Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Rostellan




Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmaster-Timothy Shanahan


Conveyances-Steamers of the Cork, Blackrock and Passage ry Co call at Aghada pier (1/2 m .)

Piermaster-J Shorten


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Cloyne


Rural District Council Midleton

Electoral divs Rostellan and Inch


Dispensary and Registration district of Aghada

Med officer and Regr-Dr W J Buckmaster


Petty Sessions district of Cloyne

Constabulary district of Midleton, sub-dist of Whitegate


National Schools-head teachers

Aghada (Endowed)-J McEvoy

Rostellan-Miss K O'Sullivan

Scartlea-Timothy D Scannell ; Mrs N Kelleher



Bible S, Hillside, Lr Aghada

Blake W H, Hillside cottages

Cooke Miss, Pier view cottage

Engledow C J, J P, Rostellan castle

Higgins Jeremiah, Greenpark

Higgins Paul, Upper Aghada

Kennelick Rev Laurence, C C

McCarthy Michael, Up Aghada

McCarthy Rev E, C C,

Nicholson Rev C P S, B A, rector

Roche Wm, Pier view cottage

Roche Henry W, Lr Aghada

Skuce Mrs, Hillside cottage

Teit James, Hermitage

Thackwell Col E R Penrose, Aghada hall

Welsh Rev Michael, PP, Aghada

Wise Bernard, Maryland house


Shopkeepers, etc,

Bennett Mrs Margaret, grocer

Bride Mrs, vint, Lower Aghada

Bride Thos, D C, Temperance hotel, Lower Aghada

Buckley Margaret, groc, Upper Aghada

Cahill Thomas, vint and blacksmith, Upper Aghada

Cashman Mrs M, vintner

Condon A, vintner, Lr Aghada

Connolly Margaret, vintner

Fitzgerald Mary, vintner

Humphries Mrs, grocer

Humphries Mrs, draper, Upper Aghada

McGrath Denis, grocer

Murphy Mary A, groc, Farside

O'Leary Mrs, vint, Lr Aghaela

Shanahan T, coal merchant

Taylor Mrs, shopkeeper

Wall Wm, vint, Upper Aghada

Welsh Ellen, grocer

Walsh John, vint, Up Aghada




Electoral div. Rostellan .

O'Brien Thomas, Hermitage

Tait William; Buckstown

Walsh James, Buckstown

Electoral div, Corkbeg.

Higgins, Jeremiah, Greenpark, Aghada

McCarthy Michael, Aghada

O'Brien Thomas, hermitage


Electoral div. Rostellan .

Fitzgerald David, Whitewell

Gallagher John, holly road

Shanahan T, Rostellan

Electoral div. Inch.

Connell Wm, Ballinrostig

Higgins E P, Ardramore

Higgins Patrick, Ardra

Lahieve William, Ardra

O'Keeffe John, Ardra

O'KeefFe Richard, Ardra

Smith J, Ballinrostig


Electoral div. Inch.

Dunne Maurice, Ballincurrig

Electoral div, Rostellan.

Russell Edmund, Titeskin