Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Skibbereen


(Pop 3,021)

(Urban District Council.)

Market town, head post, money order and telegraph office

Mails despatched for Dublin, England, etc, week-days 11.20 a.m, 6.50 p.m.

Postmaster-J Bourns


Conveyances-Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry, four trains to and from Cork daily ; the terminus for Schull and Skibbereen tramway and Baltimore Extension railway

Stationmaster--William H .Loane


Parliamentary div. South Cork

County Electoral div Skibbereen



(See also Special List.)

Chairman Council-J M Burke, BL,J P

Vice-Chairman-C O'Driscoll

Chairman Guardians-J M Burke, B L; J P,

Clerk-Daniel McCarthy

Master House-Jeremiah Collins

Medical Officer Workhouse (male)- T J O'Meara, J P, M B

Medical Officer Workhouse (female) -Michael Burke, M B


Dispensary and Registration district of Skibbereen

Medical officer and Registrar- Michael Burke, M B



(See Special List,)

Chairman-Daniel McCarthy, JP

Clerk-John O'Shea

Sanitary Authority-U D Council

Medical officer Sanitary Authority - Michael Burke, MB



Clerk-Philip Salter, North street

Harbour Master-A P Dennis



Petty Sessions held every Wednesday.

Quar Sess dist of Bantry

Clerk Petty Sess-Andw Collins



(See Special Constabulary List.)

District Inspector-John Foster

Head Constable-Thos B Sheppard

Constabulary station- Sergeants-Thomas E Morris, F Cronin



Officers stationed at Baltimore-

Chief officer--A Hanlon

2nd officer--E Young



Revenue officer-A H Lee

Income-tax collector--G Burchill



(Sec Special List.)

Chairman-John E Nevis

Secretary-Patrick O'Shea



Daniel McCarthy, Cork road



Collins Andrew, CPS, North street

Waldron Michael, North street

Wood William G, North street



Bank of Ireland-Agent, J McQuaide ; sub-agent, Robert Franklin

Munster and Leinster Bank Ltd- Manager, Richard Carey, JP ; submauager W R Daly

Provincial Bank ltd-Manager, R. P Chambers



Carbery Agricultural Society, President, Lieut-Col The O'Donovan, C B, DL, JP, hon sec, A Collins ; sec, James O'Driscoll

Church of Ireland Temperance Society-Pres, Rev H W Townsend sec, Miss Swanton

Ch of Ireland Young Men's Christian Association, Church meadows- President, Rev H W Townsend, M A, secretary, W H Loane

Girls' Friendly ,Sociely, North st

West Carbery Golf Club-President, The O'Donovan, CB, DL

Hockey Club - Hon Sec, W G Taylor

National Teachers' Association- Chairman, James O'Donovan, Leap, secretary, Chas O'Sullivan, Lislahorrg treasurer, J Hickey, Highfield

Skibbereen Gaelic Football and Hurling  Clubs-Pres, R Coughlan ; hon treas,  D O’Connell ; hon sec P J Cullinane

Skibbereen Mutual Improvement Association, Bridge st, Mardyke

Temperance Hall, Townsend st- President, Rev T Lawton, CC ; sec, M O'Donoghue

Young Men's Society, Market st- President, Rev John Daly, ADM ; hon secs, P Carey and P J Welsh ; hon treas, James O'Driscoll



Skibbereen Gas Light Co- Secretary, Richard Carey ; manager, J Pemberton



Schull and Skibbereen Tramway and Light Railway,offices, Tramway Terminus-Secretary, W J Goggin manager, D Creedon



R Catholic pro-Cathedral, diocese of Ross, North st-Must Rev Denis Kelly, D D, bishop ; Rev John Daly, Adm ; Revs T Lawton and M O'Callaghan; curates

Ch Ireland (Abbeystrowry and Creagh)-Rev H W 'Townsend, M A, surrogate, rural dean and rector ; Rev C Armstrong, B A, curate

Methodist-Rev W J Robinson,BA min,



Sisters of Mercy-Rev Mother, Mary Evangelist Cullen



Skibbereen University & Intermediate School - Head master, D Duggan

Ladies' School &  Art Studio - The Misses Kingston

C I Intermediate and Collegiate - Thomas Hosford, MA

National, head teachers-

Skibbereen, Male-John Hayes, M Cullinane and Daniel O'Sullivan

Infant—Miss O'Sullivan and Mrs Caverly

Convent –Sisters of Mercy

P L U- Jerh O'Regan and Mrs Grey

Abbeystrowry -Mr and Miss Elliott

Abbey (male)-Denis Harrington

Abbey (female) – Mrs E Collins

Highfield - John Hickey ; Miss Hickey

Lislahora, -- Charles O'Sullivan ; Miss Hurlev

Reetrgarogue-Mrs C Cullinane, Oldcourt

Tragumna-Cornelius O'Driscoll  ; Mrs McCarthy


Fairs &Markets-Third Tuesday in each month. Pig fair on previous day, except the fairs on the 10th July and 11th December, which are old fairs. Horse fairs (new) ,July, 20th Aug. The July Horse fair is held on day after the Agricultural show.

