Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Meelin



(Pop 127)

Post and telegraph office ; Newmarket nearest money order office

Postmaster-John O'Donnell


Conveyances-Newmarket 3-1/2 m. (Kanturk and Newmarket ry) nearest station


Parlamentary div Norths Cork

County Electoral div Newmarket


Rural District Council Kanturk

Electoral divs. Barleyhill, Glenlara, and Bowls


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Newmarket. Dispensary held at Meentinny every Monday.

Med officer and Registrar-Dr W K Verling, Newmarket


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Newmarket.

In charge of Meelin Station - Acting-Sergeant T Scott


National School-head teachers

Meelin-Jeremiah Barry ; Mrs M O'Callaghan

Cummeryconnell-J C Duggan Mrs J C Duggan



Crowley Rev Timothy, P P

Leonard Rev James; CC

Roynane Rev Maurice, CC



Knockacummer Creamery Roger Ryan, manager

Knockscovane Creamery (Freemount Dairy Co ltd)-John Linehan, manager

Bowls Creamery (Newmarket Dairy Co)-Jas Shine, mgr


Shopkeepers, etc.

Browne John P, shopkeeper

Conway Miss -Tory, vintner, etc

Cumin Timothy, stonecutter

Dennehy Mrs T

Doherty Mrs Kate, grocer

Fitzgerald Michael, clothier

Lane Jeremiah; vintner

McAuliffie Timothy, stonecutter

McCarthy C, cooperage

Murphy Timothy, blacksmith

O'Donnell John, bkr, groc, etc

O'Grady John; shopkeeper

O'Sullivan Mrs M grocer, vine

Quinlan Mrs T, vintner

Ryan Nora, dressmaker

Tobin James, carpenter

Tobin J, carpenter &contractor




Electoral div Barleyhill.

Angland Jeremiah, Knockduff

Angland Timothy, Barley hill

Barry Daniel, Knockduff lower

Bennett Michl, Knockskavane

Broderick Patrick, Knockduff

Brosnahan Wm, ICnockskavane

Browne James, Knockduff

Browne Jeremiah, Knockduff

Browne John Ml, Knockduff lr

Browne John P, Knoclcduff~

Browne Mrs, Knockduff

Browne P J, Knockduff upper

Browne Patrick James, Meelin

Browne Patrick P, Knockduff

Buckley Jerh, Gooseberry hill

Buckley T, D C, Gooseberry hill

Burke John, Gooseberry hill

Cagney Michael, Toorard

Cahill William, Barley hill

Collins Cornlius M, Meelin

Collins Daniel, Barley hill

Collins Daniel W, Meelin

Collins Patrick, Knockduff

Collins Thomas, Knockcllaff

Collins William W; Meelin

Connors Mrs Corns, Clashroe

Connors Patrick,Knockskavan

Connors Patrick Meelin

Cronin Patrick, Knockskavane

Cumin James, Meeneeshal

Doherty Andrew, Meenkearagh

Donoghue Chas . Gooseberryhill

Drinan Mrs Kate, Knockduff

Dwane Jeremiah, Clashroe

Dwane John, Meeneeshal

Forrest Jeremiah, Knockduff

Forrest Mrs Johanna, Knockduff

Horgan Michael, Knockduff

Linehan Michael, Knockskehy

McAuliffe Jeremiah F, Meelin

McAuliffe John, Meeneeshal

McAuliffe Pat, Gooseberry hill

McAuliffe Patrick, Meeneeshal

O'Callaghan Denis, Knockduff

O'Callaghan Miss H, Knockskavane

O'Callaghan Patk, D Toorard

O'Connor Edmond; Knockskavane

O'Connor Michl, Knockskehy

O'Connor P,Knockskavane

O'Connor Pat D, Knockduff

O'Rielly Charles, Knockskehy

Quinlan Benjamin, Meenroe

Quinlan Maurice. Knockskehy

Roche Jolin E, Clashroe

Roche Patrick, Meeneeshal

Ryan John, Knockduff

Ryan Stephen, Knockskavane

Ryan William, Knockskavane

Sheehan Cornelius, Knockduff

Shine John, Knockskehy

Twomey John, Clashroe


Electoral.div. Glenlara.

