Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Macroom


(Pop 2717)


(Urban District Council,)

Market town, post, money order and telegraph office

Postmistress-Mrs J Newborn


Conveyances -Macroom the terminus Cork and Macroom ry ; foot trains to and from Cork daily, Mail cars for Ballingeary and Ballyvourney daily at 7.10 a.m ., returning at 3.30 p.m, from Ballingeary, and 4.20 p m.from Ballyvourney. Arrive Macroom 6.15pm

Motor Car service during tourist season to Glengarriff and Killarney.

Stationmaster-Eugene O'Leary


Parliamentary div Mid Cork

County Electoral div Macroom



(See Special List.)

Chairman Council-J Fitzgerald, J P

Vice-Chairman-T Carroll

Chairman Guardians Robt Brophy

Vice-Chairman-John O'Connor

Clerk- Daniel Lynch

Assist Clerk-Daniel Creedon

Master House-Timothy D Creedon

Medical Officer-Dr Kelleher


Dispensary and Registration Dist of Macroom

Med officer and Regr-Dr Patk O'Donoghue

District Nurse-Hannah Murphy



(See Special List.)

Chairman-John O'Shea

Clerk-T Murphy

Town Surveyor-H E Appelbe

Sanitary Authority-Urban Council



Macroom Water Works - Curator -Thomas Coughlan



Registered office-55, Cross street, Manchester

Secretary-T Murphy

Electrical Engineer-Thomas C Bird

Assistant-Daniel Graham



Petty Sessions held an second and fourth Wednesday in each month,

Quar Sess district of Macroom.

Clerk Petty Sess-I Grainger

Civil Bill Officers-Edwd Coffins, Massytown ; Richard Looney,Massytown

Summons Seryers-EdwdCollins, Massytown ; William Collins, Massytown



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector-Thomas Sheehy

Head Constable-Maurice O'Connor

Constabulary station-Sergt T Feely



Daniel Lynch



Ashe C W, solicitor

Grainger John, CPS, .Square



Munster and Leinster Bank ltd- Manager, Jas Minhear ; accountant, T Curran

National Bank Itd - Manager; WH Garde ; accountant, D F O'Neil; cashier, F Power



Ch Ireland-Rev J Q Conolly, M A, rector; Rev Arthur Wilson,MA,curate

R Catholic-Very Rev Jeremiah Canon Murphy, D D, V F, P P ; Revs M Brew, M Irwin, P Hurley. Curates



Sisters of Mercy-Rev Mother, Mrs M Benignus



National-head teachers

Macroom Conv-Sisters of Mercy

Main St-Denis O'Mahony

No2 -Patk Desmond, John Warren

No 3-Miss L Lee

P L U-Richard Cotter, John O’Leary


Fairs and Markets-Macroom

Jan.3, Feb 28, May 21, Sept 10 (Horses) Second Tuesdays in Jan, Mar, May,July, Sept, Nov ; pig fairs previous day, Calf, butter and fowl market, Thursday ; general market, Saturday

Massytown-Second Tuesdays in Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec ; pigs previous day. Clerk of Customs - Mortimer Kelleher



Ambrose Cors, Middle Square

Ardilaun Right Hon Baron (Arthur Edward Guinness,M A LL D T C D) Macroom

castle ; St Anises, Clontarf, Co Dublin ; Ashford, Cong, Co Galway; I I Carleton house

