Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Whitegate



(Pap 447)

Post, moneyorder and telegraph office

Postmistress-Mrs A O'Conuell

Telegraph office, Rochespoint

Telegraphist -- M Fitzmahony ,Miss N Power


Conveyances-Aghada Pier 1-1/2 m (Cork, Blackrock and Passage and Midleton 11 m: (Cork & Yaughal ry), nearest .stations . Cars ply ,daily to meet trains and steamer.


Fiermaster-J Shorten.


Parliamentary div Fast Cork

County Electoral div Cloyne


Rural District Council Midleton

Electoral divs. Corkbeg and Inch


Dispensary and Registration dist of Aghada

Medical officer and Regr- Dr Buckmaster


Fort Carlisle

Det Southern Div Royal(Garrison) Artillery


Petty Sessions district of Clovne

Constabulary district of Midleton

In charge of Whitegate station – Sergeant D Desmond


Coastguard stations, division of Queenstown

Rochespoint-chief offcer, W L Ost

Chief boatmen in charge-

Poer Head-J Lace

Corkbeg-J O'Connell


Lighthouse, Rochespoint

Chief lightkeeper - D Hamilton


Fog station, Poer Head

Chief officer-J Phelan


National Schools-head teachers

Ballytibbot-John Duggan ; Miss M' A Culhane

Corkbeg-Miss E Phillips

Gyleen-Miss M Fox

Inch-Miss Lee

Whitegate – Martin Mahony , Miss H O'Callaghan



Beatty E W, BD, rect, Corkbeg

Clare F, steward, Trabolgan

Clarke Mrs T, Trabolgan

Dennehy Bartholomew, Memberton house, Whitegate

FitzGerald Sir Robert Uniacke Penrose, hart; B A Cantab, DL, JP, Corkbeg house

Fitzmahony M, meteorological observer, Rochespoint

Fowle Col F T T, CB, Careystown

Hawkins Richard, Whitegate

Johnston O C, land steward, Corkbeg

Kelly Eugene, Ballyshane

Moore J, barrack warden, Fort Carlisle

Rohan Edmund, Ballymonis

Slnyth Arthur, Ballinrostig hse

Smyth Henry, J P, Finure

Smyth Jonas, Rochemount

Turner A C, master gunner, Carlisle fort



Patrick J Lynch, Whitegate


Land Surveyors.

McEvoy John, Aghada

Mahony Martin, Whitegate


Mineral Water Manufaturer.

Rohan Edmond


Saw Mills .

Fltzgerald Sir R U P, Corkbeg


Shopkeepers, etc.

Bennett --, grocer, Inch

Brice Mrs, grocer, Whitegate

Busteed -Miss, vintner, Inch

Cashman W, carpenter, Ballinrostig

Cashman W, grocer and vine,Ballinrostig

Clancy Henry, vint, Whitegate

Coleman Jerh, vint, Whitegate

Day Wm, victualler, Whitegate

Doyle Mrs, grocer,Whitegate

Driscoll Mrs M, groc,Whitegate

Duhig Miss B, groc, Ballinrostig

Dunne Edmnd,groc,Whitegate

Dunne Miss, vintner, Gyleen

Hawkins Sarah, mht,Whitegate

Hegarty John, vintner, grocer, Ballinrostig

Hegarty Wm, vintner, Gyleen

Lynch James, tailor, Whitegate

Lynch Mrs A W, grocer, etc, Whitegate

McLean H, carptr, grocer, wint Whitegate

Mahony William, blacksmith, Ballinrostig

O'Brien Patrick, grocer, Gyleen

O'Callaghan Eugene, grocr,etc, Whitegate

O'Callaghan Patrick, saddler, Whitegate

O'Connell Mrs Annie, grocer, Whitegate

O'Connor Denis, shoemaker, Whitegate

O'Neill James, grocer, Gyleen

Power Jas, blacksmith, Whitegate

Rohan Edmond,vintner,grocer, coal merchant, Whitegate

Russell Jas, grocer, newsagent Whitegate

Savage Maurice, vint, Whitegate

Sheehan Jerh, coal merchant and vintner, Whitegate

Smyth Mrs, grocer, Ballyshane

Smyth Wm, Ballybranagan

Tobin Mrs, grocer, Lahard




Electoral div. Corkbeg.

Downey John, Ballynookery

Hegarty John, Peafield

Kennedy Peter, Ballynookery

Morrissey Thos, Ballynookery

Wall Andrew, Ballynookery

Wall Michael, Ballynookery

Wall Thomas, Ballynookery

Wall William, Ballynookery


Electoral div: Inch.

Hegarty Philip, Ballinvoher


Electoral div. Corkbeg

Ahern John, Ballyvaloon

Coleman Mrs, Glanagow

Cumin William, Glanagow

Geary Redmond, Careystown

Hawkins R, Ardnabourkey

Lynch Timothy, Ballyvaloon

Smyth John, Ballyvaloon

Stafford Michael, Ballyvaloon

Stafford Mrs, Ballyvaloon

Stafford Patrick, Ballyvaloon

Sullivan Wm jun, Rochemount

Sullivan Wm sen, Rochemoun

Electoral div. Inch

Ahern Patrick, Ballinatray

Fitzgerald Michael, Ballinatray

Manning John, Glanturkin

Roche John, Glanturlcin

Wall Edmond, Glanturhin

Wall John, Glanturkin

Wall Thomas, Ballinatray


Electoral div. Inch.

Cashman Maurice, Ballyshane

Cashrna.Wm, Lugfree

Connell Edmond, Shanahee

Connell Thomas, Coolbea

Connell William, Ballinrostig

Cunningharn J, Ballykenefick

Cumin John, Lugfree

Dawlcins William, Tullahee

Garde John, Inch

Higgins Michael, Shanahee

HigginsWiiliam, D C,Ballytihbet

Kelly Corns, DC, Ballyshane

McCarthy Michael, Lahard

McDonnell C, Ballytibbet

Scanlon T, Tullaheen

Shea Edmond, Lahard

Shea Luke, Lahard

Shea William, Lahard

Smith John, Ballyshane

Smytlr Arthur, Ballytibbot

Smyth Harry, Inch

Steele John, Ballyshane

Wall Michael, Lahard

Wall John, Ballytibbot

Wall John, Ballyshane

`Wall Michael, Coolbea

Wall Thomas, Lahard

Walsh William, Lahard


Electoral div . Corkbeg.

McCarthy William, Ballyknock

Sullivan Jeremiah, Trabolgan