Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Ovens



Ballincollig 4 m. nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmistress-Miss E White


Conveyances-Kilumney (r m.) a, station Cork and Macroom ry ; four trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster-Joseph Doherty


Parliamentary div Mid Cork

County Electoral div Ballincollig


Rural Distract Council Cork Electoral div, Ovens

Dispensary and Registration district of Ballincollig


Rural District Council Bandon  

Electoral div. Ballygroman


Dispensary and Registration district of Templemartin


Petty Sessions and Constabulary district of Ballincollig


National School-head teachers

Ovens-E McCarthy; Mrs Curtis .



Allen Alfred Wm, J P, Clashanure house

Buckley J M, Apsley house

Coakley Rev Cornelius, C C

Hawkes Miss, Surmount house

Hawkes Penrose, Bridepark house

Hornibrook T H, JP, Ballygraman house

Julian Rev Isaac Gordon, M A, rector Athnowen

Kiely Timothy, Dc, Clashanure

McMullen J, Ovens house

Miller B, Bride park

O'Connell Rev Patrick, P P

O'Keeffe Miss H, Garryhesta hse

Taylor Adrian H, M D, J P, Knockanemore house



Bride Valley Dairy – Timothy Burley, manager


Shopkeepers, etc.

Buckley John, shoemaker

Coleman M B, vintner, Srelane

Cumin J, shoemaker, Kilumney

Hurley Timothy, mercht tailor, Knockanemore

Kelly John, contractor, Srelane

Kelly Mary, vintner, Srelane

Keely Mary, vint, Ovens bridge

Long J, gent mt,Knockanemore

Long Mrs J, shopkpr, Kilumney

McDonnell Thomas,shoemaker

Murphy D, vint, Barnagore hse

Ryan Thomas, blacksmith

Twomey Daniel, blacksmith

Walsh Mrs E,vintner,Kilumney

White Miss E, genl mcht,Ovens




Electoral div. Ballygroman.

Reid Henry, Grange

Reid Thomas, Grange house

Twomey Denis, Grange

Electoral div. Ovens.

Ahern John, Knockanemore

Buckley Cornelius, Currabeg

Buckley Jeremiah, Curraghbeg

Buckley Michael, Walshestown

Buckley Thos, Lackenareague

Carroll Miss, Castleinch

C,arroll Mrs, Surmount

Casey Patrick, Srelane

Coleman Daniel, Walshestown

Coleman John, Walshestown

Crean Mrs P, Surmount

Crean Patrick, Knockanemore

Crowley Jeremiah, Knockane

Fahey William, Castleinch

Healy James, Walshestown

Healy Thos, Brown hill house

Hegarty Peter, Castleinch

Hegarty Stephen, Currsghbeg

Herlihy Jeremrah,Walshestown

Kelleher Daniel, Currabeg

Magner Daniel, Knockanemore

Magner John, Knockanemore

Mahony Daniel, Castleinch

Mahony Mrs, Knockane

Murphy Daniel, Curraghbeg

Murphy Denis, Curraghbeg

Murphy Denis, Surmount

Murphy Eliza, Walshestown

Murphy J, D C, Knockanemore

Murphy Mrs Julia, Walshestown

Murphy Michl, Knockanemore

O'Brien James, Castleinch

O'Leary Daniel, Walshestown

O'Leary Michael, Curraghbeg

O'Regan Daniel, Surmount

O'Sullivan Dl, Lackenareague

O'Sullivan Thomas, Castleinch

Oldham John, Castleinch

Prior John, Barnagore

Rumley George, Springville

Scannell John, Knockane

Unkles Mrs, Curraghbeg


Electoral div. Ballygroman .

Bradfield John, Ballygroman lr

Coakley J, Knockatreenane

Crean Jeremiah, Garryhesty

Crowley;Denis, Ballygroman

Desmond H, Knockatreenane

Desmond Jerorne, Garryhesty

Donovan William Garryhesty

Fahey W, Desertmore

McCarthy D, Ballygroman up

McCarthy Daniel, Clashanaffrin

McCarthy Jerh, D C, Clashanaffrin

McCarthy Mrs, Clashanaffrin

Mahony Wm, Knockatreenane

Murphy Edmond, Ballygroman

O'Shea John, Ballygroman

Reid James, Ballygroman lower

Shanley Honora, Garryhesty


Electoral div. Ballygroman .

Buckley Timothy, Mylane

Connell Patrick, DC, Kilumney

Delany Patrick, Mylane

Galvin Michael, Mylane

Healy Mrs, Mylane

Lynch Mrs, Mylane

Murphy John, Kilumney

Murphy Mrs, Kilumney

O'Connell Ptk, D C, Kilumney

Walsh Mrs Ellen, Kilumney