Marketday, Saturday. John O'Shea, town clerk .



Adams Jackson, North street

Armstrong Rev SC,BO,curate ct

Appelby Francis, Maulbrack

Alcock John, North street

Barry Anne, High street

Barry Dl, MRCVS, Townsend st

Barry John, High street

Barry Mrs Mary, High street

Beamish John, North street

Becher Sir John Wrixon, bart, MA Cantab, DL, J P, Creagh

Bohane Corns, Townsend st

Bourns J, postmaster

Bradfield Mr, Creamery, Russagh

Breen H, North street

Browne Miss P M, music and singing, North street

Browne Patrick, Bridge street

Buckley Jnhn, Gortbrack

Burke Michael, M H, Bridge st

Burke Wm, P L G, Bridge st

Cadogan Denis, Bridge street

Callaghan J, press correspondent, Marker street

Casey Mrs Lizzie, 37 Main st

Carey Richard, J P, manager Munster and I.einster bank

Carmody James J, North st

Carson Mrs, Coronea house

Carty Miss, Cork road

Casey Dominick, Market street

Casey John Sarsfield, North st

Casey Patrick, Carrigfadda

Casey William, North street

Caverley Daniel, High street

Caverley Edward, Market st

Caverley James; High street

Caverley John, Chapel street

Chambers R P, Prov bank hse

Clarke and Son, Main street

Clerke Thomas, North street

Coakley Daniel, Thornhill

Collins Andrew, C P S, North st

Collins Jerh, master of workhse

Collins Jeremiah, North street

Collins John, Bridge street

Collins Michael B, manager Cork & Kerry creamery co

Collins P J, solr; UDC, PLG, II, North st ; res Marsh banks

Collins Patrick, J P, Bridge st

Collins Thomas, Mardyke

Connell S, Bridge street

Connell T, Bridge street

Connolly Denis J, Cork road

Connolly John, Bridge street

Connolly Mrs H, Bridge street

Copithorne John, Medical hall

Copithorne Thomas, Bridge st

Cork & Kerry Creamery Co ltd

Connell J J, Bridge street

Cotter John, Bridge street

Coughlan Charles, North street

Coughlan Richard, Bridge st

Courtney John, 30 North street

Creedon Dl, mgrSchull & Skibbereen

Light ry, Bridge street

Creedon Miss, North street

Cronin Patrick, Bridge street

Crowley J, Main street

Crowley P, relieving officer, Glen Ilen terrace

Cullen Mary Evangelist, rev mother Sisters of Mercy

Cullinane Corns, Townsend st

Cullinane Kenny, J r, Cork rd

Cunningham Mrs, North st

Cusack Miss M A, midwife  Skibbereen district, Bridge st

Daly Anne, Bridge street

Daly James, North street

Daly Ml, Coolnaggarrane cot

Daly Patrick, North street

Daly Rev John, ADM, The Presbytery

Daly W,R, sub-manager M &.L bank

Davis John, Market street

Dillon Thomas, Bridge street

Dolan Joseph, Main street

Donnellan P J, North street

Donnellan J J, Townhend st

Donoghue Mchl, Townsend st

Donovan Annie, Bridge street

Donovan John, Market street

Donovan John, high street

Donovan The Misses, Rosevillas

Donovan Mrs, Market street

Donovan Patrick, Market street

Dowries & Dolan, Main street

Dowries Robert, Cork road

Dowries Thomas & Co, North st

Draper John, Rose villas

Draper Richard, Bawnard

Driscoll Ellen, Bridge street

Driscoll Timothy, Ilen street

Daffy Albert, Market street

Duggan Daniel, principal intermediate school, Skibbereen

Duggan P, Bellevue place

Elliott David, BE, Church Meadow cottage

Fallon Charles ; North street

Fenwick Ellen, Bridge street

Fenwick Mrs M, Bridge street

Fitzgeraid Miss B, Bridge st

Flynn & Co, Oldcourt

Foster John, dist inspt R I C

Franklin Robt H, sub-agent Bank of Ireland, Upton hse

Fuller Thos and Co, The Quay

Geany Patrick, Townsend street

Gilhooly Maurice,, Bellvue plc

Goggin James, Bridge street

Goggin Mrs Bridge street

Goggin W J, sec Schull and Skibbereen Light railway