terrace, s w.  Agent-F A B Turner, J P, Gorey; co Wexford

Appelbe H E, Massytowm

Ashe Charles Evanson, Codrum

Ashe Charles W, solr, North square

Baldwin and Co, Main street

Baldwin Edward W, Main st

Baldwin Mrs, Main street

Baldwin Mrs Mary, Square

Bernard A W, M INST C E I, Sullane cottage

Benignus Mrs M, Rev Mother Sisters of Mercy

Bird Thos C, electrical engineer

Bowler Eugene, Main street

Bradfield William, Teerbeg

Bradley Jas, M D; Massytown

Brennan M, Mrs I, Main street

Brew Rev M, C C

Brown Mrs Julia, Nutley

Broveme Mrs E A, Square

Buckley Mrs D, Macloneigh house

Buckley Denis, Cosy hall

Buckley John, Main street

Buckley Mrs D, Square

Buckley Patrick, Nev street

Callaghan Dents, Castle street

Collins Edward, Massytown

Collins Kate, Main street

Collins Richard, PLG, Main st

Canopy Rev J Q, M A, The Rectory

Coonihan Thomas, Down  street

Corkery Daniel, New street

Corkery Michael, Square

Cotter Richard, Castle street

Cotter T P, Main street

Coughlan Thomas, curator, waterworks, plain street

Coughlan William, New street

Cotinihar. K, Main street

Creed Michael, Main street

Creedon Daniel, assistant clerk of union

Creedon Timothy D, master of workhouse

Cronin Cornelius, Castle street

Cronin Jeremiah J, U D C, P L G, Main street

Cronin John, Main street

Cronin John J, Main street

Cronin Michael, Main street

Cronin Miss M, Main street

Cronin Mrs E, Castle street

Cullinane Mrs M, The Square

Curran T, accnt M & L bank

Daly Mary Anne, plain street

Daly William, South square

Delaney Denis; New street

Dennehy Philip, Massytown

Desmond Denis, Main street

Desmond Michael, Massytown

Desmond Patrick, net teacher

Fitzgerald Daniel, Main street

Fitzgerald James, Main street

Fitzgerald John M, JP, U D C, Main street

Foley John J, solr, Main street

Fuller Miss Lizzie, Square

GardeW H, manager Nat bank

Gadsil T, Drouinkeen

Good Mrs Wm, Raleigh house

Gould Patrick, M B, Raleigh

Graham James, Square

Graham Mrs, Middle row

Grainger John, CPS, Square

Grainger Thos P; solr, square

Green G, M & L bank

Griffin Miss, Main street

Herding Mrs, Main sheet

Harding . The Misses, Main street

Hartnett D, Coolcower

Healy Michael, New street

Hewetson E, Castle street

Hewetson Matthew, Castle street

Hinds T K, Main street

Hadson Albert E, Middle sq

Horgan F St A

Horgan Michael, Massytown

Hurley Rev P, C C

Irwin Rev Michael, C C

Keeffe J, Main street

Kelleher C A, Gurteenroe st

Kelleher Daniel, Castle street

Kelleher Daniel, Main street

Kelleher Jerh, MD, UDC, Square

Kelleher John J, Main street

Kelleher Michael, Massytown

Kelleher Mortimer, Main street

Kelleher Mrs, Main street

Leahy Peter, P L G, Codrum

Leery John, nat teacher

Lee Miss, Main street

Lehane John, Massytown

Linehan Miss, Massytown

Looney Hanora, Massytown

Looney John, North square

Looney Timothy, Main street

Lucey Michael, Main street

Lucey T, ALB, solr, Massytown

Lucey Timothy, Main street

Lynch, Cotter and Co, Square

Lynch Daniel, clerk of union

Lynch Daniel, Gurteenroe st

Lynch Denis, U D C, Bridge

Lynch Humphrey,Gurteenroest

Lynch Mrs M, Gurteenroe st

McArdle T P, customs & excise

McCann G, M & L bank

McCarthy Daniel, Middle sqr

McCarthy John, UDC, Main st

McNamara Corns, Main street

McNamara George, Mainstreet

McSweeney P, Main street

Mahony Daniel, Sleaveen road

Manning,.Daniel, Square

Massy John, Mountmassy

Mescal Miss, Main street

Minhear Henry B, J P, Gurteenroe house

Minhear Jas, mangy M & Lbank

Moynihan Corns, South square

