Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Passage West

Passage West

(Sea also Glenbrook)

(Pop 1,780)

Post, money order, telegraph, and telephone office

Postmistress-Miss Heaslip


Conveyances- Passage a station Cork, Blackrock and Passage ry trains to and from Cork every hour.

Stationmaster-P Heelan


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Monkstown


Rural District Council Cork

Electoral div. Monkstown


Dispensary and Registration district of Carrigaline North

Passage West dispensary on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9.30 to 11am

Med officer and Regr-Dr Crowley

Relieving Officer-Door Corcoran, Rochestown



Petty Sessions held every alternate Tuesday .

Quar Sess dist of Cork

Clerk Petty Sessions - W Dunbar



Constabulary district of Queenstown.

In charge of Passage West station- Sergeant William P Plover



Capt-R E Roberts

Vice-capt-P Fitzgerald



Murmullane Lawn Tennis Club -Hon sec, Capt R de B Beamish



Church Ireland (Marmullane) Rev F J Allen, B A, rector

R Catholic-Rev Thos Barren, P P; Rev David Stack, curate

Wesleyan Methodist-Rev W J F Maguire, 5 Montpellier terrace, Cork



Sisters of Mercy-Rev Mother Patricia Murphy



Passage West Technical School- Teachers-W Corkery, James Inman, J V Healy ; Thomas Jones, secretary

National-head teachers

Passage-Thomas Jones

Convent-Sisters of Mercy

Passage West Industrial School Catholic boys) - Sisters of Mercy, managers (Boys between 6 and 9 yrs)



M O'Shea, curator


Fair-25 July



Ahern E, Dock terrace

Ashe Miss, Richmond

Abbott Mrs, Rockenham

Abbott Vivian W, Rockenham

Allen Rev F J, Ba rector, Marmullane Rectory

Barry John, Main street

Barry Patrick, Lucia place

Barren Rev T, P P, Toureen terrace

Beamish Captain Richard de B, Castle view

Beamish Thos, MD, Castle view

Bryan P, Dock terrace

Cade Mrs C E, 6 Toureen ter

Cade Mrs W H, Glen view

Carroll J, Church lodge

Clarke W P, Pembroke

Collies D, Dock terrace

Cooper T, Toureen

Cotter R, New cottages

Courtenay Mrs, Lucia place

Craig H B, Marmullane

Craig Miss, Fort hill

Doherty W, Lucia place

Downey W, Main street

Duggan Mr, Toureen terrace

Dunbar W, C P S, Grebe house

Fitzpatrick Matthew , P, D C, Main street

Hall Miss, Toureen terrace

Hawkes. G W, Lackaroo

Hawkes Mrs, Lackaroo

Heaslip Miss, Strand street

Henderson J, Mount prospect

Herlihy P, Dock terrace

Hilliard C J, Waterville

Hilliard R, CE, Waterville

Honor Miss, Carrigmahon

Inman James,Toureen terrace

Jones Mrs, N T, Ryrke Lee cott

Keely M, Lucia place

Lyons Mrs Thomas, Waterview

Lyons Miss, Maulbawn

Mahony J, Strand street

Maxwell E, Leecarrow

Michael Capt J L, The Green

Mintern Joseph, The Grebe

Moynihan C, Greenmount

Mulcahy D, Shamrock cottages

Mulcahy Mrs, Rockview

Murphy Mrs J J, Bellevue

Murphy Mrs Patricia, Rev Mother Convent of Mercy

Murphy William, Canning

O'Connell Wm, Mansfield

O'Neill Peter, Lucia place

O'Shea M, Chapel Square

Parker Miss, The Green

Paterson Miss, Toureen terrace

Powell Eyre, J P, Mansfield

Reid William; I7 Victoria

Roberts Major Byam M L, JP, Ardmore

Sandiford Lieut-Colonel

Sandiford Miss, Toureen terrace

Sandiford MissE,Horseheadhse

Shaw James, Main street

Shaw W, Marine view

Smart Captain P J, Leemount

Simms Mrs, Toureen terrace

Splaine James A, Pembroke

Stamers Miss E, Vera

Stewart W, Dock terrace

Symons Mrs, Dock street

Tayler W Verling, Riverview

Wakeham Mrs, The Green

Walker Mrs, Toureen villa

Ware Mrs, Toureen terrace

Williams Thos, Dc, Lucia place

Wilson Mrs, Strand street


Pharmaceutical Chemist.

Paterson GA, LPSI, 2 Railway st



Commerial, Railway street- Michael O'Brien, prop



Queenstown Dry Docks, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co.- Oliver S S Piper, J P, Glenbrook house, prop ; Gilbert McIlraith, sec ; managers, H B Craig and O J S Piper, jun



Stuart William, Dock terrace


Boot & Shoe Warehouses.

Fitzgerald P, Strand street

Wilson Mrs, Strand street


Car Owners.

Callaghan Timothy, Main street

Judge Arthur, Church hill

Meade John, Pembroke

O'Callaghan Charles, Main st


Coal Merchants.

Condon E, Strand street

Suttons Limited



Fitzgerald P, Strand street



Cullinane Charles, Ardmore


Fish Merchants.

Fahy T

Spillane J



Hosford R, Main street

Mintern Joseph, Main street

Murphy Mrs D, Main street

Sullivan Denis, Strand street

Wilson Mrs T, Strand street


Hair Dresser.

Keane Thomas, Strand street


House, Land and Insurance Agent.

Fitzgerald P, Strand street


Insurance Agent.

Jones T, local secretary St Finbar's Insurance Society


Lodging-house Keepers.

Barry Miss, Lucia place

Courtney Mrs, Lucia place

Crowley Miss, Dock street

Fitzgerald Mrs, Main street

Kearney Mrs, Strand street

McNamara Mrs, Lucia place

O'Keeffe Mrs, Strand street



Cogan Mrs, Church hill

Dinneen Mrs, Strand street

Hosford R, Main street



Eccles J, Beach road

Keating W, Lower cottages



Fitzgerald P, Strand street


Plumber .

Doherty William, Lucia pace


Provision Dealers.

Barry Brothers, Main street

Hosford R, Main street

Sullivan Denis. Strand street

Wilson Mrs, Strand street



Barry Mrs, Strand street

Connell Chris, Chapel square

Hitchcock Mrs, Church hill

Homebridge Alex, Church hill

Keane Thomas, Strand street

McDonnell Mrs, Church hill

Murphy Mrs, Main street

Rose Mrs, Strand street

Tapping Miss, Church hill

Williams Thomas, Lucia place



Higgins Kate, Strand street


Tobacconists .

Higgins Mis, Strand street

O'Callaghan P J, Strand street

Sullivan Miss, Dock street



Condon Edward, Strand street

Condon Patrick, Main street



Crowley Margaret, Dock street

Fitzpatrick Matthew, Main st

Morrissey Joseph, Main street

Mulcahy Michael, The Square

Noonan Mrs, Strand street

O'Brien Michael, Railway st

O'Callaghan P J, Strand street

O'Leary Mrs Jane A, Strand st

O'Mahony James, Strand street

Shaw Mrs, Strand street

Symons Mrs, Pock street

Thornhill Miss; Railway street and Strand street




Cadigan Edward, Park

Lane Timothy, Ardmore

Mintern Joseph, Pembroke