Fáilte Romhat

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  Lewis Topographical Dictionary - Conna

by Samuel Lewis

CONNA, or CONNOUGH, a village, in the parish of KNOCKMOURNE, barony of KINNATALOON, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 4 3/4 miles (N. W.) from Tallow: the population is returned with the parish. This place, which is situated on the river Bride, is a constabulary police station, and has fairs on May 12th, June 20th, October 3rd, and Nov. 21st. The R. C. chapel is situated here. Conna castle is said to have been built by one of the Earls of Desmond, and was taken by storm, in 1645, by the Earl of Castlehaven. In 1653 it was burnt, and Avis, Joanna, and Jane German, daughters of Edward German, perished in the flames, as appears by a monument with an inscription recording this calamity in Knockmourne church. The castle, of which only a high square tower remains, stood on an isolated limestone rock on the south side of the river Bride. Excellent salmon and trout are caught in this river.