Fáilte Romhat

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  Holden's Triennial Directory Cork 1805,1806,1807

Holden's Triennial Directory Cork 1805,1806,1807


Kean Mr. Classical academy Duncan St
Kean Lawrence Writing master and accomptant Jone's Square
Kearney Mrs. Vintner Broad La
Kearney Mrs. Clare   Patrick St
Kearney James Esq. Patrick St
Kearns Wm. Architect   Half Moon St
Kearns Nicholas Architect   Bennett St
Keating Miss   South Mall
Keay Christopher Oil and colour man Paul St
Keafe Mrs. Butter merchant Mallow La
Keefe Daniel Baker Mallow La
Keefe David Baker Duncan St
Keefe Matthew Vintner Mallow La
Keefe Timothy Vintner Bandon Rd
Keene Wm. Pump and block maker Brown St
Kelher Bridget Baker South Main St
Kelleher Matthew Blanket and swanskin warehouse North Main St
Kelleher Timothy Cork cutter Hanover St
Kelleher Daniel Cooper Coal Harbour
Kelleher Mrs.   Mary St
Keller Charles Butter merchant Mallow La
Kellett Wm. Augustus Esq. Levett's Quay
Kellett H. Esq. Charlotte's Quay
Kelley Mrs Tanner Britain St
Kelley Geo. Baker Barrack St
Kelley Rich. Salesman Barrack St
Kelley Mrs. Baker George's St
Kelly James Hide warehouse Mallow La
Kemp Robt. Ironmonger Kirl's Quay
Kemp Robt. Jun. Ironmonger Coal Quay
Kemp Wm. Woollen draper North Main St
Kemp Jeremiah Grocer South Main St
Kemp Miss Grocer Duncan St
Kemp Rich. Tallow chandler South Main St
Kennedy Sam. Carver and gilder Fishamble Lane
Kennedy John Patten maker Broad La
Kennedy Rev. Mr.   George's St
Kenifick Edmund and sons Woollen drapers and lacemen Patrick St
Kent Edw. Currier and tanner North Main St
Keyburn Geo. Tin plate worker North Main St
Keys James Baker Duncan St
Kiely John Linen draper Fishamble Lane
Kiernan Simon Print seller Patrick St
Kift  Wm. Merchant Academy St
Kift  Mrs.   Margaret St
Killock & Maxwell   Merchant Lapp's Island
Kilpatrick Claudius Tin plate worker Half Moon St
King Joseph Merchant Queen St
King John Wm. Grocer and liquor merchant Turkey St
Kingston   Alderman Queen St
Kingston Mrs. Rooke   Bishop St
Kirby Eleanor Hosiery and flannel warehouse North Main St
Knowles Miss   Duncan St
Kyley Mr. Edmund   Mary St