Moynihan Denis, New street

Mullane P, New street

Murphy Bartholomew, Main st

Murphy Cornelius, New street

Murphy Denis T, South square

Murphy Honora, Square

Murphy Jeremiah, Main street

Murphy Jeremiah M, Square

Murphy John, Castleview

Murphy Joseph, Main street

Murphy Henry, Square

Murphy M J, relieving officer

Murphy Maurice, Chapel hill

Murphy Mrs, Railway bookstall

Murphy Miss Hannah, Main street

Murphy Miss M, Castle street

Murphy Mrs E, New street

Murphy T, clerk U DC

Murphy Timothy, Gurteenroe

Murphy Very Rev Jeremiah Canon, DD,VF,PP, Sunnyside

Murphy William, Main street

Murphy William, New street

Murray Corns, Gurteenroe st

Murray Denis, Sleveen road

Murray Jeremiah, New street

Murray John, Sleveen road

Neville E, J P, Ballytrasna

Neville Hannah, Main street

Neville Mrs R, Massytown

Newborn Mrs J, postmistress

Newborn P J, Post office

O'Brien Joseph, New street

O'Brien Patrick, New street

O'Callaghan Denis, Castle st

O'Callaghan Mchl, Massytown

O'Callaghan Patrick, Castle st

O'Callaghan Timy, Main street

O'Connell J, North square

O'Connor Jeremiah, Castle st

O'Connor John, P L G, Main st

O'Connor Mce, head const R I C

O'Donoghue P, MD, Main street

O'Keeffe Michael,Gitrteenroe st

O'Keeffe P, New street

O'Keeffe Timothy, Middle sqr

O'Leary Cornelius, New street

O'Leary Edward, Square

O'Leary Eugene,Station master

O'Leary Jerh, JP, ACC, Square

O'Leary Mary, Castle street

O'Leary Mrs Ellen ; South sqr

O'Leary, O'Shea & Co, Square

O'Mahony D, national teacher, Main street

O'Mahony John, Umera

O'Neil D F, acct National bank

O'Neill Eugene, Main street

O'Neill,J, Massytown

O'Reilly John D, plain street

O'Riordan Miss, Main street

O'Riordan P; New street

O' Riordan R, North square

O'Shea Daniel, Castle street

O'Shea John, U D C, Square

O'Shea John, New street

O'Shea Mary, Square

O'Sullivan Cors J, Middle row

O'Sullivan M J, clerk Local Authority, Main street

Pearson Christopher, M D, Mountcross

Pearson John, J P, Mountcross

Phillips Fredk, J P, Clondrohid house

Power F, cashier National bank

Purcell Michael, solr, Main st

Quill Richard, Main street

Rainy Anne, Massytown

Richardson Mrs T H, Main st

Ring Mrs, Main street

Riordan D, Castle street

Riordan Jeremiah, New street

Riordan Mrs, Massytown

Riordan Mrs, Middle square

Riordan Owen, Sleveen road

Ryan Daniel, New street

Ryan Michael, Cork street

Scully Richard, Main street

Sheehan Bros, Main street

Sheehan Daniel, eat teacher

Sheehan Edward, New street

Sheehan Nora, Main street

Sheehan Timothy, Main street

Sheehy Thomas, dist insp R I C

Sullivan Peter, Castle street

Sweeney Daniel, Main street

Thornhill Edward, Main street

Tobin John, New street

Twohig William, South square

TwohigWilliam J, South square

Twomey Cornelius, Castle st

Ttivomey Daniel, New street

Twomey John, Square

Twomey T, Square

Twomey Timothy J, J P, U D C; Main street

Twomey Timy T, Main street

Vaughan, John, New street

Welsh Mrs, Middle square

Walton Mrs J, Manor mills hse

Wiliiams J, Gurteenroe street

Williams Miss M, Main street

Williams R C, J P, U D C, Coolcower house

Wilson Rev Arthur, M A,Massytown

Woodley Capt,RAMC,Leades hse

Woodlev Mrs, Leades house



Ashe Charles W, North Square

Foley John J, South square

Grainger T P, South square

Lucey T, LLB, Castle street

Purcell Michael, Main street


Physicians and Surgeons.

G'ould Patrick, Raleigh

Kelleher Jeremiah, South sq

O'Donoghue Patk, Massytown



Brennan M, M P S I, Main street


Civil Engineers .

