Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Queenstown


(Pop 8,205)

(Urban District Council)

Transatlantic Station


Seaport town, head post, money order, telegraph and telephone office . Open always Mails dispatched for Dublin, England, etc;week-days 2.30, 5.30,8.35Pm

Head postmaster-P S O'Hegarty


Conveyances-Queenstown the terminus, Cork and Queenstown branch G S &Wry ; trams to and from Cork every hour. The steamers of the Cork, Blackrock and Passage ry also call every Hour

Stationmaster (G S and W ry)  Richard Nolan

Stationmaster (C B and P ry) J McCarthy


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Queenstown



Dispensary and Registration dist of Queenstown East. General Hospital on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 11 a m to 1 p m

Med officer and Regr-Dr John J O'Connor


Dispensary and Registration dist of Queenstown West. General Hospital on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 11 a m to 1 p m

Med officer and Regr-Dr R W Hedges

Hoarse Surgeon-Dr Wm J Ring



(See also Special List)

Chairman-R Hennessy, J P

Clerk-J H Campbell, J P

Town Surveyor-John Ahern



Petty Sessions held daily at 11 am

Quar Sess dist of Cork

Clerk Petty Sess-F St M Heney



(Sec Special Constabulary List.)

Dist Inspector-Chas E Armstrong

Head Constables-Wm H McClean, B Byrne (detective staff)

Constabulary stations- Sergeants-Martin Ccndon, Jas Dunne, John O'Brien, William O’Connor (A s)



Harbour Master - Capt G Usborne,RN

Clerk-John Farrell



(Sec Special Naval List)

Flag Ship-HMS  Endymion

Commanding Irish Station-Rear Admiral Sir Charles M Coke, KCVO

Flag Captain commanding South Ireland Coastguard. District-Capt H B Hibbert, R N

Naval Secretary-Francis C Alton,

Flag Lieutenant-Edwin M Palmer



Coastguard division of Queenstown-

Divisional officer-Commander A Home

District Paymaster-D A Kelsey



Wm W L McLean, MRCS, santry surv

Capt E J Sharp, nautical surveyor



See Special List of Consuls.)



Chief Preventive officer-F P  Kelly

Officer clerical-W F D Leonard

Preventive officers-M Hartigan, M Conway, W Sullivan, J O'Kane



Daunts Rock Lightship-D Dunn, master

Spitbank-F W Duffy



Allen Atwell H, Scotts square

Dawson G B, Upper park

Heney F St Maur, Athenian terrace

Scogings Thomas, Spy hill



Bank of Ireland-Agent, H R Greene ; sub-agent, G Pierce

Munster&  Leinster-H H Barry manager



Sea Baths & Recreation Co- Chairman, Charles O'Callaghan, J P, secretary, James McCarthy. Offices,Sea Baths, Inman quay

Queenstown Amusement Committee- Chairman, J Grogan, J P, hon treas, H R Greene ; sec, James Ryan

Royal Cork Yacht Club-Admiral, Rt Hon Lord Barrymore ; secretary, Henry  B Bruce; steward,John Morris

Cork & Queenstown Branch Royal National Lifeboat Institution-Hon sec Capt George Usborne R N

Queenstown Royal Sailors  Home, Harbour row-Steward, T Bounds

Soldiers' Home, and Sailors' Rest, West beach-Hon sect, Miss Sandes Lady Supt, Miss Heard

Catholic Young Men's Society, East Beach-Pres, Rev W F Browne, CC, vice-pres, J J Brennan ; hon sec, Jos McCarthy; hon treas, J Lynch

Young Men's Christian Association, 4 Scotts square . Hon treas, T Clarke ; hon sec, W Dove

Queen's Hotel Assembly Roams- Miss B Humbert, proprietress

Queenstown and Rushbrooke Assembly Rooms- Offices, 1 Westbourne place

Golf Club, Rushbrooke-Hon sec, B Bruce, Sunny height

St" Colmans National Health Insurance Society-Res sec, M Harty



Engineer-Charles Amphlett



Queenstown Gas Co-Manager E Voung ; sec, James Wilson chairman, Harold O'Meara



Chairman-Savage Fremch, D L

Secretary-Robert Munro

Offices-2 South Mall, Cork



Catholic Cathedral of the Diocese of Cloyne-Most Rev Robert Browne,

DD, bishop ; Rev Denis O'Connor, ADM ; Revs John O'Donoghue; David

Kent, Peter Fouhy, Wm F Browne, curates

Ch Ireland (Clonmel or Queenstown)- Ven Archdeacon Wm Daunt, MA, rector ; Revs F J Allen, BA and J H Hingston, B A, curates

