Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Donoughmore 5 m, nearest money order and telegraph office
Postmistress-Miss B Fitzgerald
- Peake 5 m. (
Parliamentary div Mid Cork
Rural District Council Macroom
Elect. div. Mountrivers
Dispensary and Registration district of Clonmoyle
Petty Sessions district of Coachford
Constabulary district of Ballincollig.
In charge of Rylane station- Sergeant Wm Donovan
National School-head teachers
Knocknagoun-Timy Kelleher ,Mrs T Kelleher
Knocknagoun-Jerk Ring, mgr
Shopkeepers, etc.
Allen Cornelius, blacksmith,vintner, and grocer
Fitzgerald Patrick, grocer,vintner and farmer
Herlihy James, tailor, Knocknagown
Kelleher M,shpkr,Annagannihy
Lehane Patrick, carpenter
McSweeney Mary, shopkeeper, Anragannihy
Reardon John, blacksmith
Twomey Michl, shoemaker
Welsh Patrick, carpenter
Aherrn John J, Oughtihery
Burns Timothy, Rylane
Buckley David, Rylane
Buckley Timothy, Glenaglogh
Callaghar. Daniel; Oughtihery
Callaghar Denis, Rylane
Callaghar Mrs, Rylane
Callaghar Timothy, Glenaglogh
Carroll Daniel, Glenaglogh
Carroll Mrs, Rylane
Carroll Thomas, D C, Rylane
Casey Jeremiah, Knockrour
Coakley John, J P, D C, Keel
Cogan Jeremiah, Knocknagoun
Condon Mrs John, Knockrour
Connors Thomas (and mason},Mountrivers
Looney Patrick, Rylane
Gooney Timothy, Rylane
Connell Denis, Glenaglogh
Corkery John, Keel
Corkerry Patrick, Glenaglogh
Cotter John, Glenaglogh
Cronin Daniel D, Knocknagoun
Cronin Daniel J, Knocknagoun
Cronin Patk C, Knocknagoun
Cronin Timothy, Knocnagoun
Cronin Timothy, Mountrivers
Crowley Mrs Cath, Knockrour
Dempsey William, Rylane
Dinan Charles, Knocknagoun
Donovan John, Mountrivers
Driscoll Daniel, Rylane
Duggan Mrs P, Knocknagoun
Foley Mrs, Glenaglogh
Gleeson J T, Glenaglogh
Gleeson J W, Glenaglogh
Gleeson T D, Glenaglogh
Goggin Thomas, Glenaglogh
Healy Mrs P, Knockrour
Herlihy David, Knocknagoun
Horgan Timothy, Rylane
Kelieher Danl C, Knocknagoun
Kelleher Danl J, Knocknagoun
Kelleher John; Knocknagoun
Kelleher John, Rylane
Kelleher Michael, Knockrour
Leaky Denis, Mountrivers
Long Jeremiah, Oughtihery
Looney Daniel, Oughtihery
Lucy Michael J, Glenaglogh
Lynch Daniel, Mountrivers
Lynch Denis, Knockrour
McCarthy Charles, Rylane
McCarthy James, Rylane
McNarnara John, Rylane
McSweery John, Rylane
Mahony James, Glenaglogh
Millard Michael, Knocknagoun
Millard Mrs T, Knocknagoun
Murphy Maurice J, Knockrour
O’Connell John, Knockrour
O'Connor John, Knockrour
O'Shea Denis, Knocknagoun
O'Sullivan Cors, Mountrivers
O'Sullivan Mchl,Knocknagoun
Regan Denis, Rylane
Ring James, Knocknagoun
Riordan Patrick, Rylane
Rourke Patrick, Mountrivers
Savage Patrick, Knocknagoun
Savage Peter, Glenaglogh
Savage Timothy, Knocknagoun
Shaw John, Glenaglogh
Sullivan Jas J, Knocknagoun
Sullivan Michael, Glenaglogh south
Twohig Daniel, Glenaglogh
Twohig Daniel, Rylane
Twohig John, Glenaglogh
Twomey Matthew, Knockrour
Twomey Dlichael, Oughtihery
Twomey Mrs, Knocknagoun
Twomey Patrick, Mountrivers
Twomey Patk P, Knocknagoun
Welsh Jeremiah, Mountrivers