Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Vicarstown


St. Ann's Hill.

St Ann's Hill nearest money order office ; Berrings nearest telegraph office

Postmistress-Kate Field


Conveyances-Fox's Bridge (Cork and Muskerry Light ry) nearest railway station


Parliamentary div Mid Cork

County Electoral div Blarney


Rural District Council Cork

Elect. divs, Firmount and Matehy


Dispensary and Registration of Dripsey. Matehy dispensary Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 11 a m to 12 noon

Medical officer and Regr- Jeremiah Ryan, Inniscarra


Petty Sessions district of Blarney

Constabulary district of Ballincollig


National School-head teachers

Vicarstown- Michael Sullivan ,Mrs M T Long


Shopkeepers, etc.

Callaghan Mrs, vintner

Murphy John, egg dlr, Killeen

Reardon Jerh, vintner, Matehy

Reardon Jahn, vint, Vicarstown

Silence John, vint, 'Knockane




Electoral div. Firmount.

Ahern Corns, Pluckanes south

Daly Denis, Ballycraheen

Dilworth Denis, Ballycraheen

Downey Denis, Ballycraheen

Richardson George, Killowen

Walsh John; Ballycraheen


Electoral div. Matehy.

Ahern Margaret, Gilcagh

Ambrose Mrs, Gurt.h

Ambrose Michael, Killeen

Ambrose Margaret, Gurth

Cronin Mrs Kate, Courtbrack

Dilworth Julia, Kilclogh

Dilworth Matthew, Vicarstown

Dilworth Maurice, Kilclogh

Donovan Jeremiah, Killeen

Dorney Edmond, Loughane

Drummy Denis, Kilclogh

Drummy Michael, Kilclogh

Drummy Thomas, Gurth

Flynn John, Gilcagh

Flynn Michael, Kilclogh

Gillman Jeremiah, Kilclogh

Hegarty John D, Kilclogh

Heagarty John Denis, Kilcagh

Hennessy John, Gurth

Herlihy Michael, Vicarstown

Kelleher John, Dawstown

Kelleher John, Loughane

Kelleher Patrick, Courtbrack

Kiely Omen, Loughane

Kiely Timothy, Loughane

Leary Denis, Loughane

Linehan Patrick, Courtbrack

McCarthy Thomas, Kilclogh

Manning Mr, Dromin

Mullane Michael, Loughane

Murphy John, Dawstown

Murphy Michael, Dawstown

Murphy Mrs Julia, Gilcagh

Murphy Patrick, Gilcagh

Murray Denis, Courtbrack

Nagle Mrs James, Gurth

Nolan William, Dromin

O'Brien Matthew,Gurth

O'Callaghan Jerh, Vicarstown

O'Callaghan Mary, Vicarstown

O'Callaghan Mrs B,Vi.carstown

O'Donoghue Jas, Courtbrack

O'Grady Mr, Loughane east

O'Regan Thomas, Vicarstown

O'Shea Thomas, Gurth

Regan Owen, Kilclogh

Richardson Eugene, Gilcagh

Richardson Mrs, Gurth

Riordan Patrick, Gurth

Roche James, Dromin

Ryan Edmond, Loughane west

Ryan Michael, Courtbrack

Scanlan Peter, Dromin

Shea Denis, Gilcagh

Sheehan Daniel, Dawstown

Sheehan Denis, Courtbrack

Sheehan James, Gilcagh

Sheehan Patrick, Vicarstown

Sullivan Danl (reps of), Gilcagh

Sullivan Eugene, Kilclogh

Sullivan Jerh D, Loughane east

Sullivan John, Vicarstown

Sullivan John P, Kilclogh

Sullivan Matthew, Gilcagh

Sullivan Mrs T, Gilcagh

Sullivan Patrick, Courtbrack

Turpin Thomas, Loughane east

Twomey Mrs, Gilcagh

Walsh Thomas, Loughane