Methodist-Rev T Moran, minister

Presbyterian-Rev Victor J Cotter, MA, minister



Presentation College, Mount Crozier, Supr, Rev Bro Basil Hunt



Sisters of Mercy - Rev Mother Mrs M Bernard Slattery

Bon Secours-Sister M Pacome



Queenstown Convent, Sisters of Mercy

Bellevue- F Watson ; Mrs Vickery

St Josephs-Presentation Brothers

Belvelly – Miss M Russell and Miss E M Duffy

Walterstown-J O'Neill ; Mrs A O'Neill



St Colmans (Catholic girls)-Sisters of Mercy, managers



Day preparatory and Technical School-William Ward, principal


Market day-Saturday



(See also Rushbrooke)

Ahern C, Park road

Ahern J, Park terrace

Ahern John, town surveyor

Ahern Mary, Harbour row

Ahern Michael, Harbour row

Ahern W, R N, Orelia terrace

Aherne Wm E, 6 The Crescent and 1 West beach

Aldworth Lady Mary, Carrigrhu

Alexander Miss M, Ringlee

Allen Atwell H, solr, West bourne place and Merville

Allen James, Ruches terrace

Allen John, East Hill

Allen Rev F J, 1; A, curate C I

Alton Francis C, naval secretary Government house

Ambrose A, Harbour row

Arnphlett C E, Seaview, East hill

Arnold E, Frenchs avenue

Attridge Mrs, The Ranche

Aylmer Miss, West End terrace

Baker G H, Cliffe cottage

Bagwell William, J P, East grove

Bailey Mrs, Scotts square

Bank of Ireland, Westbourne pl

Barry Bridget, Scotts square

Barry Charles, Harbour row

Barry David, Queen street

Barry Garrett, West view

Barry Hannah, Harbour row

Barry J, Nest view

Barry Miss, 5 Marino villas

Barry Mrs M, East beach

Barry Surgeon-Colonel J, Inver

Beamish Geo H T, Spy hill hse

Beamish Hulda, Nest end

Beamish N Ludlow, J P, Ashgrove

Beausang P, Rockcliffe

Behan Patrick, New street

Bennett Robt, Hawthorne ter

Bird John, Ballydulea

Bishop J, Ballynoe

Bounds T, stewd Royal Sailors Home, West beach

Bowen Michael, Pock cottage, Whitepoint

Bowler James, Midleton street

Bransfield Charles, 14 Kings sq

Brennan John, Bellevue

Bridges Alfred, Seaview

Broderick Morgan, East beach

Browne Most Rev Robert, DD,

Bishop of Cloysne, Bishops house

Browne Rev W,F, Bishops hse

Bruce Henry B, music teacher, Sunny height

Bruton Thomas, Harbour row

Buckley Miss, Harbour hill

Burke Charles, Alta terrace

Burke David, Harbour row

Burke Nliss, Alta terrace

Burke Thomas, S Ruches terrace

Butler Edmund, Meehans ter

Butler Michael, Harbour view

Byrne John P, West beach

Cagney T, Coolattin

Cahill James, 19 Harbour roev

Cahill S, 9 Cloyne terrace

Campbell J H, J P, clerk U D C, Sunmount

Carr The Misses, Mount Crozier

Carroll Lady, East beach

Carroll Mrs, Westbourne place

Casey D, King street

Cassidy Richard, Harbour hill

Cavanagh J R, Scotts square

Covey Peter, Roches row

Chambers C L, Athenian terrace

Chapman David, Harbour row

Charde John, Bishop street

Chichester Mrs, Merton

Clarke R T, East beach

Clifford George, The Mall

Clyde Shipping Co, Lynches qy

Coffey Mrs, Westbourne

Coke Sir Charles M, cvo, Rear- Admiral, Admiralty house

Coleman Bernard, Midleton st

Coleman James, M R S A I, 2 Rosehill terrace

Coleman Michael, Queen st

Coleman Michael, West beach

Collins Thos J, Hawthorne ten

Condon M, 14 King street

Condon M E, Queen street

Conway Charles, Old street

Conway Miss, Rockcliffe

Cooke P, West view

Cooke-Callis Misses, Araglyn

Cooney Roger, Barryrmore ave

Co-operative Socty Ltd,Kings sq

Cotter Annie, Scotts square

Cotter John, Scotts square

Cotter Rev Victor J, MA, The Manse

Coughlan Miss, Harbour row

Crone Miss, Scotts square

Cronin Mrs, The Crescent

Cronin Thomas. Kings square