Good Peter, Bridge street upper

Goulding Michael, Bridge street

Hackett Ronald J, dentist, Market street

Hanaway Louis, Cork road

Harrington Denis, N T, Townsend street

Harrington M, Mardyke

Harrington Michael, North st

Harrington Timothy, Market st

Hayes Cornelius, Cork road

Hayes John, national teacher ;res Glounasmoule

Hayes Michael J, North street

Hayes Miss M J, music and singing, Market street

Healy Joseph J, solr, 2 North street ; res Lurriga

Hegarty Daniel, Lissanoohig

Hill Benjamin, North street

Hosford Mrs, Bridge street

Hosford Thomas, M A, principal collegiate school, Castlelands

Hosford William, Castlelands

Hurley Cornelius Cork road

Hurley P, North street

Hurley P J, solr, North street ,res Drimoleague

Hurley Richard, Bridge street

Jennings Henry, D C, Bridge st

Jennings Mary A, Bridge street

Jennings Redmond, Oldcourt

Jermyn Richard, North street

Johnson Foster, Custom house

Kelly Most Rev Denis, D D, Bishop of,Ross, The Palace

Kelly Timy, mangr,  Southern Star

Keohane Miss Kate, North st

Keohane Mrs, Cork road

Keohane William, Townsend st

Kingston Miss H, North street

Kingston Mrs, Victoria terrace

Kingston The Misses, Victoria terrace

Kingston William J, solr

Lawton Mercy, Cork road

Lawton Rev Timothy, CC, The Presbytery

Lee A H, inland rev officer

Lenane Richard, North street

Levis and Co, Main street

Levis Bruce, Glenview

Levis Gennge, Cork road

Levis G M, Bridge street

Levis J E, Main street

Levis J J & Sons, Bridge street

Loane W H, stationmaster

Long Michael, P L G, Mardyke

Lynch Jeremiah, Mardyke

Lyons T & Co ltd, Main st

McCarthy Bros, Bridge street

McCarthy C, UDC, Bridge st

McCarthy Charles, Mama street

McCarthy Corns, The Square

McCarthy Daniel, clerk union, J P, U D C ; res Parkview

McCarthy Daniel, law clerk, High street

McCarthy Daniel, Ilen Dairy

McCarthy Dents, Market st

McCarthy Michael, Market

McCarthy Miss, Glencurragh

McCarthy Miss K, Bridge st

McCarthy Mrs, Bridge street

McCarthy Patk, Caonlagarane

McCarthy T, Townsend street

McCrea Andrew, Up Bridge

McQuaideJ J, agent Bank Ireland, Market street

Magrath Michael, Main street

Marmion P H, vet surg, U D C Brookvale terrace

May Mrs Anne, Main street

Meehan J, M & L bank

Minehane J, Bridge street

Minahane Mrs, Townsend st

Moloney Patrick J, Bridge st

Morgan Captain Charles, J P,Bunalun

Morgan Colonel Anthony Hickman, DSP,JP, Hollybrook hse

Morrogh J McCarthy,Iniseg hse

Mulcahy Thos, dep surveyor, Laherdane

Mullins Mrs Nora, Bridge st

Murphy John, West Cork hotel

Murphy Mrs, Ilen street

Murray James J, North street

Nagle William J, North street

Neligan Patriclc J,court keeper, Cork road

Nolan Captain, North street

O'Brien Mrs Annie, Bridge st

O'Brien N, 21 North street

O'Callaghan C J, 2 Millview ter

O'Callaghan Rev M, cc, chaplain workhouse

O'Connell D J, Clerk of Crown and Peace WR, Killeena, Creagh

O'Connell Bridget, Ilen street

O'Connell John, Main street

O'Connell Mrs, Tho Square

O'Donoghue Danl, mngr Lyons and Co's woollen hall

O'Donoghue James, North st

O'Donovan (The) Colonel, MA, CB, DL, J P; Liss Ard

O'Donovan Michl, North street

O'Driscoll Bros, North street

O'Driscoll Cornelius, N 'T, Tragumina

O'Driscoll Dr C A,Gortnaclohy

O'Driscoil James, sec Eagle ltd

O'Driscoll J, Townsend street

O'Driscoll Ml S, Townsend st

O'Driscoll Timothy, Ilen street

O'Driscoll Mrs K, Lilac cottage

O'Driscoll Timothy, Bridge st

O'Hea E, 11 Bridge street

O'Herlihy Jas, 13 Bridge street

O'Keeffe Mrs M, midwife Tullagh district, North street

