Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Whitechurch



Blarney 6 m. nearest money order office, Carrignavar nearest telegraph office

Postmaster-Patrick Kiely


Conveyances-Blarney (G S &W ry and Cork andMuskerry ry) nearest stations


Parliamentary borough of Cork and div Mid Cork

County Electoral divs Blarney, Mallow, and Watergrasshill


Rural District .Council Cork ;

Elect. divs. Blackpool, Carrignavar, Rathcooney, and Whitechurch


Dispensary and Registration dist. of Whitechurch

Med officer and Regr, Whitechurch- Dr Michl Donovan, Whites cross


Petty Sessions district of Blarney

Constabulary district of Cork North


National Schools-head teachers

Whitechurch (mixed)-Miss Julia Murphy ; Miss Collins, asist

Rathpeacon-John Boland; Miss Mahony



FitzGibbon Edward E,Lorrella lodge, Longstone

Linehan Thos, J P, land comr,Ballinvarrig;

Roche Rev James, C C


Flour Mills .

Rathpeacon Flour mills – J Mulcahy, prop


Iron Works.

Scott R & Co limited, Monard and Coolowen. Cork office, Patricks quay


Shopkeeper, etc.

Breen M, carriage builder and carpenter

Casey Mary, vint, Rathpeacon

Connell D, sire owner, Whitechurch

Donovan John, vint, Slievedotia

Hegarty Mrs Ellie, vintner

Horgan Denis, vintner, Monard

McCarthy J,blacksmth, Monard

McCarthy J, shpkr, Farranastig

Mullane P, smith, Farranastig

Murphy Michael, cattle dealer, Gortdotia

Murphy Patrick, shopkeeper, Sixmilewater

O'Leary C D, machine owner, Dromgarriff

O'Sullivan J D, vintner, farmer and machine owner

O'Sullivan P K, cattle dealer, Rathpeacon

Olden Matthew, vict, Kilcully

Spillane W, cattle dlr, Shanlyre

Sheehan Michael, blacksmith, Killeendaniel




Electoral div, Whitechurch

Murphy Mrs, Ballyhesty

Sullivan Mrs, Ballyhesty


Electoral div. Rathcooney.

Buckley Daniel, Kilcully

Cotter Denis, Ballynahina

Forrest John, Killeendaniel

Good William, Kilcully

Hegarty William, Rahanisky

Hegarty Michael, Ballynahina

Hogan Mrs; Kilcully

McAuliffe Daniel, Ballynahina

McAuliffe John, Rahanisky

McAuliffe Mrs P, Rahanisky

McAuliffe Patrick, Rahanisky

Mulcahy Mrs, Kilcully

Murphy David, Killeendaniel

Murphy Mrs, Killeendaniel


Electoral div. Blackpool.

Coleman John, Newgrove

Connell Norah, Dromgarriff

Corcoran Denis, Newgrove

Daly Denis, Gortdotia

Dennehy Thomas, Longstone

I)onoghue Michael, Shanlyre

Donoghue Timothy, Shanlyre .

Donovan John, Longstone

Driscoll James, Gortdotia

Flynn Daniel, Raheen

Humphrey David J, Tullig

Kelleher Corns, Knockanroe

Linehan Denis, Dromgarriff

Mahony John, Gortdotia

Mulcahy Cornelius, Slievedotia

Mulcahy Patrick, Shanlyre

Murphy Edmond, Dromgarriff

Murphy John, Newgrove

Murphy Mrs Kate, Gortdotia

Murphy Patrick, Dromgarriff

Murphy Patrick, Gortdotia

Reilly John, Slievedotia

Sheehan Jeremiah, Dromgarriff

Sheehan William, Dromgarriff

Sullivan James, Dromgarxiff

Sullivan Timothy, Dromgarriff

Electoral din. Carrignavar .

Dorgan Michael, Ryefield

Dorgan Timothy, kyefield

Forde Nicholas, Ryefield

Hart Peter, Ryefield

Hegarty Mrs E, Ryefield

Ilnmphreys D, Ryefield

Humphreys Mrs J D, Ryefield

Humphreys T, Ryefield

Reilly Jeremiah, Ryefield

Sullivan James, Ryefield

Electoral div. Whitechurch .

Ahern Jeremiah, Monard

Ahern Maurice, Monard

Applebe John, Carhoo

Buckley Daniel ; Monard

Casey Patrick, Coolowen

Cashman Dl, D C, Farranastig

Cashman Timothy, Huntinghill

Connell John, Farranastig

Connar Daniel, Rathpeacon

Connor Jeremiah, Bailinvarrig

Connor Michael, Rathpeacon

Cotter John, Boolybeg

Cronin Patrick, Farranastig

Crowley Michael, Kilcronan

Daunt Benjamin, Coolowen

Daunt Mrs; Coolowen

Donovan Daniel, Coolowen

Donovan Jeremiah, Kilcronan

Donovan John, Whitechurch

Downing Daniel, Farranastig

Downing Michl B, Farranastig

Downing Michl M, Farranastig

Forrest Eugene, Rathpeacon

Good Mrs

Hallissey John, Rathpeacon

Healy Thomas, Coolowen

Hegarty Daniel, Whitechurch

Hogan Daniel, Carhoo

Hegarty James E, Killavarrig

Hegarty James T, Killavarrig

Hegarty John J, DC, Ballinvarrig

Ilegarty Patrick, Whitechurch

Hegarty Timothy, Ballinvarrig

Hegarty Lawrence, Killavarr

Humphreys D J, Farranastig

Humphreys J J, Farranastig

Humphreys Jas, Sluggera cross

Humphreys James, Sluggera

Humphreys Mrs J T, Coolowen

Lane M, Farranastig

Linehan Edward, Coolowen

Linehan Thomas, Ballinvarrig

Lucey Michael, Carhoo

NcCarthy John, Rathpeacon

McNamara Lawrence, Monard

McNamara Michael, Boolybeg

McNamara Michael, Monard

McSweeney Myles, Rathpeacon,

Mahony .Andrew, Rathpeacon

Mahony Margaret, Kilcronan

Mulcahy James, Kilcronan

Mulcahy John, Farranastig

Mulcahy Michael, Farranastig

Mulcahy Robert, Monard

Mulcahy Timothy, Farranastig

Murphy Daniel, Farranastig

Murphy James, Ballinvarrig

Murphy John, Coolowen

Murphy Michael, Kilcronan

Murphy Mrs K, Farranastig

Reilly Mrs, Whitechurch

Riordan James, Monard

Sheehan Daniel, Monard

Sheehan Daniel T, Monard

Sheehan Denis

Sheehan Denis, Farranastig

Sheehan Patrick, Monard

Sullivan Denis, Farranastig

Sullivan Mrs Michl, Coolowen

Sullivan P,Monard

Twomey Michael, Farranastig,

Walsh James J, Rathpeacon

Walsh John, Monard