Cratty Maurice, Midleton park

Crotty M, Upper Cottrells row

Crowley Jeremiah, Harpoon hill

Curran Mrs, Clifton terrace

Curry Miss L, Rose hill

Daunt Ethel, Mayfield

Daunt Ven Archdeacon Wm, M A, The Rectory

Davey Norman, Grahams ten

Dawson George B, Upper park

Dawson Mrs M, 2 Upper park

Delany Martin, West beack

Delany M, St Brunos

Dillon Anne, Harbour row

Dockery John P, harbour row

Dolan Frank, Midleton street

Donovan J, Harbour row

Donovan Wm, M D, Leemount

Dove Herbert W, Kings ter

Downey Maurice, Mirmar ldg

DowningBarth,uDC,Frenchs av

Duffy Misses, 12 Bond street

Dunne William, 3 West beach

Dwyer James, Beach

Earl William, harbour row

English Capt M, Athenian ier

English Christophr,Wesr beach

English Edward, East beach

English Mrs Emily, East beach

Ensor H, Lynchs quay

Farrell John J, rate collector

Fitzgerald E & Co, West beach

Fitzgerald J, Harbour row

Fitzgerald Mary, East beach

Fitzharris Michael,UDC, Bondst

Forrest J, Bond street

Forrest Thomas,Midletonstreet

Fouhy Revleter,cc,Cathedral pl

Fowler George, 8 East beach

Franklin R- J, West beach

French Hon John, Miramar

French Miss, Miramar

French Savage, DL,,JP,Cuskinny

Frennett John J, Kings square

Galgey J M, Oldenburg

Gallic Mrs, Harbour row

Galvin John, King street

Gates George, East beach

Glasson Joseph, 8 Harbourrow

Good William, Avormore

Greene H R, agent bank of Ireland, Scotts square

Griffin Thos, UDC, Harbour ter

Grogan Andrew,UDC,Clifton pl

Grogan Jos, J P, West beach, Rossleague and Manor house

Hall Robert, Beechmount

Halloran Mrs, East beach

Hare Robert Dillon, J P, Ballymore house

Harris Mrs, Wellington place

Harris James, 1 Cloyne terrace

Harris George, Summerhill

Hart Miss L A, Bellavista

Hartigan Michael, Roches row

Harry M, res secretary St Colman's Health Insur Society

Hawes James, King square

Hawes W & Co, West beach

Hay Mrs, The Elms, Wilmount

Hawes Miss, Leemount

Healy FJ B, BL; Wilmounthouse

Healy Jeremiah, Glebe house

Healy John, 7 Kings square and The Beach

Healy Joseph J, Teresina

Healy William, Midleton street

Heard Miss, Soldiers' home

Hegarty Patrick, Orelia terrace

Heney F,  St Maur, CPS,Athenian terrace

Hennessy Richard, C U D C, East beach and Park villa

Higgins & Co, Harbour row

Higgins Denis, D C, Ballyleary

Hilser G, Westbourne place

Hingston Rev J H,BA,curate CI,

Hodges R W, M D, Hill house

Holmes F, organists The Park

Holland Mrs, Westbourne place

Horgan Daniel, Orelia terrace

Horne A Courts, JP, German consul, Mount Eton

Horne Thos, Hillview terrace

Houlihan Miss M, Queen st

Humbert Miss, Queens hotel

Hunt Rev Bro Basil, superior Presentation College

Hyde-Parker Capt, The Brake

Ireton John, Harbour row

Ireton Miss I, Harbour row

Jackson-Bennett J C, Bennetts court

Jackson Mrs, Glenavon

Jagoe Mrs, Ballynacrusha

Johnson Mrs A, Whitepoint hse

Keane Michael, King street

Kelleher John, Grahams terrace

Kelly John, Harbour row

Kelly Mrs, Harbour row

Kelsey D A, district paymaster coastguards

Kenefick J, z8 Bishop street

Kent Rev David, CC ;Cathedral pl

Kerrigan Miss A, Kings square

Kershaw Thomas, Harbour hill

Kidney D, Harbour hill

Kidney P, Rose hill

Kidney Timothy, Queen street

Kiernan Michael, Scotts square

Kilpatrick Miss, Midleton park

Kitty John, ~ D c, The Nook

Kinnears Daniel, King street

Kinnears Miss K, West beach

Kirby John, Kings square

Lane Margaret, Mervue

Lawton Matthew, Orelia terrace

Leahy Mrs, Stuart house

Lillis T B, Carrig

Linehan Miss K, 3 Rosehill ter

Llewellyn Mrs Kate, East beach