O'Leary Corns, Townsend st

O'Meara T J, J P, M B, Curragh view

O'Regan Patrick, Bridge street

O'Shea Brothers, Up Bridge st

O'Shea Cornelius, J P, U D C, North street

O'Shea J, town clerk, North st

O'Shea Jno, D C, Drishanemore

O'Shea Mrs Annie, North st

O'Shea Mrs M, Townsend st

O'Shea Patrick, sec Fishery Conservators, Curragh

O'Shea Timothy, Bridge street

O'Sullivan Bros, North street

O'Sullivan Denis B, Market st

O'Sullivan Patrick, A F I O, Smorane house

O'Sullivan Timothy, High st

Pemberton J, gas manager

Power A G, 8 Main street

Purdon B R, R M, Rose bank

Began Michael, High street

Began Miss E M, Townsend street

Ring and Co, Main street

Robinson Rev W G, BA, Meth minister

Roycroft John, The Bridge

Roycroft Thomas R, The Mils and Brewery premises ; also Desert Mills

Peussell W A, Main street

Pvyan James, Townsend street

Ryan Thomas; Bridge street

Salter James, Gortnaclohy

Salter Philip, clerk harbour commissioners

Salter The Misses, High street

Shannon Robert, Main street

Sheehy J, Bridge street

Sheehy Patrick, solr, Rose vills

Sheehy Timothy, COC, UDC, Market street

Sheppard T B, head coast xte

Skuce William, Bridge street

Stafford Mrs, Rose villas

Sullivan Patrick, Cork road

Swanton John Mohonagh

Swanton MissA M, Sunville hse

Swanton Richard, 5 Main street

Swanton Richard, Townsend st

Swanton The Misses, Cork road

Swift C Donnelly, Mill road

Tobin Maurice, North street

Topping John, manager Eagle ltd

Townsend Rev Horace W, MA, rector Abbeystrowry

Trinder James, 33 Maim street

Trinder Thomas, Bridge street

Tucker Edward A, The Grove

Vickery Robert B, Main street ; res, The Cottage

Waldron Michl, com affidavits, North street

Walsh John Russagh mills

Walsh P & Co, Bridge street

Waugh & Co, Main street

Webb C H, Bridge street

Whelan F, High street

Whitla Major P, Glen Teige

Wolfe Brothers, Main street

Wolfe Harry, Steam mills

Wolfe James S, Bridge street ; res Glenfael

Wo1fe J T, solr, P L G, Market street ; res Norton

Wolfe Mrs W J, Snugville

Wolfe Robert S, Main street

Wolfe W and Son, Iien street

Wolfe W Wood, J P, UDC, The Bridge

Wood W G,, North street

Wright J R (reps of), Main st

Wycherley G, journalist, Mill view terrace

Young John, Church gate

Young T, Bridge street


Solicitors .

Collins P J, 11 North street

Healy Joseph J, 2 North street

Hurley P, J, North street

Kingston Wm J, Townsend st

Sheehy Patrick, Rose villas

Wolfe J Travers, Market street


Physicians and Surgeons.

Burke Michael, Bridge street

0° Driscoll C A, Gortnaclohy

O'Meara T J, Curragh view


Veterinary Surgeons .

Barry Daniel, Townsend street

Marrion F H, Townsend street


Medical Halls.

Levis J E, Main street

The Medical hall, Main street



Hackett Ronald J, Market st



Commercial, Bridge st, Mrs  M Fenwick, prop

Eldon, Bridge st--T Connell,prop

Ilen Valley, Bridgest-Patrick Browne, prop

Shamrock, Townsend street- T McCarthy, prop

Temperance-D Cadogan,pro

West Cork-- J Murphy, prop


Land Agents.

Collins A, North street

Collins Patk J, solr, North st

Downes Thos and Co, North st

Wolfe J T, solr, Market street

Wood W G, North street



Collins Andrew, North street

Connell Thomas, Eldon hotel

Wood W G, North street



Clerke Thomas, North street

Connell T, Bridge street

Hurley Cornelius, Cork road

Hurley P, North street

Johnson Foster, North street

Levis J, Main street

McCarthy Mrs, Bridge street

Ring and Co, 26 Main street

Shannon Robert, Main street

Waugh and Co, Main street

Wolfs W Wood, The Bridge


Basket Makers .

