Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Rathmore, Co. Kerry. (Pop 160)
Post money order and telegraph office
Postmaster-Timothy O'Sullivan
7 m. (
Parliamentary div
Rural District Council Kanturk
Electoral divs.
Kilmeen, Kingwilliamstown, Clonfert West and Meens
Dispensary and Registration district of Boherbue
Petty Sessions dist .of Knocknagree
Constabulary district of Newmarket.
In charge of Kingwilliams
own station- Sergeant J O'Leary
National Schools-head teachers
Kingwilliamstown-DenisJ Herlihy ; Miss H Herlihy
Croanrea-Cornelius Fitzgerald, Mrs
Nora O'Keeffe
Fairs-27 Jan, 14 April, 24 May , 7 July, 25 Aug, 5 Oct, 25 Nov
Brick Rev John, P P
Lane Denis, J P, D c,
Jones E Matthew, Glountanemacelligott
Quinlan Thomas, J P
Lacha-Lakelands Dairy Co props ; Patrick
Sharpe mangr
Lakevale-Lakelands Dairv Co props; Patk Riordan mangr
Cattle Dealers.
Kelleher Brothers Glenowen
Kelly John E, Tooreengarriff
Lane Denis D C Shanavoher
Leary Jolm, Glencollins
O’Connor Hugh, Glencollins
Shopkeepers, etc.
Connell John, carrier, etc
Corcoran Jeremiah, blacksmith
Cronin Michl J, groc, draper,
Dennehy Daniel, cooper
Fitzpatrick Peter, grocer, news agent,
emigration agent
Guiney John, shopkeeper and cooper, Knocknanagh
Healy Jeremiah J, D c, grocer
Herlihy Patrick, carpenter
Hickey John, blacksmith
Hickey William, carpenter
Jones Nora, grocer, vintner
Lucy Michael, shoemaker
McAuliffe William, grocer,
MoynihanTimy, drpr, groc,etc
Murphy J J, groc, vint, car owner
Murphy John D, vintner
O'Connell Denis T, DC, vintner
O'Connor Hannah, shopkeeper
O'Leary Daniel, shopkeeper
O’Leary Patrick draprr etc.
O'Sullivan Danl,Knocknamagh
O'Sullivan Timy, victualler, etc
O'Sullivan Timy, victualler, etc
Quinlan Thomas, general mcht
Sharpe Patrick, grocer, etc
Sullivan Stephen, carpenter
Electoral divs. Clonfert West
Carroll David D, D C, Tooreenfineen
Carroll Denis, Tooreenfineen
Carroll Jerh, Tooreenfineen
Carroll John, Tooreenfineen
Carroll John C, Croanrea
Carroll Michl, Cappaphaudeen
Curtin Benj D, Knockaclarig
Duggan John T, Glenlahan
Fitzgerald Daniel W, Croanrea
Fitzgerald Michl
D, Croanrea
Guiney AEneas, Knockaclarig
Guiney Daniel, Knockaclarig
Guiney Ellen, Knockaclarig
Guiney James D, Knockaclarig
Guiney John, Cloghboola
Gurney P J, D C, Knockaclarig
Guiney Timothy, Isuockaclarig
Guiney Wm D, Cloghboola
Leahy Johanna, Cloghboola
Manley Michl, Tooreenfineen
Nolan Martin, Tooreenfineen
Walsh Daniel, Cappaphaudeen
Walsh Michael W, Glenlahan
div . Kilmeen .
Clifford Denis P, Glounalougha
Collins Martin, Tooreendufl
Connell Patrick, Meendurragh
Corhett Peter, Glenreagh
Cronin Michael J, Glenreagh
Cronin Timothy, Glenreagh
Funicane John, Clounalougha
Finucane Thos J, Glounalougha
Horgan Corns, Meendurragh
Jones Daniel, Glantanefinnane
Keeffe Hannah, Shanavoher
Lane Denis, J P, De, Lakevale
Leader Patk T, Glounalougha
1O'Connell Daniel, Glenreagh
O'Connell Denis, Glenreagh
O'Riordan Michael, Glenreagh
O'Pviordan Peter, Glounalougha
R'Sullivan John, Glenreagh
Sullivan Eug, Glantanefinnane
Electoral div. Meens.
Angland J, Knocknanagh
Angland Maurice, Foilogohig
Angland Mce, Knocknanagh
huckley Thomas, Foilogohig
Clifford Denis, Foilogohig , .
Clifford Edmond, Foilogohig
Connors John, Knocknanagh
Connors T Knocknana
Daly Timothy, I,isrobin
Dennehy Denis, Knocknanagh
Dennehy Timothy, Rascalstreet
Noonan John, Knocknanagh
O'Callaghan J, l~nocknanagh
div. Kingwilliamstown .
Buckley Timothy, Glencollins
Connell Danl, Tooreenclassagh
Condon Hugh, Glencollins
Cronin Timothy, Glencollinse
Daly Mihl, Tooreelnaglanahe
Duggan Denis, Glencollins
Dunlea Bart, Tooreenaglanahee
Herliliy John, Carriganes
Horgan John, Carriganes
Jones Edw, Muinganine
Jones Hannah, Muinganine
Jones Hannah T, Muinganine
Danes John T, Glencollins
Jones Michael, Muinganine
Lane Andrew, Carriganes
Leary Ellen, Tooreenglanahee
Leary Daniel, Glencollins
Leary Martin, Glencollins
Mahony Dl J, Tooreenclassagh
Murphy B T, Tooreenclassagh
Murphy Danil, Glencollins
Murphy Dl D,'I'ooreenclassagh
Murphy Denis, Glencollins
Murphy Eliza, Tooreenclassagh
Murphy John, Tooreenglanahee
Murphy John, Glencollins
Murphy William, Glencollins
O'Connell Denis T, Glencollins
O'Connell William, Glencollins
O'Leary C, Kingwilliamstown
O'Leary Patk,Tooreenglanahee
O'Leary P, Kingwilliamstown
Reen John, Tooreenglanahee
Riordan J, Glencollins
Roche Michael, Carriganes
Roche Tobias D, Carriganes
Roche Tobias M, Carriganes
Riordan Eugene, Glencollins
Sullivan Andrew, Carriganes
Sullivan Daniel, Carriganes
Sullivan Michael, Carriganes