Loane Miss F, 8 The Crescent

Loane Saml H, Almorah villas

Long Sir James, J P, C C HC, UDC,  Spy Hill villas

Lord George, UDC, Sea view

Love Clayton, UDC, West peach

Love, Toomey & Co,West beach

Lynch Cornelius, Pooches row

Lynch Edward, East hill

McCall George J, DC,East beach and 40 arbour view

McCarthy Florence F, solr, Gortnafieur, Midleton park

McCarthy J, stationmaster, C B & P rly

McCarthy Michael, Rossleague

McCarthy Miss, Lissanisky

McCarthy Mrs, Westbourne pl

McCarthy Timothy, East beach

McClean W H,head const RIC

McCormack Mrs, Scotts square

MacCoy P, Donelan terrace

McDonnell John, West beach

McDonnell Maurice, D C, Harhour row and Carrignafoy

McDonnell Wm, Harbour row

McFee Robert, Roches, row

McGiffen Captain,Marine Supt White Star Line, Fort villas

McGrath John, Harbour view

McIIugh Miss; 26 Bellevue

McHugh Wm H, Cooks agent, 7 Bellevue

McIntosh Mrs H, Bellevue

McLean William WL, M R C S, Bayview

McSweeney Patlr, West beach

McSwiney Mrs, Ballynacrusha

Mackey David ; 37 Harbourview

Madigan James, Kings square

Maguire J, Esplanade hotel, Lynchs quay

Mahony Gerald, Graham ter

Mairis Capt Valentine, King ter

Mairis Mrs, King terrace

Martin P, West beach

May Miss L, 21 Beach

Meade Daniel, Harbour view

Meade Misses, Alts villa

Meeghan Eugene, West view

Michelli Ferd, 4 The Crescent

Miller Mrs Eliza, 5 The Crescent

Miller Miss, Harbour row

Millwood Jeremiah, Bishop st

Monaghan P, manager co-operative stores, Kings square

Moran Rev T, Wesleyan Manse, Westbourne

Morrison Miss, 1 Harbour hill

Morrissy Mrs, 4 Harbour hill

Morrissey Thomas P, JP, Rathronan house

Mowatt Miss M, Harbour row

Moynihan S, DC, Harbour row

Mulcahy Miss E, 9 West beach

Murphy Edward, Harbour row

Murphy Jeremiah, Bellevue

Murphy John, Lynchs quayhse

Murphy Miss A, West beach

Murphy Mrs Jerome,Carrigmore

Murphy Mrs J; West view

Murphy V F, Harbour row

Murray J, H M customs

Murray Mrs, West beach

Murray Mrs B, Scotts square

Myburgh Comdr RW, Glenmore

Myles Thomas, Easthill

Nagle Mrs H, West end

Nepean Miss, 1 Upper park

Neville Michael, Harbour row

Nicholls A H, agent Canard steam ship company,ThePark

Nolan Richard, station master GS&Wry

O'Brien D, Roches row

O'Brien John, Ballynacrusha

O'Brien Lieut-Col, Weston

O'Brien T, 5 Plunkett terrace

O'Callaghae Chas, JP, UDC, DC, Fort Lisle

O'Carroll A, Kings square

O'Connell Miss, Westbourne pl

O'Connor John J,MD,Rockcliffe

O'Connor Michael J, Kings sq

O'Connor M P, Harbour row

O'Connor Rev Denis, ADM, Cathedral place

O'Donnell J, West beach

O’Donoghue Rev John, C C, Cathedral place

O'Farrell Ewd C, The Crescent

O'Farrell E S, 1 The Crescent

O'Farrell Fergus, Reddingtan

Ogilvie James, The Park

O'Hara T, East beach

O'Hegarty P S, head postmstr, Bayview

O'Keeffe Arthur, 10 Roches ter

O'Keeffe Michl,, Harbour row

O'Keeffe Mrs, Ballymore

O'Keeffe Mrs, 39 Harbour row

O'Keeffe Mrs M, East beach

O'Leary J, Queen street

O'Leary McCarthy Miss, The Crescent

O'Leary Mrs, West beach

Oliver Fred, St Maurs terrace

O'Loughran Robert, clerk of works, 2 Harbour hill

O'Meara Mrs, Mount Bernard

Olsen O A, Harbour row and East beach

O'Mahony P A, West beach

O'Neill J, N T, Walterstown

O'Regan Edward, Park house and West beach

O'Regan John ; Harbour row

O'Reilly C M, Achiever

O'Reilly Thomas, Oakhurst

O'Reilly & Sons ltd, Scotts sq

O'Shea Jeremiah, King street

O'Shea Patk H, Ballyvoloon

O'Sullivan M, East beach

O'Sullivan Mrs A, Harbour row

O'Sullivan Mrs K, 6 Mervue .