Collins Jeremiah, Caheragh

Kearney T, Church cross



O'Hare John, Upper Bridge st

Stack James, Market street

WESY CORK BILL POSTING CO, North street. Protected stations in West Cork


Boot and Shoe Warehouses.

Cadogan Denis ; Bridge street

Connell S, Bridge street

Correll J J, Bridge street

Lenane Richard, Main street

Levis and Co, Main street

Levis George M, Bridge street

Levis J J and Sons, Bridge st

Lyons and Co, Wollen hall

O'Driscoll Bros, North street

O'Regan'Patrick, boot factory, Bridge street .

Shannon Robert, Main street


Builders and Carpenters .

Bohane Jeremiah, ‘98 street

Casey William, North street

Caverley J, High street

Daly James, North street

Daly Patrick J, Townsend st

Donoghue Michael, ‘98 street

Donovan John, Market street

Harrington Timothy, Market st

Jermyn Richard, North street

Murphy John, North street

Nagle W J, North street

O'Leary Cornelius,Townsend st


Butter Merchants.

Bradfield Richard, Russagh

Cork & Kerry Creamery Co ltd

Driscoll Timothy, Bridge street

Lambent Morgan, Rea

McCarthy C, The Square


China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers.

Cadogan Mrs, Ilen street

Dillon Thomas, Bridge street

Driscoll Timothy, Ilen street

Fallon Charles, North street

Hill B, North street

Hosford Mrs, Bridge street

McCarthy C, The Square

O'Brien Mrs A, Bridge street

Vickery R B, Main street



Breen and Love, North street

Cullinane Cornelius, '98 street

Donovan Daniel, Bridge street


Coal Merchants.

Flynn and Co, Oldcourt

Fuller Thomas and Co,The Quay

Sheehy Timothy, Market st

Wolfs James S, The Quay

Wolfs W & Son, Ilen street



Buckley Miss, Main street

Cadogan Denis, Main street

Johnson Foster, North street

May Mrs, 30 Main street

Ring and Co, Main street

Waugh and Co, Main street

Wolfs W Wood, The Bridge


Coopers .

Whelan F, High street

Young T, Bridge street


Corn Merchants:

Beamish John, North street

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

Roycroft John, Bridge street

Roycroft & Son, The Mills and Brewery premises

Wolfs W Wood, The Bridge

Wolfs W & Son, Ilen street

Young Mrs Ellen, North street



Barvnard-Richd Draper, prop

Cork and berry Creamery Co, ltd (and Cheese Factory)

Michael B Collins, manager

Derryleigh-J Donovan, prop

Dreeney-D D Donovan, prop

Hollybrook, Bridge street-T Driscoll, prop

Kilsarlaght-W O'Regan, prop

Lisaree - Patk Wholley, prop

Loughine-T Bradfield, prop

Rathmore-John Davis, prop

Rea-Messrs Lambent, prop

Russagh-Rehd Bradfield, prop


Cycle Agents.

Jermyn J, North street

Mason A A, Townsend stree

Wolfe W Wood, The Bridge


Drapers and Haberdashers

Alcock John (haberdasher), North street

Carmody J J, North sweet

Collins Denis, Main street

Collins Jeremiah, North street

Collins Patrick, Bridge street

Connell Samuel, Bridge street

Copithorne Thomas, Bridge st

Correll J J, Bridge street

Downes & Dolan, Main street

Lenane Richard, Main street

Levis and Co, Corner house

Levis G M, Bridge street

Levis J J & cons, Bridge street

Lyons T & Co ltd, Main st

Daniel O'Donoghue, manage

O'Shea Cornelius, North stns

Power A G, 8 Main street

Swanton R, 5 Main street

Trinder Thomas, Bridge street


Dressmakers and Milliners.

Barry Annie, High street

Brien Kate, Asolus

Carrier Mrs, Bridge street

Daly Mrs, North street

Donelan Mrs, North street

Donovan Hannah, North street

Downes Mrs, Cork road

McCarthy Mrs,Market street

O'Gilvie Miss, Market street

O'Leary Miss, Townsend street

O'Sullivan Miss, High street

Power A G, Main street

Salter The Misses, High street

Trinder Mrs, Bridge street

Walsh Mrs, Bridge street upper

Wright Mrs Rebecca, Cork rd


Dyers Agents,

Alcock John, North street

Levis J J and Sons, Bridge st

O'Shea Cornelius, JP, North st

Power A G, 8 Main street

Swanton Richard, The Arcade

Wolfe Bros, Main street


Emigration Agents.

