field Engineers- Major R F Sargeaunt, com


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Fermoy.

In charge of Kilworth station - Sergt James O’Sullivan


National Schools-head teachers

Kilworth-Denis O'Neill ; Miss Mary A Tul1y

Kilmurry-J Sweeny ; Miss O'Reilly .


Soldiers  Home-Miss Williamson


Butter & Egg Market-Thursday




Barry J R Bury, JP, Ballyclough

Breen Mrs, Kilworth house

Brodie Lieut-Col J F, Maryville

Bourke bliss, Ballyvoluck

Bourke Norman, Reen-na-Foil

Cahill William, rate collector, Ballyderown

Cahill Patrick, relievin; officer

Cooke-Collins Colonel Wm, D L, J P, Castle Cooke

Cotter John, D .C

Cumin Rev B, C C

Da1y John, D C

Donaldson Joseph, postmaster merchant

Floury Rev Louis R, M A,rector

Grant Edward, Kilmurry

Hanna Lieut W F, R E

Lucas M C, Ballinacarriga

Magnier Robt,Macroney castle

McLoughlin Mrs,Woodview hse

Morrison Rev T J, PP

Morrogh Nicholas, Ballyhindon

Mountcashel Countess of, worth house

Murphy Rev Cornelius, CC

O'Geran :Miss M B, Rushmount

Reali Redmord, Lismount

Reeves V C M, Leitrim house

Revington Miss,Upper Downing

Rice Richard, solr and coroner, Killally house

Sargeaunt Major A F, com R E

Turner Lieut R A, R E


Woollen Mills.

Araglen-Quinlan Bros, props

Fleetwood-E P O'Brien, prop



Flynn Miss Anne

Funcheon Vale Hotel-Thomas Ryan

Imperial Hotel, Ballinrush- John L O'Brien


Posting Establishments

Cotter Patrick

Conghlan James

Daly John

Could John

Ryan Thos


Cattle Dealers.

Fenton Daniel, Mom street

Fenton Thomas; Main street

Hanlon John, Main street

O'Donnell M, Ballinvoher

Ryan Patrick, Main street

Young Ignatius, Nlain street

Young Pierce, Glensheskin


Shopkeepers, etc.

Barry Patrick, Main street

ConnorMichael,fowl merchant, Main street

Cotter John, groc, etc, Main

Crosbey Jas, builder and contractor, Mom street

Daly John, D C, baker, grocer, etc, Main street

Daly Thos, carpenter, Main st

Dinneen James, tailor

Donaldson Jos, grocer and emigration agent, Main st

Flynn Jas, groc, vint, ,Main st

Flynn Mrs, grocer, etc, Main st

Fuller Wm, lodgings, Main st

Hanlon John, provision merchant, cattle dealer and vict

Houlihan Michael, bootmaker and repairer, Main street

McGrath James, tailor

Nash Francis, civil bill officer

O'Connor Jas & Son, fowl and egg dealers

Power Thos, grcr, general mcht

Quinn Margt, vint, Main street

Ryan Thomas, vine, Main st

Pyan Thos, vintner and grocerr

Stritch Mrs Ellen, Main street

Sweeney Patk, smith, Main st

Sweeny John, grocer, etc, Main street




Electoral div . Glanworth East.

Cassy Mrs, Curraghagalla

l.inehan Timy, Curraghagalla

McGrath Michl, Curraghagalla

McGrath Path, Curraghagalla


Whelan Pierce, Ballyclough

Whelan James, Ballyclaugh



Electoral div. Glanworth East.

Dunne Michael, D C, Downing

Gallagher John, Ballyhindon

Glazure H, Downing north

McGrath John, Ballinglanna

McGrath R, Ballinglanna

McNamara Cornelius, Downing;

Moakley Mrs, Downing

Noonan Michael, Ballinglanna

O'Donnell Michl, Ballinglanna,

O'Donnell Roger, Ballinglanna

Ryan Mrs, Ballinglanna

Ryan William, Downing,

Tobin Michael, Downing;


Electoral div. Kilworth.

Byrne Thomas, Ballyderown

Cahill John, Ballyderown

Tobin John, Ballyderown



Electoral div. Kilworth .

Byrne Richard S, Bridgefield

Cranwell P S, Graigue

Hanlon John, Kilworth

Heskin George, Killally

Heskin Mrs P, Killally

Moher David, Ballinvoher

Moher Mrs E, Glensheskin

O'Brien Thomas, Killally

O'Brien William, Killally

O'Donnell Michl, Ballinvoher


Walsh Jeremiah, Killally

Walsh Patrick, Killally east

Young Mrs Hannah, Kilworth



Electoral div. Castlecooke .

Clancy D, Knockatrasnane

Joyce Corey, Cronohill

Joyce John, Cronohill

Joyce John (Batt), Cronohil

Joyce Mrs, Knockatrasnane

McCarthy J, . Knockatrasnane

Roche J, Knockatrasnane,


Electoral div. Leitrim.

Clancy Patrick, Leitrim

Cormack Mrs, Coolalisheen

Donaldson, Josh, Coolalisheen

Flynn John, Knockaskahane

Hawe Mrs B, Coolalisheen

Healy John, Ballynalacken

Healy Maurice, D c, Leitrim

Hickey Mrs M, Leitrim

Joyce Mrs C, Ballynalacken

Joyce Mrs E, Ballynalacken

O'Donnell E,DC,Ballynalacken

O'Donnell Owen, Leitrim

O'Keeffe Michael, Kilmurry

Stack Patrick, Leitrim



Electoral div. Castlecooke .

Hynes Michael, Castlecooke

Kenneally Michl, Castlecooke

Porter Mrs, Castlecooke


Electoral div, Kilworth,

Ahern William, Kilclogh

Clancy William, Coolnioahan

Donegan Nlaurice,Coolmoohan

Heskin Alex, Kilclogh

Lane William, Coolmoohan

Russell Thomas, Kilclogh

Sweeny Thomas, Kilclogh


Electoral div. Leitrim,.

Baker Redmond, Macroney

Donegan T, Macroney

Fennell Thomas, Macroney

Griffin Patrick, Macroney

Griffin Thomas, Macroney

Slattery John, Macroney