Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Mitchelstown


(Pop 2,268)

Market town, post, money order and telegraph office

Postmistress-Miss Dennehy


Conveyances - Mitchelstown the terminus Mitchelstown and Fermoy branch G S & W ry ; five trains to and from Cork daily,


Parliamentary div North East Cork

County Electoral div Mitchelstown



(See also Special List)

Chairman Council-Wm Kennedy,JP

Chairman Guardians-WWO'Dwyer, JP

Clerk-T A O'Brien

Assist Clerk-T A Glavin

Master House-Denis O'Brien

Matron-Mrs Johanna O'Keane

Nurse-Miss Hogan


Dispensary and, Registration Dist. of Mitchelstown,

Electoral divs.Ballyarthur, Kilphelan and Mlitchelstown

Medical officer and Regr – Dr Thomas O'Brien


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Kildorrery,

Electoral divs. Kilgulhane, Marshalstown and Templemolagga

Medical officer and Regr – Dr Cornelius Buckley



Petty Sessions held each alternate Friday. Quar Sess dists of Midleton, Fermoy and Limerick

Clerk Petty Sessions-D W J Browne



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector-W Lewis

Head-Constable-William Ralph

Constabulary station- Sergeant-W P Plover



T A O'Brien, clerk R D council



Browne William, Deerpark

Fairbrother Joseph L F, J P

O'Brien E M, Kings square



Bank of lreland- Agent,EO'Brien ; sub-agent, J F Anderson

Munster and Leinster Bank ltd- Manager, C E Allen

National Bank ltd -Mgr, G F McNamara



Catholic Institution--President, Very Rev Canon Rice, PP, VF, vicepresident, Edward O'Brien, agent bank of Ireland, Lectures concerts, dramatic entertainments, etc

The League of the Cross-President, Rev Francis Flannery, c c



Ch Ireland (Brigown)-Rev Canon Courtenay Moore, MA, rector

Kingstown College, Rev DO Sullivan,  MA, chaplain

R Catholic-Rev Wnr Canon Rice, VF, PP ; Revs Francis Flannery, D O'Connell and S Wigmore, DD, curates

R Catholic (Ballindangan)-Rev Wm Lillis, P P ; Rev Thos Bowler, CC



Presentation Convent-Rev Mother Mrs M Agnes



Christian Bros-Rev Bro Cronin, director

National-head teachers

Mitchelstown Convent - Presentation Nuns

Mitchelstown P L U - Miss Hogan

Ballindangan - John McGrath, Miss K O'Keeffe

Ballygiblin - Danl Regan ; Miss W Sheehy

Glennahulla  - Miss W Cwohey

Gortroe - T Herlihy

Kingston - Miss Leech


Fairs and Markets-10 Jan, 25 Mar, 23 May, 30 July, 17 Oct, 12 Nov, 2 Dec; and last Fridays Feb, April, June, Aug, and Sept. Fairs falling on Saturday or Sunday, held

following Monday. Pig fairs third Wednesday in month . Butter and general market, Thursday. Clerk, Miss E Whelan. Baron,'I'imy Whelan