Hill Benjamin, North street

Hosford Mrs, Bridge street

Levis John F, Main street

Roycroft T, Townsend street


Fish Merchants.

Baltimore Fishery Co, North st

Beamish John, North street

McCarthy Eugene, Townsends

O'Driscoll Timothy, Bridge st

Sheehy J, Bridge street

Sheehy Timothy, Market street


Grocers .

(*Also flour and meal Dealers.)

Browne Patrick, Bridge street

Burke Mary (reps of), Bridge st

Cadogan Mrs, Ilen street

*Clerke Thomas, North street

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

*Crowley Jeremiah, Main st

Driscoll T, Bridge street

*Driscoll Timothy, Ilen street

Donovan Mrs Annie, Market st

Hurley P, North street

Johnson Foster, 37 North street

*Levis John, Main street

McCarthy Chas T, Bridge st

*McCarthy Mrs, Bridge street

O'Brien Mrs Annie, Bridge st

*O'Brien N, 21 North street

*O'Driscoil M, Townsend st

Ring and Co, Nlain street

*Roycroft John, Bridge street

Russell W A, Main street

*Shannon Robert, Main street

*Skuce William, Bridge street

*Waugh & Co, Main street

*Wolfe W Wood, The Bridge

*Young Mrs, North street


Hairdressers .

O’Shea John, Mardyke street


Hardware Merchants and Ironmongers.

Fuller Thomas & Co, The Quay

Kenneally Jeremiah, Bridge st

O'Hea E, Bridge street

Vickery Robert J; Main street

Walsh P & Co, Bridge street

Wolfe J S, 3 Bridge street


Harnessmakers & Saddlers .

Bohane Corns, Townsend st

Callaghan -, Bridge st upper

Connolly John, Bridge street

Donovan J, Townsend street

Donovan Patrick, Market street

O'Donovan Michael,North st


Insurance Agents.

Burke W J, Bridge street

Casey Richard, M & L Dank

Collins A, North street

Downes Thos and Co, North st

Driscoll T, jun, Bridge street

McCarthy Daniel, Cork road

O'Shea John, North street

Sheehy T, The Square

Wood W CT, North street


Iron Founders and Blacksmiths.

Burchill William, '98 street

Geany Patrick, Townsend st

McCarthy Eugene, Bridge st

McCarthy Hugh, North street

McCarthy J, Bridge street

McCarthy Timy, Townsend st

O'Driscoll J, Townsend street

O'DriscolI Michl S, Townsend street

O'Driscoll Michael, Ilen street


Leather Merchants.

Cadogan Dents, Bridge street

O'Regan P, Bridge street

Shannon R, Main street


Motor Works and Garage.

Wolfe W Wood, proprietor



Ilen street-T Connell, prop

Bridge-W Wood-Wolfe, prop

Desert-T Roycroft, prap

Rineen-R Good, prop

Russagh-John Walsh, prop

Skibbereen-T Roycroft, prop



Alcock John, North street

Connolly Miss B, North street

Driscoll Timothy, Ilen street

Levis John, Main street



County Cork Eagle-Manager, JohnTopping ; offices, Bridge street

Southern Star- Southern Star ltd ; editor, C J O'Callaghan; manager, Timothy Kelly offices, Townsend street


Painters, Glaziers, etc.

Casey William, North street

Donovan Barth, Chapel lane

Donovan Denis, '98 street

Hayes Cornelius, Cork road

Nagle William J, North street

O'Callaghan Denis, High st

O'Callaghan Timothy, Bridge street



Swift C Donnelly, Mill road

Waldron M, Northstreet

Webb C H, Bridge street



Cantillon Daniel, Townsend st

Coughlan Charles, North street


Posting Establishments .

Connell Thomas, Eldon hotel

Donelan J J, Townsend street

Donovan Patrick J, Cork road

Goggin Mrs Kate; Bridge street

Keohane Wm, Townsend street

McCarthy Dents, Market st

McCarthy Michael, Market st

Minihane James, Bridge street


Poultry & Egg Merchants.

Barry Mrs Mary, The Square

Carey Mrs Lizzie, The Bridge

Donovan Mrs, Bridge street

Driscoll Timothy, Bridge street

Mullins Mrs Nora, Bridge st

O'Brien Mrs Annie, Bridge st



Eagle ltd, Bridge street

Southern Star ltd, Townsend st


Refreshment Rooms.

