Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Holden's Triennial Directory Cork 1805,1806,1807
Nagle | E | Leather seller | South Main St |
Nagle | Garret | Grocer | Castle St |
Nagle | Rich | Dyer | George's St |
Nailor | Geo | Silver plater | Brunswick St |
Nash | Edmund | Linen draper | North Main St |
Nash | Wm | Attorney | South Mall |
Neal | Francis | Tin plate worker | North Main St |
Nelson | Geo | Hosier | North Main St |
Nettles | Rich | Wine merchant | Cove St |
Newenham | Geo and Co | Bankers | Patrick St |
Newenham | esq | Rutland St | |
Newman | Mr Wm | George's St | |
Newson and Collett | Ironmongers and manufacturers | Batchelor's Quay | |
Newson | Dennis | Oil & colour manufacturer | North Main St |
Newson | J & Geo | Merchant | Sand Quay |
Newson | L esq | Greenville Pl | |
Nicols | Harry | Tobacconist | South Main St |
Nicholson | Mrs R | Hood | Sullivan's Quay |
Nicolson | John and Nicholas | Jewellers, silversmiths and sword cutlers | Grand Parade |
Nicolson | Book binder and stationer | Fish St | |
Nixon | John | Linen draper | North Main St |
Nixon | Edward | Academy | Jone's Square |
Noble and Burn | Stained paper manufacturer | Charles St | |
Noble | Rev Mr Wm | Bishop St | |
Noblet | Geo | Hosier | Castle St |
Norris | Wm Perry | Linen draper | North Main St |
Norris | J | Vintner | Coal Harbour |
Nott | Frank | Cabinet maker | Duncan St |
Notter | Ann | Perfumer | Parliament St |
Nugent | Hatter | Grand Parade | |
Nyhan | Dennis | Grocer and sprint merchant | Barrack St |
Nyhan | Mary | Grocer | Barrack St |