Agar Miss, The College

Agues Mrs M, Rev Mother Presentation convent

Allen C E, mngr M & L bank

Anderson J F, sub-agt bank Ire

Baylor Francis G, JP, Glenalough

Bowers Miss, Kings square

Bowers J, The College

Bowler Rev Thos, C C, Ballindangan

Bowies Miss, The College

Browne D W J, CPS, Deerpark

Browne William, Deerpark

Buckley Abel, Galtee Castle

Callaghan D, sole, Baldwin st

Carey The Misses, The College

Carroll Thomas L, J P

Casey Daniel, solicitor

Casey Miss, Workhouse matron

Cave R, The College

Close Burrows, The College

Connolly W P, M D, Lr Cork st

Creagh Miss, The College

Cronin Rev Brother, director Christian Brothers

Cunningham J, M & L bank

Cusack M J, J P, Lower Cork st

Dyer Wanton, The College

Fairbrother T L F,J P, shipng agt

Fairholme Miss, The Castle

Fairholnte Miss K, The Square

Flannery Rev Francis, C C

Fraser John S, Ballinvtillen

Fraser Mrs, The College

Freud Henry (agent Kingston estate}, Kings square

Garde C B, Kings square

Garde Mrs Wm ; The College

Glavin T A, Corracunna

Green John, The College

Hamilton W R, The College

Handing Miss, The College

Harrington P, D C

Harris AA,estate office, Kings sq

Hicks Miss, The College

Kane J, The College

Keane James, relieving officer

Kiely J V, newspaper proprietor

Kiely Thomas, Baldwin street

King Miss, The College

Lewis W, dist insp R I C

Lillis  Rev W, PP, Ballindangan

Loch Mrs, Hill Cottage

McClancy P, National bank

McNamara G F, mgr Nat Bank

Mandeville Mrs, Clonkilla hse

Meagher J F, J P, Kings square

Montgomery William, Killee

Moore Rev Canon Courtenay, M A, The Rectory

Murphy Patrick S, Baldwin street

O'Brien Cornelius W, J P, D C, Mounteagle

O'Brien Denis, master of workhouse

O'Brien E, agent bank Ireland,The Lodge

O'Brien E M, Kings square

O'Brien John L, Royal hotel

O'Brien 141rs, Mounteagle cot

O'Brien T A, clerk R D C

O'Brien Thos, MD, Ardnagrana

O'Brien William E, B A, solr,Bank place

O'Connell Rev David, C C

O'Neill Patrick, DC, Curraghoo

O’Sullivan Rev D, MA, chaplain, Kingston College

Palmer Mrs, The College

Parker Mrs, The College

Phair Miss, The College

Pring W O, inland rev officer,

Quarry Mrs, The College

Quinlan James, Ardglare

Ralph Wm, head count R I C

Rice Rev Wm Canon, VF, P P

Robinson Thomas, steward, Mitchelstown, castle

Russell James S, J P; CO C

Russell John, J P, Lr Cork st

Skinner Jas G, sole; Baldwin st

Skinner W J, sole, Baldwin st

Smithwick Miss, The College

Spotters Kate M, The College

Switzer S G, Bank of Ireland

Taylor Richard, The College

Travers Miss, The College

Twigg Robert, bank of Ireland

Tyrrell-Smith Miss, 14 Kingston college

Walsh James, Gortnasna

Walsh Edmond, MD, New sqr,

Webber Arthur, The Castle

Webber Mrs, Kings square

Webber William Downes, J O,(J P Queens co) The Castle, Kellyville, Athy, Queens co

Wigmore Rev S, DD, CC




Callaghan D, Baldwin street

Casey Daniel

Murphy Patrick S, Baldwin st

O’Brien Wm E, B A, Bank place

Skinner James G, Baldwin st

Skinner William J, Baldwin st


Physicians and Surgeons.

Connolly W P, Lower Cork st

O'Brien Thomas, Ardnagrena

Walsh Edmond, New square



Connolly Dr W P, Lwr Cork st

Murphy William, MPSI, Lower Cork street


Hotels .

Aherns, New sq-Thomas D Ahern, prop

Commercial-T E Fitzgerald

O'Briens--John O'Brien, Lower Cork street, prop

Royal Hotel, New square- John L O'Brien, prop



O'Brien E M, The mills

Russell Jas S, Baldwin street


Arms and Ammunition Dealers.

Cusack Michael, Lower Cork st

O'Neill Patrick, Baldwin street



(*Also flour Merchants.)

*Barry Richard, New square

*Casey Michael, Lower Corkst

*Casey John & Son,King street

Casey W, King street

*Condon E, Lower Cork street

*Farrell P, Baldwin street

Finn W, Lower Cork street

*Landers John, Lower Cork st

*Leonard Patk, Lower Cork st

McEniry P, bower Cork street

*Noonan MrsM, LowerCork st

*Noonan Wm, LowerCork st

*O'Brien M & Son, Up Cork st

O'Donnell R, New square

*Walsh Mrs, Lr Cork street



Walsh James, Thomas street


Boot and Shoe Merchants.

Barry M F, New Square

Clifford Michael, Lr Cork st

Morrissey P J, Lower Cork st

O'Shea James, Lower Cork

Ryan Willian, Lower Cork st

Waish Robert P, King street



O'Mahony Jas, Upper Cork

Roche James, King street

Roche Patrick, James street



Condon Maurice, Robert street

Mulcahy J & Son, Up Cork


Car Owners

Aherne T

Dwane Thos

Harrington P

Fitzgerald Thos

O'Brien John L

O'Brien M & Son


Cattle Dealer.

Cahill Thomas


Coal Merchants.

Casey Bros, Upper Cork street

Harrington David, Up Cork st

Morris M, Upper Cork street

O'Brien John, Lower Cork st

Suttons Limited, Railway station

Russell J S, Clonmel street



Flynn Ellen, Lower Cork st

Flynn Kate, Lower, Cork street

McEniry P, Lower Corlc street

Corn and Forage Mereht.

