Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Midleton

(Urban District Council.)

(Pop 3,182)

Market towns head post, money order, telegraph and telephone call office

Mails despatched for Dublin, England,etc ; week-days 2.0 pm, 4, 25 pm, 8.25 pm

Postmaster - Gerald FitzMahony

Telephone-Midleton Exchange, Miss Bridget Forrest


Conveyances-Midleton a station Cork and Youghal br G S & Wry ;five trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster-Maurice Cronin


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Midleton



(See Special List.)

Chairman-John O'Brien, J P

Town Clerk-Jerome J Ronayne, sok



(See Special List.)

Chairman Council-MI Murphy, J P

Vice-Chairman-Richard Daly

Chairman Guardians-T J Burlce, J P

Vice-Chairman-J Conway

Clerk-John Stamen, Broderick st

Master House-Denis Daly


Dispensary and Registration dists of Midleton No. 1 and 2

Med Officer and Regr, Midleton
No 1 - Dr Patrick J O'Brien

No 2 – Dr Jerome Barry



Petty Sessions held each alternate Thursday. Quar Sess dist of Midleton

Clerk Petty Sessions - J J Ronayne, solr



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector-P Murphy

Head Constable-John Doran

Constabulary Station- Sergeant Denis Horan



Supervisor-J J O'Connor

Revenue officers-J Kslleher, Luke O'Sullivan, Thomas Flaherty, and Michael Hayes, The Distilleries



FitzMahony Gerald, Main street

Ronayne Jerome J, solr

Walks Thomas H Gardner, solr




Long, R Walton, M D



Bank of Ireland, - Agent; T Phillips ; sub-agent, R Hewson

Munster and Leinster Bank Ltd Manager, J J Walshe ; accountant, W W Brew

National Bank Ltd - Manager, W J Power




Midleton Agricultural Show Society-Hon sec, Michael Cuddigan, CUDC, Main st ; sec,  Jerh Leaky

Midleton Club, Main street- Jerome J Ronayne, Hon sec

United Hunt Club-Maj M Powell, master ; Denis McCarthy, first whip ; kennels,  Knockgriffin

Young Mens Society Hall, Chapel Road-Pres, Ven Archdeacon Hutch, DD VF PP, spiritual director, Rev C O'Connor, CC ; Hon treasurer, John O'Brien

Midleton Golf Club -F Huston, Hon Sec



Midleton Gas Works, Brodrick sheet. Sec, Jerome J Ronayne ; manager, Patrick McEvoy



Midleton Water Works-Curator, John Lawton ,



R Catholic-The Ven Archdeacon Hutch, D D, V F, P P ; Revs Cornelius O'Connor, Francis Murphy, and Michael Ahern, curates

Ch Ireland-Rev E A Tichborne, M A, rector ; Rev A B M Hewson, BA, curate



Presentation Convent--RevMother, Mrs M Evangelist Golden



Midleton College - Principal, Robt D Parker; MA

Christian Brothers-Rev Bro G D Franklin, director

St Marys High School-Sisters Presentation Convent-Rev Mother,  Mrs M Evangelist Golden



School Attendance Committee- The Ven Archdeacon Hutch, DD VF  PP ; Rev E A Tichborne, M A ; John Stanton, James Penrose Fitzgerald JP, E Hallinan, J P ; Thomas S Coppinger, J P ; Richard, Fitzgerald JP,  John O'Brien, Michael Brady UDC, E Carey,  and George G Waters. Inspector and Secretary, P O'Flaherty

Midleton, Church lane-Mrs Packham, head teacher

Convent-Presentation Nuns, mngrs

PLU-Miss Mary Crotty


Fairs and Markets-Second Monday every month ; calf market every Tuesday during season. Market day, Saturday