Angland Mrs J T, Meentinny

Angland John, Meentinny

Angland Maurice, Meentinny

Barry John, Tooreennaguppoge

Barry J W, Tooreennaguppoge

Barry Nicholas,Knockacumnrer

Barry Nichls M,Knockacummer

Browne Mary, Meengorman

Buckley T P, D C, Castlemacauliffe

Cahill Wm, Tooreendonnell

Collins Corns, Tooreendonnell

Cotter James, Meengorman

Curtin Corns, Tooreennamire

Drislane David, Meengorrnan

Drislane Mrs J, Meengorman

Drislane William,Meengorman

Hourigan A, Tooreennamire

Jones Danl, Tooreennaguppoge

Keefle Jerh, Knockacummer

Kepple Ptk,Tooreennagunpoge

Kepple Jno, Tooreennaguppoge

McAuliffe Jerh,Knockaeummer

McAuliffe Jno, Knockacummer

McAuliffe Nicholas, Meenheg

McAuiiffe T, Knockacummer

Mahony J, Tooreennaguppoge

Molone Thos, Toeendonnell

Murphy Michael, Meentinny

Quinlan Maurice, Meengorman

Quinlan William, Meengorman

Rahilly Barth, Meentinny

Sheehan Danl, Knockacummer

Sullivan H, Tooreennamire

Suliivan HumphreyT,Tooreennatnire,

Sullivan Jas D, Knockacummer

Stillivan JohnD,Tooreendonnell

Sullivan R, Tooreendonnell


Electoral div. Rowls.

Barry Michael, J P, CO C, D D; Meenkearagh

Bresnan Timothy T, Rowls

Browne Denis, Bowls

Browne John Thomas, Rowls

Browne Thomas J, Rowls

Clifford Timothy, Bowls

Collins WW, Cummeryconnell

Council Mrce, Cummeryconnell

Connors Jeremiah, Bowls

Curtin Daniel, Bowls

Curtin J B,Cummeryconnell

Curtin J D, Cummeryconnell

Curtin Jas P, Cummeryconnell

Curtin John, Rowls

Curtin Joseph,Cummeryconnell

Curtin Mrs Cornelius, Prowls

Curtin Mrs Mary, Rowls

Curtin Peter M, Rowls

Daly Mrs J, Rowls

Daly Owen, Rowls

Drislane D, Cummeryconnell

Drislane John,Cummeryconnell

Duggan Charles J, Rowls

Duggan Ellen, Rowls

Duggan Mortimer C, Rowls

Dunlea John, Rowls

Emperor Patrick P, Cummeryconnell

Field James, Cummeryconnell

Fitzpatrick Timothy, Meenkearagh

Foley Michl, Cummeryconnell

Hayes John, Rowls

McCarthy Florence, Rowls

McCarthy John W, D C, Rowls

McCarthy Mrs R, Rawls

McCarthy Philip F, Rowls

Murphy Cornelius, Cuinmeryconnell

Murphy Thos, Cummeryconnell

O'Callaghan Patrick, Rowls

O'Connell Denis J, Rowls

O'Connor Denis, Bowls

O'Connor James, Bowls

O'Connor Ml, Cumineryconnell

O'Connor Mrs Mary, Rowls

O’Sullivan Mrs Margt Rowls

Quinlan Benjamin D, Rowls

Sullivan Johannah, Rowls

Sullivan John R, Rowls

Sullivan Maurice, Rowls

Hayes Mrs Mary, Rowls

Hourigan Timothy, Rowls

McCarthy Daniel D, Rowls

McCarthy Daniel W, Rowls

Sullivan Mrs Bridget; Rowls

Twomey Eliza, Meenkearagh