Buckley Miss, Main street

Cadogan Mrs, Bridge street

Donovan Mrs Annie, Market street

Fenwick The Misses, Bridge st

Fitzgerald Miss B, Bridge st

Keating Mrs, Bridge street

May Mrs Anne, Main street


Seed and Manure Merchts

Burke Mary, Bridge street

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

Daly Anne, Bridge street

Mahony Cain, Townsend street

Vickery G Levis; Main street

Wolfe James S, Bridge street

Wolfe W Wood, The Bridge


Shopkeepers, etc.

Donovan John, 4 High street

Fallon Charles, North street

McCarthy J, Townsend street

McCarthy Michael, Market st


Shorthand Teachers.

O'Callaghan C J, Millview ter

Wycherly G, Millview terrace


Slaters and Plasterers. ,

Callaghan Jeremiah, Windmill

Callaghan Michael, High st

Caverly James, High street

Caverly Daniel, High street

Caverly Richard, High street

Connolly Denis J, Cork road

Coughlan Abraham, High st

Neill Thomas, Chapel lane


Stationers .

Alcock John, North street

Cadogan Mrs, Irish house

Connolly Miss, Irish house

Levis John Main street 

Russell W A, Main street

Wolfs Bros, 32 Main street


Tailors and Outfitters

Collins Dents, Main street

Collins Jeremiah North street

Collins Patrick, Bridge street

Connell S, Bridge street

Correll J J, Bridge street

Davis John, Market street

Downes and Dolan, Main st

Levis & Co,Main street

Lyons and Co, Woollens hall

O’Driscoll Dents, Bridge street

O'Shea Cornelius, North street

Swanton Richard, Main street

Trinder Thomas, Bridge street


Timber Merchants .

Fuller T and Co, Quay

Wolfe James S, Bridge street



Hegarty J, High street

Hennessy James, High street

Ryan-James, Townsend street

Woods John, Mardyke street


Tobacconists .

Clarke & Son, Main street

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

Connolly Bridget, North street

Creedon Miss, North street

Levis Samuel H, Main street

McCarthy Corns, The square

Russell W A, Main street

Webb C H, Bridge street

Wolfe W Wood, The Bridge

Young Mrs Ellen, North street



Casey William, North street

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

Cullinaae Corns, Townsend st

Daly James, North street

Donovan Daniel, Bridge street

Donovan John, jun, Market st

O'Donoghoe Mchl,Townsendst

O'Leary Corns, Townsend st

Wolfe James S, Bridge street



Brien and Cotter Shambleden

Cotter John, Bridge street

Driscoll Daniel, High street

McCarthy Brothers, Bridge st

McCarthy J, North street

McCarthy John, 17 Bridge st

Connell J, Paragon meat shop

O'Shea John, Bridge street

O'Shea Bros, UpperBridge st

O'Sullivan Bros, North street

O'Sullivan T & Sons, North st

O'Shea Timothy, Bridge street

River Plate Fresh Meat Co, Main street



(*Also Grocers.)

Barry Mary, High street

Carey Cornelius, North street

Collins Nora, Bridge street

Collins John, Bridge street

Connell Thos (Gilbey's stores), Bridge street

Courtney John, 30 North street

*Daly Anne, Bridge street

Daly James, North street

Daffy John J, Bridge street

Daly Patrick, North street

*Dillon Thomas, Bridge street

Donelan J J, Townsend street

Donovan. Annie, Bridge street

Donovan Kate A, Market street

Donovan T, North street

Driscoll Ellen, Bridge street

Fenwick Mrs M, Bridge street

Goggin Mrs K, Bridge street

Gosnell Mrs, Bridge street

Hall Julia, North street

Harrington Michl, North street

Harrington Miss, North street

Hayes Michael J, North street

Hayes Miss, North street

*Hill Benjamin, North street

Jennings Mrs Mary A, Bridgest

Keohane Kate, North street

Keohane Wm, Townsend st

Levis J E, Main street

McCarthy Charles, Main street

McCarthy Dents, Market street

McCarthy Margt, The Bridge

McCarthy Miss K, Bridge st

McCarthy Timy, Townsend st

Magrath Michael, Main street

Midgely Ellie, Ilen street

Minahan Tas, Bridge street

*Minehane Mrs, Townsend st

Moloney Patrick J, Bridge st

*Murphy J, West Cork hotel

Murphy Mrs, Ilen street

Nagle William J, North street

O’Connell Briaget, teen street

Q'Donoghue James, North st

O'Donovan Miss, Townsend st

O'Hea E, 11 Bridge street

O'Herlihy Jas, I3 Bridge street

O'Mahony C, Townsend street

O’Shea John, North street

*O'Shea Mrs Annie, North st

Ryan Thomas, Bridge street

Sheehy Timothy, The Square

Teape Thomas, Bridge street

Tobin Maurice, North street

Wright J R (reps of), Main st


Watchmakers & Jewellers,

Waldron Michael, North street

Webb A H, Bridge street


Wine & Spirit Merchants.