Appelbe H E, Massytown

Bernard A W Sullane cottage

Coughlan Patrick, New street



Railway-Bird T C, Mainstreet

Dennehys, Middle square

Thornhill Edw(private),Main st

Victoria-Murphy Miss Nora

Williams R C ; Main street



Cronin Jeremiah J

Quill Richard



Baldwin & Co, Main street

Lynch Humphrey,Gurteenroest

Murphy Matthew, New street

Simcox James

Thompson F H & Son ltd



Goulding James, School lane

Twomey John C, School lane



Connors John, New street

Flaming Bernard, Square

Healy John, Bridge

Kelleher Ed, New street

McCarthy John, Main street

Murray Timothy, Down street


Boot Warehouses.

(Boot and Shoe Makers.)

Bowler Eugene, Maui street

Creed Michael, Main street

Cronin Jeremiah J, Main street

Cronin Michael, Main street

*Desmond Humphrey, Down

Keeffe J; Main street

Kelleher John, Massytown

Kelleher John, Main street

"McNamara Michl, Massytown

*O'Connor Jeremiah, Castle

O'Keeffe Tim, Middle square

O'Leary Ellen, South square

Twomey T, Square

Wall Thomas, New street


Brewers Agents.

Horgan F St A (for J J Murphy and Co), Square

O'Shea John(Beamish & Crawford) Main street



Delaney Denis, New street

Dempsey Simon, Main street

Murphy Cornelius, New street

Sheehan Bros, Main street


Cabinet Maker .

Looney Timothy, Main street


Car Owners.

Callaghan Denis, Castle street

Cotter Michael, Bawnmore

Lucey Michael, Main street

Lynch Mrs M, Gurteenroe st

Moynilian Cornelius South s

Murphy Nora, Square

Quill Richard, Main street

Ring Patrick, plain street

Riordan Catherine, Massytown

Williams R C, Main street


Cattle Dealers and Pig Buyers .

Callaghan J O, Massytown

Coonihan Thomas, Down street

Desmond Michael, Massytown

Hartnett D, Caoleowex

Healy Michael, New street

Horgan Jeremiah, New street

Horgan Michael, Massytown

Kelleher Daniel, Main street

Lehane John, Massytown

Lynch Daniel L, New street

McNamara Geo, Main street

Murphy William, New street

Murray Denis, Sleveen road

Murray Jeremiah, New street

Murray john, Massytown

Murray Richard, Carriganine

Neville E, Main street

O'Brien Joseph, New street

O'Brien Patrick, New street

O'Neill J, Massytown

Sweeney Daniel, Main street


Coal Merchant.

O'Leary Jerh, Main street



Baldwin Mrs, Main street

Kelleher Mrs, Main street

Murphy Mrs E, New street

O'Connor J, New street

O'Riordan Miss, Main street

Sheehan Edward, New street

Wa1sh Mrs, Main st


Coopers .

Kelleher Michael, Massytown

Murray John, Sleveen road


Corn Merchants.

Corkery Daniel, New street

Dennehy Philip, Massytown

Kelleher Daniel, Castle street

O'Callaghan Ml, Gurteenroe st

O'Connor John, Main street

O'Keeffe Michael, New street


Cycle Agents.

Coughlan T, Main street

Hewetson Matthew, Castle st

Kelleher C A, Gurteenroe st


Dairy Factory .

The Irish Creamery Co. Ltd.



Ambrose Corns, Middle square

Buckley Mrs D, Square

Corkery Michael, South square

Creed Michael, Main street

Cronin Jeremiah J, Main street

Cronin John J, Main street

Crowley P, South square

Lynch, Cotter & Co, Square

O'Leary, O'Shea & Co, Square

O'Riordan R, North. square

Scully Richard, Maine street

Twomey Timothy J, Main st



Cotter Miss, Bridge

Cronin Miss M, Main street

Daly Mary Anne, Main street

Kelleher Miss, Middle square

Linehan Miss, I4lassytown

Murphy Miss M; Castle street

Ring Mrs, Main street

Riordan Miss B, Middle square

Sheehan Nora, Castle street

Welsh Miss, Middle square

Williams Miss M, Main street


Egg Merchants.

Cotter Michael, Bawnmore

Fitzgerald John, Main street

Moynihan Corns, The Square

Murphy Miss Hannah, Main st

Quill Richard, Main street


Grocers,and Flour and Meal Dealers.

