Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Schull


Skibbereen. (Pop 553)

Post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Postmaster-V C Cowen

Telegraphists-Miss Coghlan, Miss Foley


Canveyareces-Schull the terminus, Schull and Skibbereen Tramway and Light ry, two trains to and from Skibbereen daily. Mail car in connection with Skibbereen and Goleen

Stationmaster-Danl O'Donovan


Parliamentary div West Cork

County Electoral div Schull



(Sec also Special List)

Chairman Council-J O'Driscoll, J P

Vice-Chairman-Timothy Coughlan

ChairmanGuardians-E Roycroft, JP

Clerk-W J Roycroft

Master House-James Corbett

Matron-Miss Helena Hegarty

Nurses-Mrs Ahern, Miss Moynihan

Relieving officers-Corns Moynihan; Michael Driscoll


Dispensary and Registration dist of Schull

Med officer and Regr-Dr John Shipsey

Superintendent Registrar-Win J Roycroft

District Nurses-Nora O'Brien, Schull ; Ellen O'Brien, Goleen



Petty Sessions held every fourth Thursday. Quar Sess sists of Bantry and Skibbereen

Clerk Petty Sess—Samuel Whitley



District of Skibbereen.

Constabulary station- Sergeant--Wm Daly



Coastguard station, Schull.

Station officer-William Flynn



Jagoe Abraham, J P, Harbour view



Wolfe William, Schull



Jagoe Abraham, J P, Harbour view



Provincial Bank ltd - Manager, R H WoIfe ; accountant, H Kiely cashier, N Beary



Ch Ireland (Schull)-Rev George Fairbrother, M A

Ch Ireland (Temple-na-mboct)- Rev R H Hadden, BA, rector, Toormore

R Catholic—Rev John O'Callaghan, PP, Revs Francis O'Connor and P O'Donovan, curates

Methodist-Rev Thomas Edwards, minister



Convent of Mercy



National, head teachers-

Schull, No. 1-R W O'Driscoll, William O'Reilly

No. 2-Sisters of bMercy

No. 3-James Ruttle

P L U-Miss Donovan

Long Island-Miss M O'Mahony


Fairs and Markets-6 Jan, 12 Feb, 25 Mar, 17 April, 10 May, 24 June, 17 July, 12 Aug, 29 Sept, 17 Oct, 1 Nov, 4 Dec. Pig Fairs falling on a Saturday held on Friday. Market day, Thursday.



Baldwin R Townsend, J P

Beary W, cashier Prov bank

Corbett James, master workhse

Dixon G W, customs and excise, Inglenook

Dixon Mrs, South terrace

Edwards Rev Thos, Meth min

Fairbrother Rev Geo B, MA, rect

Flynn William, station officer coastguards

Hadden Rev RH, RA,Toormore

Hegarty Miss H, matron workhouse

Jagoe Abraham, JP, Lloyds agt Harbour view and Grove hse

Kiely H, cashier National bank

Moore J Forrest, Fastnett view

Moynihan Cors,relievingofficer

OCallaghan Rev John, P P

O'Connor Rev Francis, C C

O'Donovan Danl, stationmaster

O'Donovan Rev P, C C

O'Keeffe Maurice

O'Regan James, D C

Ottley G, Fair hill

Reilly Amos, harbour constable

Roycroft Edward, J P COC, D C, Mountgabriel

Roycroft W J, clerk R D C

Shipsey Edwd, MD, JP, Island view

Shipsey John, R M

Sweetnam Matthew J, J P, Leamcon house

Wolfe R H, mngr Prov bank



Commercial and Family-F J O'Regan, prop

Cowen's-V C Cowen, prop

East End-J J Hurley,

Grove house-A Jagoe,JP,prop

Harbour view-T Duggan,prop

Island view-Kate Hayes, prop



Coosheen Corn and Wool mills -Mrs Daly, proprietor



Coney Island Copper Co ltd- (not at present working)

Coosheen Copper Mining Co ltd -  (not at present working)

Dereenalomane Bartyes mines -John Inglis, manager


Fish Buyers and Curers

Dwyer Daniel

Lannin N

Scorgie, Donald & Sons


Refreshment Rooms .

Downes C B


Shopkeepers, etc.

Arundel John, shopkeeper

Arundel William, carpenter

Baker Thomas, carpenter

Barnett B, shopkeeper

Barnett Michael, boot and hardware merchant

Browne Miss, dressmaker

Cocks Alfred Thos, genl mchnt

Connell The Misses, drapers

Cotter John, D c, tailor

Cowen V C, draper

Donovan Jeremiah, grocer

Downes C B,refreshment rooms and shopkeeper

Driscoll Danl, agent West Cork Bottling Co

Driscoll Patrick, blacksmith

Driscoll Patrick, shopkeeper

Duggan Timy, grocer & vintner

Hayes Mrs, vintner, etc

Hickey Maria, vintner

Flynn H, coal merchant

Forde Henry, carpenter

Goggin Edward, draper, tailor

Goggin William, vintner

Gregory Richard, vintner

Hegarty Margaret, grocer

Hurley J J, vintner

Lannin Thomas, ear owner

Leonard Thomas, shopkeeper

McCarthy Charles, baker

McCarthy Ellen, victualler

McCarthy Cornelius,blacksmith

Murphy Mary, draper

O'Brien William, draper

O'Donovan Daniel, vintner

O'Driscoll John, D C, groc, etc

O'Keeffe M, draper, grocer, etc

O'Regar Daniel C, vintner and shipping agent

O'Sullivan Daniel, carpenter

Ottley G, Fair hill

Reilly Peter, general merchant

Roycroft Edward, draper

Ryan Denis, coal merchant

Scully Patrick, grocer

Sullivan John, car owner

Sullivan Wm, agent J N Russell and Sons Ltd, Limerick

Whitley G, grocer and general merchant

Whitley Sarah, grocer

Willis George, saddler

Wolfe William, merchant




Electoral div. Ballybane .

Gamier William, Shronagrce

Swanton Jas R, Gortnagrough

Electoral div. Dunbeaeon.

McCarthy Florence, Laharan

Sweetnam John, Mountgabriel

Sweetnam Samuel, Laharan

Electoral Div. Dunrnanus.

Driscoll John, Glan

Hurley Richard, Glan

Leaky Patrick, Glan

McCarthy Florence, Glan

McCarthy William, Glan

Electoral div. Schull.

Arundel Timothy, Schull

Atteridge William, Schull

Copitharne William, Gubbeen

Cotter Charles, Ardmanagh

Cramier Julian, Schull

Dempsey C, Schull

Driscoll John, Schull

Ferguson W, Gubbeen

Kingston Richard, Croagh

Levis Robert, Ardmanagh

Levis W A, Gubbeen

McCarthy Ellen, Ardmanagh

Mahony Timothy, Croagh

Newman John, Ardmangh

Newman Robert, Ardmanagh

O'Brien William, Gubbeen

O'Keeffe Maurice, Schull

Whitley G, Ardmanagh

Whitley Thomas, Ardmanagh

Willis William, Ardmanagh

Wolfe William, Meenvane