Connell Thomas, Bridge street

Levis J E, Main street

Wright J R (reps of), Main st


Wool Merchants:

Corey Mrs Lizzie, 37 Main st

Copithorne Thos, Bridge street

Mason & Ca, Townsend street




Electoral div. Castlehaven South

Beamish John, Laherdane

Brickley Patrick, Drishanebeg

Jennings H R, D C, Lickowen

Murphy Patrick, Drishanebeg

O'Driscoll John, Drishanebeg

O'Shea John, DC, Drishanemore

O'Shea V1'illiam, Drishanemore

Electoral div . Cloghdonnell .

Browne Patrick, Drummig

Connell William, Lissanoohig

Donovan Peter, Lissanaroe

Fitzgerald Edward, Drummig

Hegarty Daniel, Lissanoohig

O'Sullivan Daniel, Skeagh

Sweetnam Matt, Lissanoohig

Walsh John, Skeagh

Wolfe Henry, Lahertidaly

Electoral div . Skibbereen.

Appelby Francis, Maulbrack

Borneo James, Coronea

Brien Jeremiah, Curragh

Brien Patrick, Curragh

Burke Tames M, D c, Curragh

Burke William J, Coronea

Collins Ja mes, Mallavonea

Collins John, Coronea

Coughlan Dents, Abbeystrowry

Coughlan Mrs, Coolnagarrane

Fitzgerald John, Abbeystrowry

Healy Thomas F, Castleland

Hosford William, Castleland

Hurley Mrs, Coolnagarrane

Kearney Michl, Coolnagarrane

Keating Mrs, Bunlick

Long Michael, P L G, Coronea

McCarthy Chas, U D C, Marsh

McCarthy Chas, Coolnagarrane

McCarthy John, Marsh

McCaura Dr, Lough Ine

Mangan Patk, Derreendangan

Moloney Patrick J, Bunlick

Neill Mrs, Tooreennasillane

O'Driscoll Miss, Greenpark

O'Mahony John, Carrigtadda

O'Shea Patrick, Curragh

O'Sullivan Kate, Lurriga

Swanton John, Mohanagh

Sweetnam John, Betsboro

Vickery William, IViaryville

Wolfe R S, Fortview

Electoral div. Woodfort.

Gosnell Samuel, Inchinagotagh

Herlihy Daniel, Milleenawillin

Hurley John, Derrylugga

Kingstown Sam, Inchinagotagh

Long James, Lissalohorig

McCarthy Chas, Inchingotagh

McCarthy Dents, Inchinagotagh

MahonyMichl, Dc, Lissalohorig

Sullivan Mary, Derrylugga


Electoral div. Skibbereen.

Chudleigh Henry de Stuart, Reenadhuna

McLean Charles, Drisheen

Electoral div. Aghadown north.

Sexton Michael, Foherlagh


Woodfort. div Electoral

Barry John, Bauravilla

Casey Michael, Cooragannive

Caverley  John, Bauravilla

Clancy Patrick, Bauravilla

Hourihane Corns, Bauravilla

Kingston Wm, Cooragannive

Moloney John, Bauravilla

Murray James J, Bauravilla


Electoral div . Castlehaven South

Buckley Daniel, Gortbrack

Connolly Barth, Ardgehaiie

Goggiza J H, Farranconnor

Electoral div. Woodfort.

Collins Jeremiah, Adrigole

Collins John, Adrigole

Ferguson Richard, Lakelands

Jermyn William. Adrigole


Electoral div . Skibbereen.

Barry Mrs; Gortnaclohy

Barry Michael, Lick

Barry Patrick, Lick

Canty Owen M, Bishopville

Donovan Dents, Lick

Draper Richard, Gortnaclohy

Harrington MI B B, Highfield

Hegarty George, Smorane

Lawton Daniel, Gortnaclohy

Leary William, Gortnaclohy

Levis James, Highfield

Levis John J, Highfield

Levis Michael, Derrygereen

Roche Nicholas J, Derrygereen

Shannon John, Derrygereen

Stout Richard, Lick

Sweetnam G, Gortnaclohy ,

Twomey Patrick, Gortnaclohy