Ahern Michael, Main street

Ahern Miss, Cork road

Ahern John, Charles street

Ahern Rev Michael, c c

Ahern Roger, mc, Ballyrichard

Ashlin Miss Adeline, Castleredmond

Barry John, Main street

Barry John, Mill road

Barry John P, PLG, Main street

Barry Miss B, Mill road

Barry Patrick, Main street

Barry Rd, druggist, Youghal road

Barry William J, solicitor

Brady Jol::n, Mom st,rate collar

Brady Michael, P L G, Main street

Bransfield Hannah, Main street

Bransfield JasperT, Main street

Bransfield John P, P L G, Main street

Brew W W, accountant M & bank

Browne John, Main street

Buckley John, Gortacrue

Buckley Ml, J P, D c, Garryduff

Byme C T, organist, Cork road

Byrne Frank B, v s, Main street

Callaghan Edmond, The Rock

Campeon Mrs, Lakeview

Canavan Maurice, Mill road

Cashman Michael, Mill road

Cashman W & Co, Main street

Coffey Jerh J, St Marys road

Cogan John and Sons, Main st

Colbert John, Main street

Condensed Milk Co of Ireland

Condon Michl, St Marys road

Coppinger Thomas S, J P, U D C, PLG, Midleton lodge

Coughlan M, Charles st

Cronin Maurice, Station master

Cuddigan Michl, UDC, Main st

Cullinane Miss, Main street

Curran Maurice, Main street

Dalton Mrs Nora, Main street

Daly Danl W, assist co surveyor, The Cottage, Killeagh

Daly Denis, master of union

Day Brothers, Main street

Deasy Ml, Commissioners bldgs

Deasy W, Brodrick street

Delea Miss, Main street

Dennehy Sister M Camillns, matron of union

Desmond Denis, Main street

Diamond Sarah, Main street

Dinneen Bros, Main street

Dinneen Michael J, Main st

Dinneen Robert, Main street

Donegan Captain A C J, M P, Ballynona

Doran John, head-coast R I C

Draddy Miss, Charles street

Duncgas A B, Ballynona cottage

Dunlea James, solr, Main st

Egan Denis, Main street

Egan Mrs Margaret, Main st

Fitzgerald James Penrose, J P, The Grange

Fitzgerald Bros, Main street

Fitzgerald Michael, Main street

Fitzgerald R, JP, Main street

Fitzgerald R, M D, Main street

Fitzgibbon John, Cork road

Fitzgibbon Mrs, Mill road

FitzMahony G,relieving officer,Main street

FitzMahony Mrs Jane, Main st

Flaherty T, inland rev officer, Brodrick street ,

Fleming Bart, Mill road

Flynn Mrs Mary A, Main street

Forrest Mrs Budget, Main st

Franklin Rev Bro G D, directorChristian Brothers schools

Garde Daniel, Bilberryhouse

Garry Thos P, civil bill officer, Cork road

Gilmartin Mrs J, Main street

Golden Mrs M Evangelist, Rev

Mother, St Marys high school

Gorman Thomas, Charles st

Hallinan Edward, J P, Avoncore

Hallinan P, Cloonmuliin

Hallinan & Sons ltd, Avoncore Flour Mills

Hayes Michl, inland rev officer

Healy J F, v s, The Rock

Heffernan Kate, Main street

Heffernan Mrs H, Mill road

Hegarty John, Mill road

Henrick J, Garage

Hewson R, sub-agent bank Ireland

Hewson Rev A B M, B A,curate, C I

Hickey Matthew, Ballinacurra

Hogan Mary, Main street

Horgan E, law clerk, St Marys terrace

Horgan John J, commission agt

Humphreys Daniel Peard, J P, Deerpark

Hutch The Ven Archdeacon, DD, VF, PP, MRIA, Parochial house

Hyde Cornelius, Main street

Joyce John, St Marys road

Joyce Mary,Main street

Kelleher J, inland rev officer

Kelleher P, Chapel road

Keniry Mrs Kate, Main street

Kirby Mrs, Charles street

Lawton Ellen, Main street-

Lawton J J, M D Riversdale

Lawton Jn, curator waterworks,Charles street

Leahy Jeremiah, rate collector,(Ballinacurra)

Leahy Patrick C,JP, The Rock

Long Richard Watson, M D,Bawnard

McArdle William J; The Rock

McCarthy D, Chapel road

McCarthy Ml, Brodrick street

McEvoy P, mangy Gas works

McMahon J, Main street

McNamara James; Charles st

McSweeney R, draper

Maher Thomas, Cork road

Mahony & Sons

Mahony Edmond, Main street

Nlayne George, Cork road

Midleton bight Hon Viscount (St John Brodrick, 9th viscount),Cahirmone, Midleton ;18 Eaton square, s w ; Peper Harrow, Godaiming, Surrey

Moloney Henry J, B L, The Coolbawn

Moloney J, solr, Brodrick st

Moose J, Brodrick street

Moose James & Co, Main street

Moose Patrick D, PLG, Brodrick street

Moylan John, Chapel road

Muckley Albert, Main street



Pages missing from original source


Geany Patrick, Ballyspillane

Moloney Edward, Gortacrue

Moloney Richard, Glenview

Ring M, Killeendooling


Electoral div. Midleton .

Holmes Thomas, Stumphill

Kelleher Mrs Churchtown

Moose Patrick, Stumphill

Murnane Michael, Clashduff

Staunton John, Stumphill

Parish Midleton

Electoral div. Cloyne.

Kelleher Michael, Gearagh

McCarthy P, Gearagh

Scanlan Charles, Gearagh

Electoral div Midleton.

Buckley William, Parlc south

Ford Henry, Castleredmond

Hegarty James, Broomfield

Keane William, Ballybutler

Kelleher Denis, Castleview

Leahy Mrs, Whiterock

Leal:y Mrs, Castleredmond

McCarthy J, Castleredmond

Alurnane J, Castleredmond

MurnanePatk, Copping.erstown

O'Donoghue Mrs, Ballyedekin

O'Leary Jerh, Knackgriffin

Ronayne Richard, Dunsfort

Srnithwick Edmd, Carrigshane