Russell James S, Baldwin st


The Newmarket Dairy Co – Curraghgorm -M J Doherty, manager

Kilbehenny - J  W Wynter, manager

Mitchelstown – J Fitzpatrick, manager



Condon J G&Co, Lower Cork

Condon James, Lower Cork

Forrest D, Lower Cork street

Keane P, Losver Corlc street

Noonan & O'Loughlin,Lr Corkst

O'Brien James, Lower Cork

O'Keeffe Bros, Lower Cork



Grotty Mrs A, New Square

Doran Mrs J, New square

Hickey Mrs, Robert street

McCarthy Miss, Thomas street

Morrissey Mrs, Lower Cork st

O'Brien Mrs, King street

O'Shea Mrs, Lower Cork st

Walsh Mrs, King street

West Mrs, Upper Cork street


Egg Merchants.

Casey Hannah, Baldwin street

Russell John, Clonmel street

Russell Patrick, Lower Cork st

Wiley James, Robert street

Wiley John, Robert street


Estate Agent.

Frend Henry, Kings square


Furnishing Warehouses.

Cusack M & Sons, Lr Cork st

Forde Michael, Upper Cork st

Lyons D J,  Lower Cork street

O'Neill P, Baldwin street


Glass, China, and Earthenware Dealer,

I.yons Henry, Lower Cork st

Ryan Christopher, Lr Cork st


Grocers and Provision Merchants.

 (*Also Vintners.}

*Aherne Thomas D, New sq

*Baker W, Square

Barry E, Lower Cork street

*Barry M F, New square

*Barry R, Square

Burke James, Lower Cork st

*Casey Michael,Lower Cork st

Casey Thomas, Lr Cork st

*Condon Edmond, Lr Cork st

*Condon Michl, Lower Cork st

*Condon W P, Lower Cork st

*Cotty Miss, Upper Corkst

Farrell Patrick, Baldwin street

Finn Edward, Baldwin street

*Finn J, Lower Cork street Cork

*'Finn W J, Lower street

* Fitzgerald P J, Lower Cork st

*Fitzgerald Thomas E, New sq

Flynn Miss, Lower Cork street

Graham A, Upper Cork street

Harrington D, Upper Cork st

Kent James, Lower Cork st

*Landers John, Lower Cork st

*Leonard Patk, Lower Cork st

*McInerny P, Lower Cork st

*Magrath J J, Lower Cork st

Murphy & Co, Upper Cork st

*Murphy James, LowerCork st

Murphy Michl A, Lr Cork st

Nagle Mrs, King street

*Noonan ~Vm, Lower Cork st

*O'Brien John L, Square

*O'Brien M ~ Son, Up Cork st

*O'Donohoe Jas, Lwr Cork st

*O'Dwyer M,, Baldwin street

*O'Gorman Mrs, Upper Cork St

O’Mahony William, King street

*O'Sullivan David, Up Cork st

O'Sullivan Mrs, Lower Cork st

*Quitter MrsJ J, Lower Cork st

Roche Patrick, Lower Cork st

*Ryan Christopher,  Newsquare

*Whelan Timothy, Up Cork st



O'Shea James, Hobert street


Hardware Merchants.

Cusack M & Sons, Lr Cork st

Forde Michael, Upper Cork st

Lyons D J, Lower Cork street

Lyons Henry, Lower Cork st

O'Neill Patrick, Baldwin street


Insurance Agents.

Callaghan D, solr, Baldwin st

Connolly M,Lower Cork st

Cusack M J, Lower Cork st

O'Brien E, bank of Ireland

O'Brien E M, The mills

O'Brien W E, solr, Bank place

Skinner J G, solr, Baldwin st



Hartigan T J, Lower Cork st


Leather Merchants.

Finn W J, Lower Cork street

Murphy John & Son, Lwr Cork st

Walsh Bros, King street


Mineral Water Manufacturers,

Carroll & Sons O'Brien John L



The Sentinel-J V Kiely, editor and prop


Oil and Color Merchants.

Cusack M &Sons, LowerCork st

Lyons Henry, Lower Cork st

Lyons D J, Lower Cork street

O'Neill I, Baldwin street


Painters and Decorators.

Lyons Brothers O'Brien M

O'Mahony Brothers



Callaghan J, Georges street



Mullane Thomas



Donovan James, King street

Norris John, The Square

O'Sullivan E, Upper Cork st

Roche Patrick, Lower Cork st


Shipping Agent,

Fairbrother J L F, I P


Seed Merchants.

