Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Timoleague


(Pop 323)

Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmistress-Mrs M J Stanley


Conveyances- Timoleague a station Timoleague and Courtmacsherry Light ry ; two trains to and from Ballinascarty daily

Stationmaster-Michael Kei1y


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Timoleague


Rural District Council Clonakilty 

Electoral divs. Timoleague, Abbeymahon, Kilmaloda east and west


Dispensary and Registration district of Timoleague

Medical officer--Dr P L O'Driscoll


Petty Sessions Court--each alternate Monday. Quar Sess dist of Bandon

Clerk Petty Sess-R C Lendrum Clonakilty


Constabulary district of Clonakilty

In charge of Timoleague station- Sergeant Patrick Shannon



Ch lrelarad- Rev R L Fleming, MA

R Catholic Rev - T O'Hea, PP, Rev T -G O'Hea, CC


National Schools-head teachers

Abbeymahon - Miss Bateman

Clogagh - Thomas O'Donovan, Mrs B M O'Donovan

Timoleague - Barth Murphy ,assist-John J Sheehy

Female - Mrs Hanoria Burke; Miss M A Murphy


Erasmus Board

Timoleague-Miss K R Beamish


Technical School--(see special list}


Fairs & Markets—Third Monday every month. Market day, Thursday



Baker Henry

Beamish Sampson T, J P, D C, Kilmaloda house

Burke Mrs N

Calnan Mrs, Cregane house

Cotter John, Skeaf cottage

Crooke Evans B, J P, Lettercollum house

Donovan Alfred

Donovan Charles P, D C

Donovan C Ummera house

Fleming Rev L R, M A, rector

GriffinTimothy J, J P, D C

Hawkes Devonsher Penrose, J P, Barryshall

Hobbs Robert

McCarthy Joseph A, C E

Magner James F, MA, M D

O'Donovan Patrick

O'Driscoll P L, M D

O'Hea Michl,JP, Rock cottage

O'Hea Rev Timothy, PP, Parochial house

O'Hea Rev T G, CC, Skeaf

Tobin J E, B A, B E

Tobin Mark, D C

Travers Robert A, J P, Timoleague house



McCarthy Miss M E, prop


Bakers .

Griffin Timothy, J P

O'Donovan Mrs Jane



Calnan John, Ballycatten

Kingston John, Carhop

Murphy John, Barryshall

Murphy Patrick


Boot and Shoe Makers.

Hegarty Thomas and Son

Ryan Patrick

Stanton Patrick and Son


Boot and Shoe Warehouses

Donovan Charles, D C

Downing Jeremiah

McCarthy Patrick


Carpenters .

Hurley Charley

Sheehy Edward, Carhoo


Coal Merchant:

Downing J



Cork and Kerry Creamery Co, Ltd-Patrick Nolan,manager



Downing Jerh

McCarthy Patk



Donovan Miss

Harrington Albs

Heazle Mrs

Hurley Miss A


Egg Dealers.

Barry & Co

Donovan Chas

Donovan Jane

Foley Margt

Griffin Timy

Stanley J A


Emigration Agent.

McCarthy Patrick



Barry & Co

Cleary A

Donovan C

Donovan Jane

Donovan Patk

Foley Margt

Griffin Timy

Hart Daniel

McCarthy Miss

McCarthy Patk

Nyhane Danl

O'Brien Jerh, Skeaf

O'Driscoll John

Regan M

Stanley J A

Walsh Cath, Clogagh


Hardware Merchants .

Downing J

Griffin Timothy


Insurance Agents.

Foley Michael

O'Donovan Patk


Masons .

Broderick Jeremiah

Halnan P



Tobin Mark, corn and wool and carding



McCarthy Patrick


Posting Establishments.

Donovan Chas

Stanley J A

Griffin Timy


Provision Dealers.

