Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Spike Island

Spike Island



Conveyances-Government launches

Captains-F Olliver, F Bell, G Hill


Parliamentary div East Cork

County Electoral div Queenstown


Rural District Council Cork

Electoral div. Queenstown


Dispensary and Registration district of Queenstown


Petty Sessions and Constabulary districts of Queenstown


National School-head teacher

Spike Island-Miss Corkery



(Set Special List.)

Fort Westmoreland – 10th, 43rd, and 49th Co's Royal Garrison Artillery

Det 1st Royal Fusiliers



Andrews Capt T A, R A M C

Bell J, mate SS Cambridge

Brown Capt R P, quartermaster

Cork Harbour div R G A

Clarke H J, barrack warden

Corkery Miss, not teacher

Cullanan Rev J, CC

Dean -, barrack warden

De la Pryme Capt P C, A S C

Disney-Roebuck Capt A W, 10th CO RGA

Dore Staff-sergt J, RE, div clerk

Hayes Mrs, midwife and nurse

Hill G, mate SS Caanbridge

Horgan P, cox R A boat

Jennings Maj W, comm 49th CO RGA

Keogh Capt T M, 49th co RGA

Lovett M, barrack sergeant

Martin Sergeant J, master cook

Mannsell Lt-Col F G, com RGA

Miller Regtl Qr-Mr-Sgt E J, RGA

Miller Warrant officer F W,  RE, military foreman of works

Mulqueen F, barrack sergeant

Murphy, P, postmaster

Murray Staff Qr-Mr Sergt, ASC

Olliver F,master SS Wyndham

Pennethorne Maj HE, com 43rd CO RGA

Randall Mrs, schoolmistress military school

Randall W O, schoolmaster military school

Robinson Mr, canteen manager

Sheehan J, cox R E boat

Smith R, farmer and traps con

Swayne Capt O R, DSO , Adjt Cork Harbour Div R G A