O'Suliivan Maurice, King street

O'Sullivan Thos, Lynchs quay

Page Miss M A, The Park

Pacome Rev Sister M, Bon Secours

Palmer Edwin, flag lieutenant, Admiralty house

Parry Mrs Eliza, Harbour view

Patterson G, 53 Harbour row

Peirce George, Merrion lodge

Phipps John, Harbour view

Preston Mrs, to The Crescent

Pumphrey E, Wellington place

Purcell M J, UDC, Harbour row

Quailey Mrs, Queen street

Queenstown Steam Laundry Co ltd, Park road

Ring Miss M, Bond street

Ping William J, MD, 11 Bond st

Riordan Denis, Ardnalee

Riordan John, Ardnalee

Riordan Timothy, Harbour hill

Roberts Norcott, 7 The Park

Robinson & Son, East beach

Robinson Wm F, U D C, East beach

Ropers Brendan, organist St Colmans cathedral

Ronayne James, Roches row

Rooney James, The Rest

Rowe W, Wiilmount

Rushbrooke Capt W H, J P,Whitepoint

Russell Miss, N T, Belleview

Ryan James, Harbour-hill

Ryan John, East hill

Scanlan Matthew, Harbour row

Scogings Thos, Almorah villa

Scott Mrs A E, The Glen

Scaly J T, Lr Midleton street

Sessarego J, Harbour row

Seymour N, H M customs, Summerhill house

Shakespeare T P, 1 Bellevue

Shanahan Patrick,Harbour row

Shannon J, Fort villas

Sharpe Capt E J, Board of Trade

Speedy Hanora, Harbour row

Sheehan D B, LGBA, Seafield

Slattery Sister M Bernard, Rev Mother, Convent Mercy

Smith Rev J Julian, Upper park

Steptoe Walter, Scotts square

Stewart John, Whitepoint

Stirling Wm, Westbourne place

Stopford Mrs, The Park

Stuart Pascoe W G, JP, Marino

Sullivan names, Annbrook

Suttons Limited, Ballast quay

Swanton Richard, JP, Beach

Swayne Capt O R, Ardeevin

Sykes F, 8 The Crescent

Tarrant Hugh S, M D, Charleston house

Teaman & Co, Scotts square

Thompson F H & Son ltd, Beach

Tobin Capt James, 4 Park ter

Towers James, Scotts square

Towers Mrs S, Westbourne pl

Townsend Miss B, Fount Alga

Townsend Richard II, B A, M B, Westbourne place

Twomey J, UDC, Park terrace

Twomey Mrs, East beach

Twomey P, Bishop street

Twomey Wm, 24 Queen street

Tyler and Sons, 8 Beach

Usborne Capt G, RN, Dunlee

Walsh Miss, King street

Walsh Michael, Hawthorn

Wallace Edward, UDC, Upper Midleton street

Ward William, principal technical schools, Beuna vista

Warren Thomas, Wellington pl

Watkin-Williams Comdr R S G, div officer coastguards, (Elmville, East Ferry)

Watson F, manager Electric Lighting Co

Watson John, Brighton terrace

White Thos, Westbourne place

Wickham M, East beach

Wickhan; Mrs, Bond street

Wilcox J, 3 Cloyne terrace

Willcox  J T, 7 Cloyne terrace

Williamson Miss K, York ter

Wilson James, Harbour row

Wilson John, 19 West beach

Wilson Robert, St Maurs ter


Solicitors .

Allen Atwell H, Westbourne

Corker W H, The Grove

Forde H, Homelee

MacCarthy Florence F, Gartnafleur, Midleton park

Nash Vesey C, 4 Beau site Rushbrooke


Physicians and Surgeons.

Hodges R W, Hill house

McLean W W, Bayview

O'Connor John T, Rockcliffe

Ring William., Bond street

Tarrant Hugh S,Charleston hse

Townsend Richard H, Westbourne place


Pharmaceutical Chemists.

O'Sullivan M, 3 East beach

White Thos ltd, Westbourne pl

Wilson John, West beach



Central, Kings square-John T Frennett

Columbia, East beach-Mrs O' Keeffe

Esplanade, Lynchs quay – J Maguire

Grand Union, Kings square- Thomas J Cronin

Imperial-Joseph Grogan

Queens, Westbourne place- Miss B Humbert

Rob Roy, Kings square-Michl J O'Connor

St Patricks, Scotts square- Miss Crone

Temperance, Scotts sq-Mrs McCormack

Westbourne-Mrs Carroll


Land Agents.