Casey Michael, Lower Cork st

Cusack & Sons, Lower Cork st

Finn Wm, Lower Cork street

Forde Michael, Upper Cork st

Leonard P, Lower Corlc street

Murphy Mi A, Lower Cork st

O'Brien M Son, Up Cork st

O'Neill P, Baldwin street


Stationers .

Cusack & Sons, Lower Cork st

Fairbrother T & G, Lr Cork st

Lyons D J, Lower Cork street

Morrissey T L, Lower Cork st



Begley Patrick, Upper Cork st

Casey James, Upper Cork st

Connor Thomas, King street

Connors Maurice, James st

O'Connors Patrick, King street

O'Sullivan M J, Robert street

Timber and Slate Merchants

Cusack M & Sons, Lr Corkst

Forde Michael, Upper Cork st

O'Neill Patrick, Baldwin street


Morrissey T L



Ahern T, Square

Cusack & Sons Lower Cork st

O'Brien John L , Square

O’Brien M & Sons, Up Cork St



Baker William, Square

Cahill Thomas, Robert street

Finn J, Lower Cork street

Finn Patrick, Upper Cork st

Murphy James, Lr Cork st



Barry Margaret, King street

Boyle M, Lower Cork street

Cork Casey Bros, Upper street

Casey Hannah, Baldwin street

Chawke J, Lower Cork st

Dwane John,  King street

English William, New square

Evans Kate, New square

Forde Michael, Baldwin street

Hanrahan Jas, Lower Cork st

Leahy Michael, Upper Cork st

Lyons Mary, Lower Cork st

McGrath Jas J, Lower Cork

Murphy Ellen, Upper Cork st

Noonan Patrick, Lower Cork st

O'Brien Laurence, Lowr Cork st

O'Mahony Mrs, King street

O'Sullivan Mrs Ellen, ping

Roche Wm L, Lower Cork st

Russell Patrick, Lower Cork


Wine and Spirit Merchants.

Cusack M &Sons, Lwr Cork st




Electoral div. Marshalstown,

Bailey Thomas, Glenahulla

Bradfield James, Glenahulla

Finn Jeremiah, Glenahulla

Finn E, Hill house

Finn William, Firgrove

O'Loughlin A, Sunnyside


Electoral div. Mitchelstown.

Barren Patrick, Stag Park

Casey D T, Coolnanave

Casey Thomas, Kilshanny

Clifford Michael, Garrane

Crotty Andrew, Glenatlucky

Donoghue D, Pollardstown

Harrington Patk, D C, Skeheen

Hayes William, Kildrum

Luddy Patrick, Coolyregan

McCarthy Mrs Kate, Stag park

Molan J ohn, Ardglare

O'Brien Corns, DC, Killakane

O'Donnell Patrick, Cloonlough

O'Keeffe John, Kilshanny

Quinlan James, Ardglare

Ryan James, Brigown

Sullivan Maurice, Pollardstown


Electoral div. Kilgullane.

Casey Margaret,Curraghbowen

Rea Margaret, Johnstown

Rea Thomas, Drough

Walsh John J P, Kilgullane

Electoral div . Kilphelan,

Coughlan Mrs, Flemingstown

Hennessy James, Nutgrove

Mahony John, Kilnadrow

Roche Mrs, Flemingstown

Williams John, Dromleigh

Electoral div. Marshalstown,

Casey Patrick, Cloghleafin

Clifford M F, Cloghleafin

Rea John, Cloghleafin

Tobin Mrs, Cloghleafin

Electoral div, Mitchelstown.

O’Keeffe Kate, Ballykearney

O'Sullivan John, Ballykearney


Electoral div. Kilphelan .

Fogarty William,D C, Kilphelan

O'Neill Patrick,DC, Curraghoo

Roche Timy, Ballyadack north


Electoral div . Bailyarthur .

Barrett Michael, Ballyarthur

Clifford Mrs, Gorteenatarriff

O'Brien Ellen, Killalcug east

O'Donnell Terence,Killaclug w

Quane John, Killaclug west

Sullivan James jun, Gortroe

Sullivan John, D C, Gortroe

Electoral div . Kilgullane.

Hennessy M, Knockagarry

Lyons Thomas, Killee

McGrath Mrs, Knockagarry

McGrath Jas, D C, Knockagarry

Electoral div. Marshalstown

Casey John, Marshalstown

Coughlan Patrick, Curraghgorm

Fox James, Marshalstown

Lee Patrick, Curraghgorm

Lee Richard, DC, Curraghgorm

Lyons John, Curraghgorm

McCarthy Michl, Derrynanool

O'Donnell W,Baunnanooneeny