Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Rushbrooke



Post, money order, telegraph, and telephone office

Postmistress-Mrs A Cahill


Conveyances-Rushbrooke. a station Queenstown branch G S and W rly ; all trains to and from Cork stop, express mails excepted

Stationmaster-- M O'Sullivan

Ferry boats also ply between Rushbrook  and Monkstown

Ferryman-James White


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Queenstown


Golf Club – Hon sec, H B Bruce, Sunnyheight, Queenstown



Ch Ireland (Christ Chureh) Rushbrook, Rev E Charles Scott, MA, incumbent



Sisters of Mercy-Rev Mother Mrs de Sales



Norwood Female Orphanage, under the care of Sisters of Mercy


Nationl School Rushbrooke

Sisters of Convent, Mercy


Skating Rink, Rushbrooke



Alexander The Misses,Ring Lee

Allen Robert, Coolgrene

Allin Mrs K, 1 Beausite

Ball D, Ballynoe cottage

Barry Cal John, Inver

Breton Rev, 1 Rushbrooke ter

Bennett J H, Brumana

Breton J M, Leemount

Budd S D, The Bungalow

Cahill Mrs A, post office

Carroll Cultra Joseph H,

Chamberlin George E, United States consul, I Riviera ter

Chubb J H, Inca ville

Corker Wm H, solr, The Grove

Coxon Capt AW, Norwood vilas

Craven Mrs,Rushbrpoke terrace

Cruikshank H K, assist U S consul, Trellis cottage

Dinan John, JP,HC,Knockeven

Downing Mrs C, Riviera

Emerson W E, Ballynoe cottgs

Finch Capt John, 2 Riviera ter

Forde Daniel H, selr, Ilomelee

Fox Berth, Woodland villas .

Forde Daniel H, Homelee

Garde Dr, Cooleen

Gloster Mrs, Norwood villas

Hakeman Wm, Strandville

Hartland John, Strandville

Hewson Colonel, I3enmore

Hibbert Capt H T, R N, com South of Ireland coast-guard dist, Castle view

Hudson Robt, 3 Rushbrooke ter

Johnson Miss K, 8 Rushbrooke terrace

Leader Miss, Lynwood

Leslie R H, Ballynoe house

Lethbridge WA, 2 Rushbrooke terrace

McLean W W, M D, Bayview

McMullen Alfred, Travara

McOstrich Alex, J P, Ringmeen house

McOstrich Maj J G, Riverview

MacQueen Mrs, Cottagedale

Mahon Capt, Midleton park

Mathew Mrs, Woodland villas

Nash Vesey C, solr, 4 Beau site

Nason Miss, Prospect villas

Nicholsan Arthur E,Castleview

O'Connor James; J P, HC, Norwood villas

O'Flynn George, Roseville

O'Halloran Miss, Prospectvillas

O'Meara Miss, Prospect villas

O’Reilly, Achinver

O'Sullivan M, station master

Perry Miss D,Castleview

Pierce G bank Ireland, (sub-agt Queenstown), Merrion-- lodge.

Price James (engineer CorkHarbour Comrs}, 2 Beausite

Roche Mrs, Ballynoe villa

Rose George, Strandville

Rowlard Mrs, Silverdale

Peussell Edmund, Newtown

Russell  John, junr, Ballynoe

Rymer Capt E H, Ringacoltig

Scott J W, J P, H C Westlands

Scott Rev C E, M A, incumbent

Seymour C P, 2 Ashton villas

Sharpe Capt, Lee view

Smiddy T, MA, FCS, Norwood villas

Smith Capt W, Rosereath

Smith-Barry Airs, Spring bank

Smith Mrs, 6 Rushbrooke ter

Sullivan W C L, J P, 3 Beausite

Sunner A H, 3 Castleview

Townsend George N, 7 Rushbrooke terrace

Townsend Mrs, Elmville

Townsend Surg-Col, M D, 4 Riviera terrace

Wakeham Miss A, 5 Rushbrooke terrace

Walker Robert, 3 Riveria ter

Welsh Edward, Rose cottage

Warren Edward C, Coolgrene

Westropp Miss, Prospect villa

Young W E, mangr Gas works


Ship Builders:

Queenstown Dry Docks Co- Johnson & Perrott, props b Richard Buckley, manager


Car Owner.

Moynihan Mrs, The Docks



Griffiths Mrs, Newtown



Forrest Mrs M A, The Docks

Luddy John, Newtown