Allen A H, Westbourne place

Townsend George, Park terrace


Land Surveyors.

Bowen Michael, Rushbrooke Estate office

Ahern John, Town hall


Lloyds Agents .

Scott James and Co, Scotts sq


Lloyds Surveyor.

Dove Herbert, Kings terrace



O'Farrell E S & Sons, 1 The Crescent



Griffin Thomas,  Harbor ter

Love,Toomey& Co,West beach

O'Reilly & Sons ltd, Scotts sq

Thompson F H & Son ltd, West beach


Bill Poster and Advertising Agent.

Cooke P & Co, 15 West view



Barren Redmond, Ballinacrusha

Dinan-Daniel, Rope walk

Ensor & Son, Lynchs quay

Fennessy Daniel, Ballymore

O'Connell John, Thomas street

Twomey Michael, Ding street

Stack William, Waterstown


Boot and Shoe Makers.

Ambrose A, Harbour row

Barry & Co, 20 Harbour row

Cassidy Richard, Harbour hill

Clarke R T, East beach

Healy J, 7 Kings sq &West beach

O'Connor Thos, Harbour row and Midleton street

O'Donovan J, Harbour row

Tyler & Sons, 8 West beach


Brewers' Agents.

Coleman Michael, Scotts square

O'Reilly & Sons ltd (J J Murphy and Co ltd), Scotts square

Pumphrey E (Beamish & Crawford ltd), Lynchs quay


Builders and Contractors.

Dolan Francis, Midleton street

Healy Joseph J, Teresina

Kilty John, Cathedral place

McGrath J, harbour view

O'Keeffe Arthur, Alta terrace



Ireton John, Harbour row



Barry Richard, East beach

Wallis & Son, G S & W Rly


China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers.

Kinnears Mrs, King square

Walsh Miss, King street


Coal Merchants.

Coleman B., Midleton street

Mackey David, Kings bench

Murray Mrs, West beach

Suttons Limited, Lynchs quay



Ireton Miss I, harbour row

Mowatt Miss, Harbour row

O'Reilly & Sons ltd, Scotts sq

Shanahan Mrs P, Harbour row

Thompson F H & Son ltd, West beach


Cycle Agent:

O'Keeffe Michael,Harbour row



Ballinacrusha-John O'Brien

Ballynoe-Rt Hon Lord Barrymore-Jas Munroe, steward

Ballydulea-John Bird

Cuskinny-Savage French

Glebe farm-Jeremiah Healy

O'Mahony P A, West beach



Ahern Wm E, 1 West beady

Barry Charles, Harbour row

Barry Mrs M, East beach

Buckley Miss M; 5 Harbour ow

Fitzgerald J & Co,  West beach

Hawes W & Co, West beach

Higgins & Co, Harbour row

Sessarego J, Harbour row

McSwiney P & Co, West beach

Martin Patrick, West beach

Mowatt Miss, Harbour row

Olsen O A, Harbour row

Robinsora Wm, East beach

Swanton & Co, Nest beach.



Beausang Mrs, Rockcliffe

Daly Miss, Harbour row

McHugh Miss, Bellevue

Mann Miss, Harbour row

O'Leary Miss, Corrignafoy

Viacava Miss, East hill


Electric Lighting Ca.

The Cork Electric Lighting Co Inmans quay ~- F Watson, mangy ; R Nelson, engineer


Fish Stores .

Love Clayton, West beach


Forwarding Agents.

Mchugh William, Bellevue

Scogings Thomas, Almorah

StirlrngWm (L & N W railway agent), Westbourne place



Ahern Mrs, The Market

Dunn William, West beach

Glasson Mrs, Harbour row

Love,Toomey &Co,-Westbeaeh

O'Mahony P A, West beach


Government Launch and Boat Builders.

Carrigaloe Gridiron and Marine Motor Works Co – R E Roberts & A E Perry, prop,


Grocers~Provision Dealers

Burke David, Harbour row

Cahill J, 19 Harbour row

Co-operative Society ltd, Kings square

Cotter W, Queen street

Crotty M, Upper Cottrelis row

Delany Miss M, West beach

Dunn William, 3 West beach

Griffin Thomas, harbour ter

Healy William, Midleton street

Love Clayton, West beach

Love Mary, Nest beach

Love,Toomey & Co,West beach

Lynch Cornelius, Rookie row

Miller Miss, Harbour row

Millvood Jeremiah; Bishop st

O'Reilly Mrs, Midleton street

Teaman & Co, Scotts square

Twomey J, 24 Queen street

Twomey Mrs E, Harbour row

Williams Miss ; East beach


General Naval and Military Contractors.

