Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Newcestown



Ballineen 6 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmaster-T Lynch


Conveyances-Desert 4 m. (Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry), and Crookstown Road 6 M, (Cork and Macroom ry), nearest stations


Parliamentary div South East Cory

County Electoral div Warrenscourt


Rural district council Bandon

Electoral divs Murragh and Teadies


Dispensary and Registration district of Murragh


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Bandon ; sub-district of Mountpleasant


National Schools-head teachers

Newcestown-Matthew J Murphy ; Mrs Kate Cummins

Farranthomas-Miss Brewer


Butter Market-Friday .



Bernard Rev Denis, P P, The Presbytery

Desmond H, DC, Bengour east

Knight A, Killinear house



Mossgrove-R White, mgr


Shopkeepers, etc

Buttimer Maurice,vint,Bengour

Corcoran Patrick, builder, etc

Cummins Jeremiah,  shopkeeper

Lynch Julia, grocer,. newsagent

Lynch Timothy, builder, etc

Murphy Julia, grocer

Murphy Timothy, shoemaker

Sullivan Richard, vintner and provision dealer




Electoral div. Murragh.

Ahern T, D C, Coolanagh

Allen Thomas, Newcestown

Allen Thomas, Greenhill

Bradfield Richard,Newcestown

Brien Cornelius, Newcestown

Corcoran Eugene, Bengour

Crowley Timy, Farranthomas

Desmond Daniel, Coolanagh

Desmond H jun, Newcestown

Donovan Barth, Farranthomas

Donovan M1 B, Farranalough

Donovan MchI D, Farranalough

Calvin Mrs Mary, Newcestown

Hart Jeremiah,Farranalough

Hart Stephen, Farranalough

Hurley Barth, Farranthomas

Hurley Daniel, Newcestown

Hurley Daniel, Newcestown

Kane Denis, Newcestown

Kehilly James, Farranthomas

Lordan James, Coolanagh

Lordan Mrs, Farranalough

Mahony Barth, Woodlands

Mahony Corns, Farranthomas

Mahony Jeremiah, Greenhill

Murphy Thomas, Farranalough

Mousy James, Bengour

O'Brien Mrs, Farranthomas

O'Driscoll Denis, Farranalough

O'Keeffe John, Newcestown

Patterson Mrs, Farranthomas

Quinlan Michael, Newceslodun

Shorten John, Coolanagh

Shorten John, 'Woodlands

Sullivan Timothy, Newcestown

Sweeney Eugene, Coolanagh

Electoral div, Teadies .

Bradfield John,Tullyglasshouse

Bradfield Michael, Tullyglass

Bradfield Thomas, Tullyglass

Bradfield William, Tullyglass

Coombs Thomas, Tullyglass

Damery Edward, Tullyglass

Sebury Henry, Tullyglass

Stanley Williarir, Tullyglass