Baldwin Mrs, Main street

Casey North, Square

Collins Edward, Massytown

Corkery M, Main street

Corkery Daniel, New street

Cotter Michael, Bawnmore

Cullinane Mary, Square

Daly William, South square

Kelleher J, Main street

Lynch Mrs, Gurteenroe street

Manning Daniel, Square

Manning Mrs, Castle street

Mescal Henry, Main street

Murphy Jeremiah M, Square

Murphy Henry, Square

Murphy William, Square

Murray Mrs C, Gurteenroe

O'Callaghan John, Main street

O'Keeffe Michl, Gurteenroe st

O'Leary Jerh, Square

Twohig William, South square

Twomey John, Square

Twomey Timothy J, Main st

Williams R C, Main street



(See also Drapers.)

Harding The Misses, Main st

Mescal Miss, Main street

Murphy Miss Jane

Scully Pvchard, Main street

Sheehan Nora, Castle street


Hairdressers .

Riordan D, Castle street

Sullivan Peter, Castle street


Hardware Merchants and Ironmongers.

Browne Mrs E A, Square

Fitzgerald J M, Main street

O'Leary Mary, Castle street

O'Leary Jerh, Square

Twohig William J, Square

Twomey T, Square


Harnessmakers .

McSweeney P, Main street

O'Leary John, Square

O'Riordan P, New street

Twomey Daniel, New street


Insurance Agents.

Ashe Chas W, solicitor

Coughan Thom

Cronin John J, Main street

Grainger T P, solicitor, Square

Kelleher C A

O''Callaghan John, Main street

O'Riordan P, Bridge street

O'Shea John, Square

Purcell M, solicitor, Main street

Thornhill Edward, Main street

Twomey T J, Main street

Twomey T T, Main street

Williams R C, Square


Law Clerks,

Cullinane Jerh, Castle street

Graham James, Square

Murphy Jeremiah, Main street

Murphy Matt J, Main street

Vaughan John, Main street

Twomey Corns, Castle street


Leather Dealers.

O'Connor Jerh, Castle street

O'Keeffe Timothy, Middle sq

O'Sullivan Corns J,Massytown



Belack-John Looney


Manorville-C Walton


Mineral Water Manufacturers

Coughlan William, New street

O'Shea John New street


Motor Garages.

Victoria Hotel

Williams Hotel


Music Teachers .

Lee Miss, Main street

Richardson Miss Annie


Nail Manufacturers .

Dennehy Philip, Sleveen road

Sullivan J, Sleeveen toad


News Agents.

Bowler Eugene, Main street

Cronib, Cornelius, Castle street

Cronin Jerh J, plain street

Murphy Elizabeth, Square

Murphy bliss, Railway bookstall

O'Leary Mrs D, Castle street



Buckley John, Main street

Collins Richard; Main street

Mahony Daniel, Sleaveen road


Press Correspondents .

O'Keeffe P, New street

O'Riardan P, Bridge street


Provision Dealers:

Corkery Daniel, New street

Cotter Michael, Bawnmore

Desmond Hannah, Main street

Fitzgerald John, Main street

Kelleher Jeremiah, Square

Lucey Timothy, Main street

Manning Mrs, Castle street

Murphy Jeremiah, Square

Murphy Miss H, Main street

O'Connor Jeremiah, Castle st

O'Keeffe Michael, New street

O'Leary Daniel, New street

Riordan hate, Massytown


Refreshment Rooms.

Collins Kate, Main street

O'Callaghan Denis, Castle st

Riordan Ellen, Main street

Riordan Kate, Bridge


Seed & Manure Merchants.

Browne Mrs E A, Square

Cronin Jeremiah J, Main street

Fitzgerald John, Main street

O'Leary Jeremiah, Square

Twohig William J, Square

Twomey T T, Square


Sewing Machine Depot.

Singer Manufacturing Co


Shopkeepers, etc.

Mullane P, New street

Murphy Joseph, Main street

O’Callaghan Denis, Castle st

O'Leary Kate, Main street


Tailors and Outfitters.

