Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Upton


Post and money order office ; Innishaanon z m. nearest telegraph office

Postmistress-Mrs Clara Dennehy


Conveyances - Upton a station Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry ; five trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster-John Bennet


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral divs Kinsale and Warrenscourt


Rural District Council Bandon ;

Electoral divs. Ballymurphy, Brinny, and  Knockavilly


Dispensary and Registration dist of Innishannon


Petty Sessions dist of Innishannon

Constabulary district of Bandon.

In charge of Upton station- Sergeant P Beirne


National Schools-head teachers

Garranewaterig - Mrs Buckley

KnockavillyTimy O'Connor, Mrs Neville


Church Education-

Brinnv-Miss Devlin


Danesfort Catholic Industrial School-Rector, Rev John Harrington, O C ; chaplain, Rev Timothy Buckley, O C



Barter B T, Ballinphelic

Bradfield Thomas, Crosses

Brady Rev A J, M A, rector Brinny Glebe

Buckley Rev Timothy, OC,chaplain Danesfort Industrial schl

Harrington Rev John, OC, rector Danesfort Industrial school

Harris John, J P, D C, Curra

Lane Geo M, Dunkereenmore

Lapham Walter, Glenview hse

McCarthy Denis, NT,Clash cotg

O'Brien William, D C, Curra

O'Connell D, D C, Knockavilly

Payne Capt Ludlow,Upton hse

Perrott Robert, Brinny house

Pike Godfrey, Garryhankard hse

Purdon Capt B H, RMF, Beechmount

Pyne G, Highfort

Scanlan Rev Denis, CC, Dunkereen

Shorten Richd, Rockfort house



Brinny mills-J O'Keeffe, prop



Crossbarry Co-Operative Dairy and Agricultural Society ltd -C Forde, manager


Stone Quarries.

Ballyhandle-William O'Brien

Killeady hill--Mrs H Barrett


Shopkeepers, etc.

Barrett Hannah, vintner

Cronin J, groc, Crossbarry

Cronin Mrs M, vint, Crossbarry

Keane T, shkp, Garryhankard

Lane Miss M T, vint, Lissanisky

O'Brien Kate, vintner, grocer

O'Callaghan H,vint, Crossp'nd

O'Donoghue Wm,shpkpr,Curra




Electoral div, Brinny.

Bateman John, Rockfort

Cronin Timy, DC, Clashanimud

Desmond Daniel, Clashanimud

Lapham Walter, Glenview

Lewis. Mrs Mary, Rockfort

O'Connor Daniel, Crowhill

Seymour George, Brinny

Shorten Richard, Rockfort


Electoral div. Dunderrow.

Cronin John, Corran

Deloughery Mrs, Corran

Fitzgerald Richard, Corran

Keeffe Denis, Ballinphelic

Lynch.Michael, .Ballinphelic

Murray James, Corran

Twomey Denis, Corran

Wall Thomas, Ballinphelic


Electoral div . Bahymurphy,

Beazley William, Lissagroom

Coakley Michael, Lissanisky

Curtin Miss, Lissagroom

Dineen Thomas, Bahymurphy

Falvey Denis, Bahymurphy

Forde Timothy, Bahymurphy

Harris John, D C, Curra

O'Brien William, D C, Curra

O'Connor Mrs, Lissanisky

Electoral div, Knockavilly

Beazley Samuel, Tuagh

Beazley William, Crossbarry

Cronin Cornelius, Killeen

Delaney Denis, Garranewaterig

Delaney Jeremiah, Belrose

Desmond Denis, Ballyhandle

Desmond John, Raheen

Desmond Patk, Garranewaterig

Drew Richard, Raheen

Fahy William, Russelhill

Grainger Edward, D C, Belrose

Harold Charles, Crossbarry

Harris John Hawkes, Belrose

Hawkes Michael, Kill

Hawkes Mrs, Kill

Hawkes William, Russelhill

Hurley Jerh, Garranewaterig

Mulcahy H, Garranewaterig

Murphy Mrs, Ballymountain

Nagle John, Ballymountair, hse

Neville Timothy, Russelhill

O'Mahony Daniel, Belrose

Ryan Michael, Ballymountain

Wilson John, Russel hill