English Edward, East beach

Grogan Joseph, Beach

Love Twomey & Co, West beach

McCarthy T, East hooch

Teaman & Co, Scotts square



Cavanagh J R, Scotts square

Murphy G, Scotts square

Murphy V, xIarbour row

O'Hara T, East beach

Robinson William, East beach


Irish Lace Manufacturers

Ahernes, 1 West beach,

McCarthy Mrs, Westbourne

The Irish Lace Co (wholesale only), office 15 Kings square

Towers James, Westbourne and Scotts square


Dwyer James, East beach

Kelly J, Harbour row

Madigan J, Kings square

Murray Mrs, 10 West beach

O'Leary Mrs, West beach


Jewellers & Watchmakers.

Gates George, Eask beach

Hiker Bros, Westbourne

O'Donnell J, West beach



Queenstown Steam Laurndry ltd, park road-Geo Lord, mngr


Lodgings (Boarding Houses.)

Ahern Miss, 35 Harbour row

Brady Mrs, Harbour hill

Forde Miss, 52 Harbour row

Hart Miss, Bellavista

Ireton Miss, 9 Harbour row

Love Clayton, West beach

Mauls Mrs, King terrace

Morrissy Mrs, 4 Harbour hill

Nepean Miss, z Upper park

O'Brien Mrs, Harbour hill

O'Connell Miss, Westbourne

O'Sullivan Mrs, 6 Mervue

Power Miss, Westbourne

Totam Miss, 4 Mervue


Lodging-house Keepers (Emigrant).            

Brady E, Harbour hill

Cahill J, Harbour row

Carroll Mrs, Westbourre hotel

Cavanagh M, Scotts square

Crone Miss, Scotts square

Cronin T J, Kings square

Crowley Jeremiah, Harbour hill

Dillon M, Harbour row

Dockery John P, Harbour row

Hennessy Richard, East beach

Kerrigan Miss, Kings square

Kershaw Thomas, Harbour hill

Kiernan Michael, Scotts square

Leahy Miss, Harbour hill

McCormack J, Scotts square

McDonnell T, West beach

Mackey D, Kings bench

Mehigan Eugene, West view

Murphy Mrs, Lynchs quay

Murphy Mrs, West view

O'Carroll Anthy, Kings square

O'Sullivan T, Lynchs quay

Riordan T, Harbour hill

Roche Miss, harbour hill

Shanahan P, Harbour row

Speedy Mrs, Harbour row


Mineral Water Manufactrs.

Coleman M (agent), West view

O'Reilly & Sons ltd, Scotts sq


Monument Works.

Shakespeare Richd, Thomas st


Music Teachers:

Bruce Henry B, Sunny height

Ducie Miss, Mervue

Holmes F, The Park

Hurley Mrs, Harbour view

Rogers Brendan,organist Queenstown Cathedral

Ryan The Misses, Harbour hill

Walsh Mrs, Harboar terrace


Music Warehouse.     

Fowler G, 8 East beach


Newsagents .

Clifford George, The Ma11

Nagle J


Painters and Decorators

Buckley Bros, Harbour hill

Charde John, Bishop street

Glasson J, 8 Harbour row

McDonnell Wm, Harbour rowy

Purcell M, Harbour row


Pawnbrokers and Loan Offices.

Condon M, 14 King street

Phipps J, Harbour view


Photographers .

O'Keeffe Michl, Harbour row

Lovell Mr, Ruches row



(See Special List Pilots)



Casey D, King street

O'Brien D, Ruches row

Scaly R, lower Midleton st



Franklin R J, West beach


Sewing Machine Depot:

Singer Manufg Co, Harbourrow


Ship Agents.

Clyde Shipping Co, Lynches quay-J J Brennan, agent

Cunard Steamship Co, West beach-A H Nicholls

Horn A C & Co, Lynchs quay

Loane & Sons, Westbourne

Scott James & Co, Scotts square


Ship Chandlers .

