Fáilte Romhat

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  Holden's Triennial Directory Cork 1805,1806,1807

Holden's Triennial Directory Cork 1805,1806,1807

Fair Geo. Grocer George's St
Fairbrother Mrs Grocer Duncan St
Falvy Tim.  Publican Dunbar St
Fannen Jeremiah Cooper Cove St
Fannen Joseph Linen draper South Main St
Fanning Caesar Stained paper manufacturer Patrick St
Farrell and Roche   Wine, spirit and mineral water warehouse Cook St
Farrell and Dannehy   Wholesale and retail woollen draper Shandon St
Fegan   Merchant South Mall
Fennel John Grocer Peter's St
Ferguson Dr.    Morgan St
Finlay James Haberdasher Grand Parade
Finn Mrs. Catherine and James Brokers Levett's Quay
Finny Mr. Academy Academy St
Fitter Lieut. Col.   Buckingham Pl
Fitton  Hannah Colour maker Paul St
Fitton  Rich. Academy Charlotte's Quay
Fitts John Nailor Hanover St
Fitzgerald Robt. Merchant George's St
Fitzgerald James Stained paper manufacturer Batchelor's Quay
Fitzgerald James Oil and colour man Mallow La
Fitzgerald James Grocer and dye stuff warehouse Mallow La
Fitzgerald Patrick Chair maker Broad La
Fitzgerald John Perfumer George's St
Fitzpatrick Dennis Stone cutter Margaret St
Fitzpatrick Daniel Musical instrument maker South Mall
Flaherty Michael Wrought iron manufacturer Grand Parade
Flaherty and Barrett   Salt and lime works White St
Flaherty Mrs   White St
Flannagan Charles Callenderer Charles St
Flannagan Tho. Musical instrument maker Broad La
Flannagan Wm. Baker Mallow La
Flinn Michael Woollen draper North Main St
Flinn Dennis Grocer Shandon St
Flinn John Baker South Main St
Flinn John Tobacconist South Main St
Flinn Mrs   George's Quay
Fohy M Boot and shoemaker Coal Quay
Fohy Lawrence Baker Mallow La
Foley Pierce Ostrich feather manufacturer Hanover St
Foley James Woollen draper North Main St
Foley Daniel Woollen draper and army clothier Barrack St
Foley Mary Linen draper South Main St
Foley Dan Dyer Bandon St
Foley John Vintner Mallow La
Fontaine   Dancing academy George's St
Foot Tho. Attorney Patrick St
Foot Mr Rich.   South Mall
Foott John Merchant South Mall
Ford Dan Vintner Barrack St
Foree   Oil and colour man Paul St
Fortest Tho.  Esq. Charlotte's Quay
Forsayth Mr. Robt.   Dyke Parade
Forster John Esq. Charlotte's Quay
Forster Mr.   Sidney Pl
Foster Mr. Joseph   Winthropp's St
Fortescue Mr   George's St
Fortune and Burnett   Sugar bakers Cook St
Foulkes John Confectioner Batchelor's Quay
Fowkes Sam. Mr..   Dean St
Fowler Dr   Duncan St
Fowler Rich. Surgeon and apothecary Mallow La
Fowler John. Mr.   Cook St
Fowler Rich. Mr.   Duncan St
Franklin John Attorney and notary public Patrick St
Franklyn John Boot and shoemaker Fishamble Lane
Franklyn Miss   George's Quay
Franks Henry Linen draper Patrick St
Franks  C Attorney South Mall
French Robt. Ornament painter and glazier Grand Parade
French Savage Esq. George's Quay
French Mr   South Mall
Fuller Mrs   Peter's St
Fuller Mrs   Mary St