Barry & Co

Donovan Chas

Foley Margt

Griffin Timy

Hart Daniel

O'Brien J, Skeaf


O'Driscoll John

Stanley J A

Walsh Cathrn, Clogagh


Seed and Manure Merchants:

Griffin Timy

Nyhane Daniel



Collins Richd

Harrington Bros

Hourihane Jerh



Donovan Chas

Downing Jerh

Foley Margt

Griffin Timy

Lawton John, Clogagh

Lucy M

McCarthy Miss

Murphy Ellen

O'Brien Jerh

O'Driscoll John




Electoral div, Ahbeymahon.

Cleary Daniel, Creggane

Cleary Lawrence, Creggane

Cleary Patrick, Aghafore

Collins John, Abbeymahon

Connolly Jeremiah, Aghafore

Deasy James, Abbeymahon

Donovan James, Creggane

Donovan John, Abbeymahon

Driscoll Cath, Abbeymahon

Driscoll Cornelius,Abbeymahan

Driscoll Edward, Abbeymahon

Driscoll John, Abbeymahon

Driscoll Michael, Abbeymahonk

Griffin Timothy, Creggane

Hartnett James, Aghafore

Hurley John, Abbeymahon

Hurley Mary, Abbeymahon

Kingston Jeremiah Ahgafore

Lovell Benj, Abbeymahon

Lovell Thomas, Abbeymahon

Molony John, Abbeymahon

Molony Michael, Creggane

Molony Thomas, Abbeymahon

Murphy John, Aghmanister

Murphy Mary, Abbeymahon

Murphy Patrick; Abbeymahon

Murphy Timothy, Abbeymahon

Neill Michael, Abbeymahon

Perrott John G, Ardgehane

Perrott John T, Ardgehane

Perrott Robert, The Cottage

Perrott T, Ardgehane strand

Perrott Thomas M, Ardgehane

Began Jeremiah, Creggane

Began John, Creggane

Megan Mary, Creggane

Began William, Creggane

White John, D C, Ardgehane


Electoral div . Kilmaloda East.

Barry John, Burrane

Cotter John, Skeaf

Deane Robert, Reencarrigeen

Dean Young, Skeaf

Deasy Michael, Clogagh

Deasy Patrick, Reencarrigeen

Deasy Patrick, Skeaf

Donovan Daniel, Clogagh

Driscoll John, Skeaf

Driscoll Timothy, Kilmaloda

Hennessy Humphrey,DC,Skeaf

Hennessy James, Skeaf

Leary John, Skeaf

Murphy Patriclz, Skeaf

Began Daniel, Clogagh

Began Daniel, Skeaf

Sexton Timothy, Skeaf

Stanley William, Kilmaloda

Sullivan John, Clogagh

Sullivan Patrick, Kilmaloda

Electoral div. Kilmaloda West

Hennessy Humphrey, DC,Monteen

Hobbs Benjamin, Monteen

Lehane Patrick, Carrig

Walsh Michael, DC, Monteen


Electoral div. Timoleague.

Baker H, Ummera

Burke John, Killavarrig

Cowmey Daniel, Killavarrig

Cowmey Denis, Killavarrig

Cowmey John, Killavarrig

Deasy John, Killavarrig

Desmond Cornelius, Killavarrig

Doncivan C P, D C, Carhoo

Good John, Barryshall

Hayes Denis, Killavarrig

Hobbs Robert, Carhoo

Hodnett Catherine, Ardmore

Hodnett Thomas, Ardmore

Kingston Samuel, Barryshall

Leary Arthur, Killavarrig

Leary Daniel, Timoleague

Leary Ellen, Timoleague

Leary John, Killavarrig

Leary Lawrence, Carhoo

Leary Michael, Carhoo

McCarthy Patrick, Killavarrig

Madden Mary, Killavarrig

Magner Mrs N, Maryboro

Murphy B, Carhoo

Murphy Denis, Carhoo

Neville Peter, Killavarrig

Ryan Jeremiah, Ardmore

Sexton John, Carhoo

Sexton Timothy, Ardmore

Sheehy John, Carhoo

Stanley J A, Ummera