Dwyer James, East beach

Kelly John, Harbour row

Madigan James, Kings squar

Miller Miss, 1 Harbour row

Murray Thos, 10 & 16 Beach

O'Leary Mrs; West beach



Cotter Miss, Harbour hill

Coughlan Miss, Harbour raw

Eason & Sons,G S & W Ry state

Franklin R J, West beach

Love & Co, West beach

Towers James, Scotts square

Wickham M, East beach


Tailors and Clothiers

Barry C & Co, Harbour row

Broderick David, 12 and 13 East beach

Earl William, Harbour row

Fitzgerald Edward, The Beach

Kidney D, Harbour hill

Lottie V, Harbour row

Olsen O A, Harbour row and East beach

O'Sullivau M, King street

O'Sullivan Michl, Harbour row

Robinson W, 17 East beach

Sessarego J, Harbour row


Tobacconists .

Co-Operative stores, Kings sq

Coleman Miss, West beach

Cronin Thomas, Kings square

Fitzgerald E, West beach

Kennedy Miss, East beach

Mulcahy Miss, West beach

Robinson Wm, East beach


Undertakers .

Butler Michael, Harbour view

Charde John, Bishop street

Ireton John, Harbour row

Moynihan S, Harbour row



Byrne J G, West beach

Cork Central Meat Co; Harbor row

English E, East beach

Fitzgerald J, Harbour row

Forrest Thomas,Midleton street

Crogan Joseph, West beach

Kirby J, Kings square

McCarthy Timothy, East beach

McDonnell M, Harbour row



Bailey Mrs, Scotts square

Beamish&Crawford,Harbor row

Bransfield Charles, Kings sq

Bruton Thomas, Harbour row

Buckley Elizb, Lr Cottrells row

Burke David, Harbour raw

Cahill James, Harbour row

Carroll Bridget, Westbourne pl

Carroll Lady, East beach

Coleman Bernard, Midleton st

Coleman Michael, Westbourne, West beach, and Scotts sq

Conway C J, Lr Midleton st

Cotter Anne, Scotts square

Grotty M W, Up Cottrells row

Delany Martin, West beach

Dynan Edward, East hill

Fitzgerald Edward, The Beach

Flynn Mary, Queen street

Frennett John J, Kings square

Grogan Andrew, Clifton place

Halford Eliza, Midleton street

Hennessy Richard, East beach

Houlihan John, Queen street

Humbert Bertha,Westbourne pl

Kinnears Daniel, Ding street

Kiernan Michael, Scotts square

Kerrigan A, Kings square

Lawton Hannah, Orelia terrace

Llewellyn Cath, East beach

Lynch Catherine J, Rockies row

Lynch Norah, Clifton place

McCarthy Cornelius, Kings sq

McCall George, Harbour view

McDonnell John, West beach

Mackey David, Harbour view

Maguire James, Lynhs quay

Millwood J, Bishop street

Murphy Edward, Harbour row

Murphy W, East beach

O'Connor Michael J, Kings sqr

O'Keeffe Mrs, East beach

O'Mahony Emily,Harbour view

O'Regan M, Harbour row

O'Regan Michael, Scotts square

O'Sullivan Jane, Harbour row

Purcell M J, Harbour row

Twomey John, Queen street

Twomey Mary J, Midleton st


Wine Merchants.

Coleman M, West view

Delany M, Beach

Love, Toomey & Co, West beach

O'Keeffe Mrs, 8 Beach

O'Reilly & Son, Scotts square

Teaman & Co, Scotts square


Yacht Outfitter & Sail Maker

Murray Thos, 10 & 16 Beach




Electoral Div. Queenstown:

Cotter James, Lissanisky

Good George, Avonmore

McCarthy Miss, Lissanisky


Ahern John, Ballyellane

Ahern John, Ballywilliam

Ahern Simon, Ballydanielmore

Barren John, Walterstown

Barry James, Ballybrassil

Barry John, Ballybrassil

Bird John, Ballydulea

Byrne J G, B,allyvoloon

Cashman James, Currabally

Coakley John, Ballywilliam

Cumringham H, Ballyellane

Cunningham Ml, Ballyellane

Farrell Fergus, Redington

Geary Wm, Ballydanielmore

Grogan Joseph,Ballydanielmore

Higgins Danl, Ballydanielmore

McCarthy Michael, Rossleague

Mahony Michael, Walterstown

O'Connell James, Ballymore

O'Connell John, Ballymore

O'Connell M, Ballydanielmore

O'Regan Michael, Ballymore

Sheehan John, Belgrove

Sullivan Hannah, Ballymore

Sullivan Ellen, Ballymore

Twomey James, Ballywilliam

Twomey John, Ballywilliam

Walsh James, Ballydanielmore

Walsh Ellen, Currabally

Walsh William, Belgrove

Warren Mary, Ballyellane