Crowley Patrick, Castle street

Healy John, New street

O'Neill Eugene, Main street

O'Sullivan Philip, New street

Tobin John, New street


Timber Merchants.

Browne Mrs E A, Square

Fitzgerald John M, Main street

O'Leary Jeremiah, Square

Twomey T T, South square


Tobacconists .

Fitzgerald John M, Main street

O'Counell J, North square

O'Leary Cornelius

Twohig William J

Williams R C, Main street



Buckley Patrick, New street

Fitzgerald Martin, Main street

Murphy William, Main street

Riordan Jeremiah, New street



Desmond Denis, Middle square

Healy Michael, New street

McNamara Cors, Main street

McNamara George, Main street

O'Brien Joseph, Square



Baldwin Mrs S, Square

Browne Date, Main street

Buckley Miss, Main street

Buckley Mrs D, Casey hall

Cotter Richard, Castle street

Cotter T P, Main street

Corkery Michael, Square

Counihan K, Main street

Cronin J T, Main street

Cronin Jeremiah J

Cronin John, Marn street

Cronin Mrs E, Castle street

Cullinane Mrs M, Square

Desmond Denis, Main street

Desmond Mrs, Massytown

Graham Mrs, Middle row

Kelleher Matt, Main st and sq

Kelleher Mortimer, Main street

Leaky Peter, Codrum

Looney Hanora, Massytown

Lynch Denis, Main street

Lynch Humphrey,Gurteenroest

Lynch Mrs M, Gurteenroe st

Manning Daniel, Square

Mescal Henry, Main street

Moynihan Corns, Main street

Murphy Honora, Square

Murphy Jeremiah, Main street

Mrphy Mrs, Square

Murphy William, Square

Murray Cors, Gurteenroe st

Seville Mrs, Main street

O'Connor John, Main street

O'Keefte Michael, Down street

O'Leary Mrs Ellen,Southsquare

O'Rei11y John D, Main street

O’Shea Daniel, Castle street

O'Shea John, New street

O'Shea Mary, Square

O'Sullivan Corns J, Middle row

Reilly Annie, Massytown

Riordan Kate, Massytown

Riordan Mrs, Middle square

Twohig William, South square

Twomey John, Square

Twomey Miss Ellen, Square


Watchmakers & Jewellers.

Hodgson A E, Middle square

Murhhy Bartholomew, Main st


Woollen Merchants .

(.See Drapers.)




Electoral div, Macloneigh.

J'Callaghan C, Ummera


O'Mahony John, Ummera

Shea Daniel, Ummera

Sweeney Mrs Denis, Ummera



Electoral div. Macloneigh.

Bradfield William, Teerbeg


Coughlan Mrs John, Teerbeg



Electoral div . Macloneigh .

Creedon Peter, Tullatreada

Hartnett Daniel, Cooleower

Murphy Corns T, Tullatreada


Electoral div . Macroom.

Casey John, Hanover hall

Callaghan Jeremiah, Sleveen

Coughlan Nlrs, Coolyhane

Delany Denis, Codrum

Grainger John, Macroom

Harding Mrs, Sleveen

Healy Jeremiah, Gurteenroe

Horgan J, Macroom

Kelleher John, Ballyveerane

Kelleher Mrs H, Batlyveerane

Leaky Peter, Codrum

Lucey James, Fairyland

Lucey Timothy, Macroom

Lucy D J, Sleveen

Lynch Mrs M, Gurteenroe

Lynch Owen, Sleveen

Murphy Edward, Gurteenroe

Murphy John, Gurteenroe

Murphy rohn, Leeview

Murphy Matthew, Castleview

Murphy Patrick, Castleview

Neville E, Sleveen

Neville Edward T, Sleveen

Neville Lizzie, Ballyveerane

O'Donoghue P, Sleveen

O'Leary Denis, Sleveen

Pearson J, J P, Mountcross

Riordan Kate, Coolyhane

Twohig Mrs, Ballyveerane

Twohig Philip, Bealick

Twomey John, Codrum.

Twomey Mort, Roclcborough

Walsh C A; Codrum

Walsh Richard, Codrum

Walton Mrs, Coolyhane

Williams R C, J P, Macroom and Coolcower house