Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Kildare

Griffiths Valuation - Kildare 1851

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Kildare.

Ardkill Castledillon Grangeclare Kilpatrick Pollardstown
Ardree Churchtown Grangerosnolvan Kilrainy Rathangan
Ballaghmoon Clane Greatconnell Kilrush Rathernan
Ballybought Clonaghlis Harristown Kilteel Rathmore
Ballybrackan Cloncurry Haynestown Kineagh Scullogestown
Ballymany Clonshanbo Jago Knavinstown Sherlockstown
Ballymore Eustace Coghlanstown Johnstown Lackagh St.Johns
Ballynadrumny Confey Kerdiffstown Ladytown St.Michaels
Ballynafagh Davidstown Kilberry Laraghbryan Stacumny
Ballysax Donadea Kilcock Leixlip Straffan
Ballyshannon Donaghcumper Kilcullen Lullymore Taghadoe
Balraheen Donaghmore Kildangan Lyons Tankardstown
Belan Downings Kildare Mainham Thomastown
Bodenstown Duneany Kildrought Monasterevin Timahoe
Brannockstown Dunfierth Kilkea Moone Timolin
Brideschurch Dunmanoge Kill Morristownbiller Tipper
Cadamstown Dunmurraghill Killadoon Mylerstown Tipperkevin
Carbury Dunmurry Killashee Naas Tully
Carn Feighcullen Killelan Narraghmore Usk
Carnalway Fontstown Killybegs Nurney Walterstown
Carragh Forenaghts Kilmacredock Oldconnell Whitechurch
Carrick Gilltown Kilmeage Oughterard  
Castledermot Graney Kilmore Painestown