Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Monkstown


(Pop 564)

Post, money order, telegraph, and telephone office

Postmistress-Mrs M A Kelly


Conveyances--Monkstown a station Cork, Blackrock and Passage, rly.

Steamers hence to Ringasktddy, Haulbowline, Spike Island, Queenstown, Aghada and Crosshaven

Stationmaster-John Sullivan


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Monkstown


Rural District Council Cork

Electoral divs Monkstwon


Dispensary and Registration district of Carragaline North. Passage West dispensary on Mons, Weds and Sats from 9.30 to 11 am

Medical officer and Registrar-Dr Crowley


Petty Sessions dist of Passage West

Constabulary dist of Queenstown.

In charge of Monkstown station- Sergeant W F Hadnett


National School-head teachers

Monkstown-Denis Cramer ;Miss A McSwiney

Shanbally-J Barry ; : Mrs Jones



Allhusen E L (H M Inspector Factories), 2 Carlisle place

Anglia John, general merchant, Glen road ; limestone quaries, Raffeen

Babington The Misses, The Shrubbery

Barry William J, 4 Bellevue ter

Beale Sarah, Marina terrace

Bellis Miss, Sydenham terrace

Belton Robert W, Alta terrace

Bennett Miss F, DeVesci place

Boumphrey A G, Rocklodge

Boumphrey J T, Alta terrace

Bowers Patk,JP, Ballyorban hse

Cade Win, Gordon villas

Carrl Dempster Mrs A,  Marina villas

Clarke Misses, Fairy place

Clifton H, BA, Marina terrace

Cogan William, Raffeen

Coleman C, Albert cottage

Condors M, Castle terrace

Coughlan Patk, Carlisle place

Coveney Bryan, Glen

Coveney Lieut, R N, Laurelmer

Crabb J, De Vesci place

Cramer Mrs, Victoria cottage

Creagh Arthur, Parkgarriffldge

Crosbie Talbot, Alta terrace

Crosse Miss, 2 Fairyhill place

Cuppage T Wade, Sunnysrde

Cumin Miss, 2 Gordon villa

Dixon J, 7 Bellevue place

Donegan Miss, Bay view

Downing J, Marina villas

Doyle Mrs, Chapel hill

Enright Mrs, Castle terrace

Everett John,St Aubins

Exham Alfred H, Alta terrace

Exham Henry, 6 Alta terrace

Fahy Rev John, P P

Foley J, solr, Charlemont villas

Foott R E, M D, 1 Gordon villas

Fox Mrs, Arderin

Good R H, Carlisle terrace- general manager C B & P R

Gloster Miss, teacher, Fairy pl

Good G A, solr, Alta terrace

Greene Mrs, Ivy Bank

Hare J, steward Monkstown club, Marina cottages

Harty Joseph, Summer ville

Hayes H H, Hazelhurst

Hill Mrs, Sydenham terrace

Hoare Edward J, Rose cottage:

Hogan J II, Marina cottages

Honor Ophelia, music teacher, Carrigmahon villas

Howlett Marrion, Greystones, Belllvue terrace

Jacob Mr, 1 Sydenham terrace

Kelly Mrs, Cattle terrace

Kennedy Rev John A, MA, rector

Kidd A M, 6 Bellevue place

King Mrs, 1 Fairy Hill Place

Kingston Miss, Shrubbery

Kirwan B, The Castle

Lahiff Mrs E, Fir hill

Lehane John, De Vesci place

Lynch Lt-Col C J; Parkgarriffe house

Lyons M, Marina villas

McDonnell D, LL D, Fairy hill house

McNamara Miss, 8 Alta terrace

McSwiney Miss M, Carlisle place

Monkstown club, Marina cottage

Mosey Mrs, Alta terrace

Meade Mrs M F, Gordon villas

Morey Capt, RN, 1 Mentone villas

Murphy Denis, De Vesci place

Nelson J, Bellevue

Newman Major H H, J P, The Castle

Newman Richard, The Castle

Mrs Mentonevillaa

O'Connor M,

O'Driscoll Capt D,J P,Glenville

O'Driscoll James, 4 Lower bayview

Payne Somers, B L, J P, Carrigmahon

Purvis Mrs, Ardnaree

Roberts Rev R H A, Charlemont terrrace

Roy Mrs Agnes, Bellevue place

Ryan Mrs, Chapel hill cottage

Salmon Charles, GIen road

Sarsfield D P, JP,  Sydenham ter

Schrieber Elena, Alta terrace

Simmons Nlrs, Ardnaree

Stopford F H, Rookhurst

Sugrue John II, Glenville

Tayler Mrs, Rocklodge

Tivy H F, J P, 2 Manna villas

Warren Mrs, Marina terrace

Warren Robert, Ardnaree

Weekes Thomas E, Hazlede

Westropp Dudley, Alta terra

White James, ferry owner, Vesci place

Wolseley R W, Elmira

White Sunon, JP, Raffeen hou



De Vesci Arms-Miss O'Sullvan, proprietress

Firhill(private)-Mrs E Lahif propretress

Imperial-Mary Lynch, prop

Seaside, Glen road – George O'Brien, prop

The White House Hotel


Refreshment Rooms.

The Cafe, De Vesci place - Miss McSweeney


Shopkeepers, etc.

Ahern Mrs E, dressmaker, Ivy cottage

Barry Miss T, dressmaker, Glen

Barry Mrs, shopkeeper, Raffeen

Clehane J F, vintner, The Glen

Condons M, victualler,Castle ter

Cox Mrs, shopkeeper, Sunview cot

Donovan Ellen, vint, Raffeen

Fitzgerald Mrs, Castle terrace

Hayes William, The Glen

Kearney Fras, shkpr, Castle ter

King Wm, vint, grocer, Pier hse

McSweeney Miss M,grocer and draper, 5 Castle terrace

O'Leary Miss Bridget, dress maker, Raffeen

Salmon Mrs M, dressmaker, Rathanker

Shea D, road contr, Ballyfouloo

Wall TW, stationmasterRaffeen

Ward M M,dressmkr,Castle ter




Barry Ellen, Raffeen

Barry George, Raffeen

Cadogan Mrs, Raffeen

Kenefick Timothy, Raffeen

Began Michael, Raffeen

Stanley John, Ballinametagh

Whitelegge W, Highland cott


Callaghan John, Ballyfouloo

Doyle Thomas Castle farm

HayesDaniel, Castle farm

Keadigan Daniel, Park