Fáilte Romhat
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BALLINCOLLIG, a post-town, in the parish of CARRIGROHANE,
barony of BARRETTS, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 5 1/4miles (W.)
from Cork, and 130 1/2 miles (S. W.) from Dublin, on the road from Cork to
Macroom; containing 875 inhabitants. This place is chiefly distinguished as a
military depot, and for its extensive gunpowder-mills, formerly carried on under
the superintendence of Government, but, after having been for some years
discontinued, recently purchased by the present proprietors, and now in full
operation. The artillery barracks form an extensive quadrangular pile of
buildings, having in the eastern range the officers' apartments, and on the
western side an hospital and a neat church, built in 1814, in which divine
service is regularly performed by a resident chaplain. The buildings contain
accommodation for 18 officers and 242 non-commissioned officers and privates,
and are adapted to receive eight field batteries, though at present only one is
stationed here, to which are attached 95 men and 44 horses: in the centre of the
quadrangle eight gun sheds are placed in two parallel lines, and near them are
the stables and offices; within the walls is a large and commodious school-room.
Immediately adjoining the barracks, and occupying a space of nearly four miles
in extent, are the gunpowder-mills, 16 in number. At convenient distances are
placed the different establishments for granulating and drying the gunpowder,
making charcoal, refining sulphur and saltpetre, making casks and hoops and the
various machinery connected with the works; the whole communicating with each
other, and with the mills, by means of small canals constructed for facility of
carriage, and for preventing such accidents as might occur from other modes of
conveyance. In appropriate situations, and adjoining these establishments, are
the residences of the different persons superintending the works; and at the
eastern extremity of the ground, but at a considerable distance from the mills,
are two ranges of comfortable cottages for a portion of the work-people, now
tenanted by 54 families, which obtain a comfortable livelihood. The number of
persons employed is about 200, and the quantity of gunpowder manufactured
annually is about 16,000 barrels. The police depot for the province of Munster
is situated here; the men are drilled till they become efficient, and then
drafted off to the different stations in the province. There is a R. C. chapel,
to which is attached a school. To the south of the town, and on a limestone rock
rising abruptly from the surrounding meadows, are the remains of Ballincollig
castle, of which one of the towers is in tolerable preservation. --See